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যিনি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

যিনি : (p. 890) yini who (used in respect). 49)


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(p. 895) yūpa a wooden framework to which the neck of a sacrificial victim is fixed at the time of immolation (also যূপকাষ্ঠ). ̃কাষ্ঠ same as যূপ । 6)
(p. 890) yini who (used in respect). 49)
(p. 890) yāma a division of the hours of the day (=3 hours approx.) ̃ঘোষ n. the jackal (as it howls at every third hour). 43)
(p. 888) yatēka (poet.) as much or as many, all whatever. 4)
যাচন২, যাচনা
(p. 890) yācana2, yācanā act of asking (for), prayer, petition; begging; solicitation; volunteering. যাচনা করা v. to ask or pray (for); to beg; to solicit; to volunteer, to offer. যাচিত a. asked or prayed for; begged; solicited. 16)
যুবা, যুবক
(p. 894) yubā, yubaka one who has attained youth; (loos.) grown-up; young. n. a young man, a youth. fem. যুবতী, যুবতি । যুবজানি n. the husband of a young woman. যুবাকাল, যুবাবয়স n. youth, young age; (of animals) calf-time.
(p. 890) yāẏa a list, an inventory, a catalogue; account, sake (কিসের যায়ে). 46)
(p. 890) yāntrika pertaining to machines, mechanical; versed in machines or mechanical engineering or machine operating. n. a mechanic; a mechanical engineer; a machineman, an operator. যান্ত্রিক গোলযোগ mechanical disorder or defect. 32)
(p. 890) yama2 the Hindu God of death (cp. Pluto.); (fig.) death (যম ঘনানো); an annihilator, a destroyer, an antidote (ম্যালেরিয়ার যম). যমে ধরা v. to die; to be at death's door, to be in the jaws of death; to be seized with a ruinous intention; to undertake a death-dealing venture. যমের অরুচি even repugnant to Yama (যম) or death; an utterly repugnant person. যমের বা়ড়ি same as যমালয় । ̃জয়ী a. one who has conquered death; immortal; deathless. ̃জাঙ্গাল n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃দণ্ড n. the sceptre of Yama যম; Death's rod; (fig.) death-like mortification. ̃দূত n. a messenger of Yama যম; a summoner of death; (fig.) a person of horrible or forbidding appearance, a messenger carrying a horrible message. ̃দ্বার n. the court of Yama (যম); death's door, gates of death or hell; (fig.) death. যমদ্বারে (যমের দুয়ারে) যাওয়া v. to die, to meet one's death; to be killed. ̃দ্বিতীয়া same as ভ্রাতৃদ্বিতীয়া (see ভ্রাতৃ). ̃নী n. fem. the wife of Yama (যম). ̃পুকুর n. a vow observed by unmarried Hindu girls. ̃পুরী same as যমালয় । ̃যন্ত্রণা n. deathagony; (fig.) deathly or terrible affliction. ̃রাজ n. King Yama (যম) the lord of death. 2)
(p. 889) yabōdara a lineal measure (1/8 inch). 21)
(p. 896) yōga union; mixture, blending; relation; connection, association; contact; cooperation, concert (একযোগে); act of joining with; yoga (যোগে বসা); an expedient or means; a medium (ডাকযোগে); a vehicle or a route (বিমানযোগে, শূন্যযোগে); a path or method for spiritual attainments (ভক্তিযোগ); a time (রজনীযোগে); (astr. & astrol.) a conjunction of stars and planets (বিষ্কুম্ভযোগ); (astrol.) an auspicious time (বিবাহের যোগ); (astrol.) a probability of occurrence (মৃত্যুযোগ); a remedy, a medicine (মুষ্টিযোগ); food, repast (জলযোগ); facility or chance (লাভের যোগ); application or employment (মনোযোগ); (math.) addition; (math.) the plus sign. যোগ করা v. to unite; to mix, to blend; to practise yoga; to add. যোগ দেওয়া v. to unite; to associate with; to participate; to report as for duty; to take up an employment, to join; to add. ̃ক্রিয়া n. (alg.) componendo. ̃ক্ষেম n. attainment or acquisition of unattained things and preservation of what is attained. ̃দান n. participation, taking part; attending. যোগদান করা v. to be associated with; to side with, to join (with); to take part in, to participate; to report for duty; to take up an employment, to join. ̃নিদ্রা n. self-absorbed trance of a divine person (বিষ্ণুর যোগনিদ্রা); a yogic trance (যোগনিদ্রামগ্ন তপস্বী). ̃ফল n. (arith.) result of addition, sum; (phys.) summation. ̃বল n. spiritual power derived from yogic practice or meditation. ̃বাহী a. uniting; connecting; acting as a medium; helping to maintain contact; (chem.) catalytic. ̃ব্যায়াম n. yoga; yogic exercise for physical and mental health. ̃ভঙ্গ n. break or interruption of yogic meditation; a failing in yogic practice or meditation. