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বাহক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

বাহক : (p. 748) bāhaka carrying, bearing, conveying. n. a carrier, a bearer (বাহক মারফত); a porter; (rare) a conveyance. 40)


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বাসর২, বাসরঘর
(p. 748) bāsara2, bāsaraghara a bride-chamber. বাসরশয্যা n. bridal bed. 23)
(p. 751) bigaḍ়ānō to corrupt or spoil or to be corrupted or spoilt, to send or go to the bad (ছেলে বিগড়ানো); to deprave or be depraved (চরিত্র বিগড়ানো); to confuse or be confused (বুদ্ধি বিগড়ানো); to put or go out of order (কলবিগড়ানো); to make or become disloyal or hostile or unfriendly or refractory (প্রজা বা সাক্ষী বা বন্ধু বা ঘোড়া বিগড়ানো); to upset or be upset (মন বিগড়ানো). মত বিগড়ানো v. to change one's mind. 44)
(p. 767) bilōkana seeing or viewing or looking eagerly or wistfully; observation. 93)
(p. 786) bēẏāri sent by post with postage unpaid or underpaid. 78)
(p. 758) bidhā sort, kind, variety, type; manner, mode; arrangement (সুবিধা). 27)
(p. 756) biṭaṅka a pigeon-house, a dovecote; a trap for catching brids, a fowling-net. 15)
(p. 747) bāla a male child, a boy; (in comp.) a child. ̃ক্রীড়া n. boyish sport; a child's play. ̃খিল্য n. (myth.) any one of the sixty thousand ascetics who were not more than a thumb in height; a Lilliputian, a midget, a pygmy. ̃চর্যা n. bringing up children. ̃চাপল্য n. childish flippancy or frolicsomeness. ̃বাচ্চা n. young or infant children, (sl.) kiddies, ̃বিধবা n. a child-widow. ̃বৈধব্য n. widowhood at a very early age. ̃ভাষিত n. the utterance of a childlike talk or prattle; (fig.) an utterance of no importance, babble. ̃রোগ n. a children's disease; an infantile disease, (med.) pediatric diseases. ̃শশী n. the moon of the second lunar night of a light fortnight. ̃সুলভ a. childlike, childish. ̃সূর্য n. the newly-risen sun; the rising sun. 14)
(p. 717) bandiśa (in music) style; style of composition. 69)
(p. 790) baibāhika matrimonial; nuptial. n. the father-in-law or an uncle-in-law of a son or daughter. fem. n. বৈবাহিকী. (loos. & pop.) বৈবাহিকা the mother-in-law or aunt-in-law of a son or daughter. 54)
(p. 738) bāṭā3 a kind of metal tray (esp. one for holding betel-leaves). 43)
(p. 743) bādhōbādhō on the point of commencing or ensuing or breaking out (ল়ড়াই বাধোবাধো); uneasy or hesitating (বাধোবোধো গলায়). বাধোবাধো ঠেকা to be in two minds, to be embarrassed, to hesitate to do or act, to be in a state of indecision. 2)
(p. 794) byatīpāta a disaster; a natural calamity (such as, earthquake); (astrol.) an astral conjunction portending a natural calamity. 31)
(p. 721) bāk speech, language; learning; the organ of speech. ̃চাতুরি, ̃চাতুর্য, n. cleverness of speech; gift of the gab; artful or wheedling language, a quibble. ̃চাপল্য n. flippancy in speech; flippant speech; loquacity, talkativeness. ̃ছল n. artfulness or wheedlesomeness of speech; equivocation; a quibble. ̃জাল same as বাগজাল । ̃পটু same as বাগ্বিদগ্ধ । ̃পটুতা, ̃পটুত্ব same as বাগ্বৈদগ্ধ । ̃পারুষ্য n. rudeness of speech; insulting words. ̃প্রণালী n. mode of speaking; an idiom. ̃প্রপঞ্চ n. elaborate speech; eloquence. ̃রোধ inc. but pop. var. of বাগ্রোধ । ̃শক্তি n. power or faculty of speaking. ̃শক্তিরহিত, ̃শক্তিহীন a. dumb; unable to speak; rendered speechless; dumbfounded. ̃সংযম n. exercise of restraint in speech, sparingness in use of words, reticence, taciturnity. ̃সর্বস্ব a. excelling only in words and incapable of action. বাক্সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a person of mere words, a wind-bag. ̃সিদ্ধ a. having the power to utter infallible words. fem. ̃সিদ্ধা । ̃স্ফূর্তি n. utterance of words. ̃স্বাধীনতা n. freedom of speech. 280)
(p. 794) byāghāta a hindrance; an obstacle; interruption. ব্যাঘাত করা v. to hinder; to obstruct; to interrupt. ব্যাঘাত সৃষ্টি করা v. to put hindrance to, to interrupt; to put a damper on; to stand in the way. ব্যাঘাতক a. hindering; obstructive; interruptive. 60)
(p. 743) bābada on account of. n. an account. এই বাবদ on this account, on account of this. কীসের বাবদ on what account. কোন বাবদ in which account; on what account. 31)
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