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ভেড়ি১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভেড়ি১ : (p. 823) bhēḍ়i1 an embankment, a dam; an embanked low land used as a fishery, a fishery dam. ভেড়ি বাঁধা v. to embank, to dam. ̃ওয়ালা n. an owner of a fishery dam. 10)


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(p. 813) bhābita conceived, thought of, contemplated; worried; purified, rectified, saturated; infused. 2)
(p. 823) bhō-n̐dauḍ় a very swift or quick run, a break-neck run. 28)
(p. 820) bhūsbāmī a landowner; a landlord, a zeminder; a king. fem. ভূস্বামিনী a female landowner; a landowner's wife; a queen. 22)
(p. 826) bhrātrīẏa brotherly, fraternal. 32)
ভর্ত্ সিত
(p. 802) bhart sita scolded, rebuked; reproached; reprimanded; censured. fem. ভর্ত্ সিতা । 86)
(p. 810) bhābābiṣṭa lost in ecstasy or reverie or thought; overwhelmed with emotion. 51)
(p. 802) bhadrāsana homestead. 44)
(p. 802) bhabiṣya future; posterior. ̃নিধি n. Provident Fund. ̃পুরাণ n. one of the eighteen puranas (পুরাণ). ̃সূচনা n. presage. 55)
(p. 808) bhāñci secret dissuasion; act of alienating someone secretly; intrigue that induces one to break away from or to be estranged from. ভাংচি দেওয়া v. to dissuade or to alienate by secret intrigue; to cause a split. 13)
(p. 826) bhru the eyebrow. ̃কুঞ্চন, ̃কুটি, ̃কুটী n. a frown. ভ্রুকুটি করা v. to frown. ভ্রূকুটিকুটিল a. (of looks or eyes) frowning. ভ্রূক্ষেপ n. act of casting one's eyes neglectfully or cursorily; (fig.) slightest heed. ভ্রূক্ষেপ না করা v. to refuse to look at even cursorily; (fig.) to take no heed of, to ignore completely. ̃ধনু n. the arch of the eyebrows. ̃বিলাস n. a pleasant knitting of one's brows, a charming frown; a lustful frown. ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃ভঙ্গি same as ̃কুঞ্চন । ̃মধ্য n. space between the two eyebrows. ̃লতা n. the eyebrows as beautiful as creepers. ̃লেখা n. the hachures. ̃সংকেত n. a beckoning (esp. a stealthy one) by moving the eyebrows. 36)
(p. 826) bhyā denoting: bleating; baa; loud weeping (ভ্যা করে কাঁদা). 13)
(p. 802) bhakti devotion; worship; devoutness, piety; profound admiration; strong attachment or addiction; obedience; trust or faith or reliance; inclination or relish or appetite (খাবারে ভক্তি); earnest pursuit, devotion (পড়াশোনায় ভক্তি). ভক্তি করা v. to be devoted to; to worship; to admire profoundly; to follow faithfully; to have trust or faith (in); to rely; to have inclination or relish or appetite (for); to be earnest (in), to pursue earnestly. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a devotional book. ̃চিহ্ন n. a mark or sign of devotion. ̃তত্ত্ব n. the doctrine or cult of or a treatise on devotion or devoutness or piety. ̃পথ n. devotion (without knowledge or practice) as the only means of attaining salvation, the path of devotionalism. ̃পরায়ণ a. devoted (to); worshipful; devout; strongly attached or addicted (to); having profound admiration (for); reverent; having trust or faith (in), reliant; having inclination or relish or appetite (for); earnest, earnestly pursuing. fem. ̃পরায়ণা । ̃পরায়ণতা n. devotion; worshipfulness; devoutness; strong attachment or addiction; profound admiration; earnestness, earnest pursuit, ̃পূর্বক adv. with devotion; reverentially; with trust or faith or reliance; willingly or with pleasure (ভক্তিপূর্বক খাওয়া বা নেওয়া); earnestly (ভক্তিপূর্বক প়ড়াশোনা করা). ̃প্লুতচিত্ত n. mind steeped in piety. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine holding that salvation is attainable by means of devotion only (without knowledge and practice); devotionalism. ̃বাদী a. devotionistic, devotionalistic. n. a devotionist, a devotionalist. ̃ভরে same as ভক্তিপূর্বক । ̃ভাজন n. a reverend or venerable or adorable person or object. a. reverend; venerable; adorable. ̃ভাব n. devout or worshipful or devoted or reverential disposition of mind. ̃ভাবে adv. devoutly; worshipfully; devotedly; devotionally; reverentially. ̃মান same as ̃পরায়ণ fem. ̃মতী । ̃মার্গ same as ̃পথ । ̃মূলক a. devotional. ̃যোগ n. worship of God or effort to attain beatitude by means of devotion only (irrespective of knowledge or practice). ̃রস n. (rhet.) the sentiment of devotion. ̃শীল same as ̃পরায়ণ । fem. ̃শীলা । ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. devoid of devotion or devoutness; irreverent; having no attachment (to); having no trust or faith (in), unreliant; having no inclination or relish or appetite (for); devoid of earnestness or willingness. 5)
ভাঁড়ামি, ভাঁড়ামো
(p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়āmi, bhān̐ḍ়āmō jesting, foolery, waggery; buffoonery; clownery; drollery; witticism. 26)
(p. 823) bhēṇḍāra a vendor. 13)
(p. 820) bhēm̐pu a kind of wind-instrument; a bugle, a trumpet; a honk, a horn, a hoot (মোটরের ভেঁপু). ভেঁপু বাজানো v. to blow the aforesaid wind-instrument, to bugle, to trumpet; to honk, to hoot, to horn. 32)
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