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. interrupted or foiled in yogic practice or meditation; lured away or fallen from spiritual heights attained by means of yoga. ̃মায়া n. (Hindu theol.) the allprevading illusory energy of godhead; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃মার্গ n. the yogic path of spiritual attainments or salvation. ̃রূঢ় a. (gr.) formed by compounding two or more words and implying a special meaning (যোগরূঢ় শব্দ). ̃শাস্ত্র n. the yogic scriptures; a book on yogic practice. ̃সাজশ n. undesirable or unfair or criminal collaboration; a conspiracy. ̃সাজশে adv. in collusion with. ̃সাধন n. unification; mixture; blending; joining; practice of yoga. ̃সাধনা n. practice of yoga. ̃সিদ্ধ a. successful in acquiring spiritual attainments or salvation through yogic practice; attained through yogic practice. ̃সিদ্ধি n. success in yogic practice; spiritual or other attainments or salvation obtained through yogic practice. ̃সূত্র n. connexion; correlation. 4)
যূথিকা, যূথী
(p. 895) yūthikā, yūthī a kind of jasmine. 5)
(p. 896) yōddhṛbēśa the dress or attire of a soldier; the military dress. 24)
(p. 890) yātrā going; setting out on a journey; commencement of a journey (যাত্রা শুভ); a solemn ceremony performed on the eve of a journey in order to make the journey favourable (usu. যাত্রানুষ্ঠান); movement, a journey or voyage or flight; leaving, departure (ট্রেনের যাত্রার সময়); (chiefly in Christ.) exodus; passing, career (জীবনযাত্রা); maintenance (সংসারযাত্রা); a religious ceremony, a festival (দোলযাত্রা); an open-air (usu. rural) opera or dramatic performance (যাত্রাগান); a time, an occasion. (এ যাত্রা বেঁচে গেলাম). যাত্রা করা v. to set out on a journey, to set out for; to start on a journey; to leave, to depart; to perform a solemn ceremony on the eve of a journey to make the journey favourable; to act in an oper-air opera; to stage an open-air opera or drama. যাত্রার অধিকারী n. the proprietor (who is also the manager and chief director) of an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার দল an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার প্রাক্কালে on the eve of departure. এ যাত্রা on this occasion, this time. ̃গান n. an open-air opera or drama; an open-air opera performance; a song contained in an open-air opera. ̃পুস্তক n. (Christ.) the Exodus. যাত্রিণী fem. of যাত্রী । যাত্রীবাহী a. carrying passengers. যাত্রীবাহী জাহাজ a passengership. যাত্রী a. carrying or transporting passengers (যাত্রীনৌকা). n. a goer; a traveller, a passenger. 26)
(p. 895) yē & con. who, which, that. □ con. that (বলছি যে আজ বাড়ি যাব). a. that which (যে ছোকড়া, যে বিষয়). int. expressing doubt or uncertainty (কী যে হবে); cause (বেলা যে গেল, বাড়ি চলো); interrogation or inquiry (খেললি না যে); reproof (মিথ্যা বললি যে); drawing of attention or attachment of importance (দুঃখে বুক ফাটে যে); amazement (অত পড়ে ফেল করল যে) ; disgust (আবার বৃষ্টি এলো যে); warning (ছুটে চলো-ট্রেন ছাড়ল যে); acceptance (যে আজ্ঞা). যে অবধি since when; up to which time, till when. যে আজ্ঞা all right, sir; as you please, sir; that's right, sir. যে কটি all the small number that, the few. যে কারণে for which reason, wherefore, why. যে কালে whilst, when. যে কে সেই pro. & a. as before, the same. যে কেউ whoever; anybody; any one. যে কোনোজন, যে কোনোটি any one. যে কোনো স্হানে anywhere; anywhere and everywhere; everywhere. যেটুকু pro. a. & con. all the small amount or degree or extent that, the little. যে দিন the day which or when; which day. যে পর্যন্ত up to which; up to which time; till. যে যে all who; all which. যে সে pro. any man in the street, Tom Dick or Harry; anybody whoever; anybody and everybody; anybody; everybody. a. ordinary, commonplace, humdrum. 8)
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