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হাতা১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

হাতা১ : (p. 1050) hātā1 limits; area, confines, precincts (বাড়ির হাতা) । 55)


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হুজুগ, হুজুক
(p. 1060) hujuga, hujuka a passing popular excitement or trend; a fashion esp. a passing one; a rumour. হুজুগ ছড়ানো v. to spread a rumour. হুজুগ তোলা v. to raise a rumour. হুজুগে মাতা v. to participate (or involve oneself) madly in a passing popular excitement or trend. হুজুগে a. given to participating madly in a passing popular excitement or trend; given to accepting madly a passing fashion; given to indulging in rumours. 9)
(p. 1056) hīna devoid of; divested or deprived of; destitute of; lacking, bereaved of; -less (পাপ হীন = sinless); base, mean; vile, hateful; lowly, depressed; inferior; lower (পদমর্যাদায় হীন); lowered, degraded; humiliated; humble; undignified; poor, indigent (হীন অবস্হা); miserable; decreased or diminished; dull, dim. হীন করা v. to debase; to lower, to degrade; to humiliate; to make poor or indigent. ̃কর্মা a. doing vile or hateful deeds; employed in a lowly or base work. ̃চরিত্র a. depraved; mean-natured. ̃চেতা a. mean-minded. ̃জন্মা a. low-born. ̃জাতি a. belonging to a lowly or depressed or vile caste or race. ̃তা n. privation, absence; lack; meanness; vileness, hatefulness; low state, depression; inferiority; humiliation; humility; indignity; poverty; misery; shortage. হীনতাব্যঞ্জক a. indicating meanness; disgraceful; undignified. ̃প্রকৃতি; a. mean-natured, of an ignoble character; small-minded. ̃প্রভ a. lacklustre; dim. ̃বল a. weak; feeble; weakened, enfeebled. ̃বুদ্ধি a. having evil or vile thoughts. ̃বৃত্তি n. a vile or lowly occupation or calling. a. employed in a vile or lowly occupation. ̃মতি, ̃মনা a. mean-minded; suffering from inferiority complex. ̃মন্যতা ̃মানস n. inferiority complex. ̃যান n. one of the two Buddhist sects. হীনাবস্হ a. poor, indigent; low-lived; in a miserable state. হীনাবস্হা n. poverty, indigence; a low life; a miserable or wretched state. 58)
হাভাত, হাভাতে
(p. 1050) hābhāta, hābhātē one without means of procuring one's daily food; (fig.) an utterly indigent or wretched person. a. having no means to procure one's daily food; utterly indigent or wretched. 81)
(p. 1049) hastā the thirteenth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astornomy. 11)
(p. 1056) hiraṇya gold. ̃গর্ভ a. full of gold, auriferous. n. Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). 51)
(p. 1056) hāsi a laugh; laughter; a smile; ridicule or derison; (fig.) brightness (চাঁদের হাসি). হাসি পাওয়া v. to feel inclined to smile; to feel inclined to smile a derisive smile, to feel inclined to laugh in one's sleeves. হাসির পাত্র an object or butt of ridicule or derision, a laughing-stock. হাসির ব্যাপার a ridiculous or ludicrous affair. ̃কান্না n. smiles and tears; tearful smiles; tears of joy; joy and sorrow mixed together; alternate joy and sorrow. ̃খুশি n. gaiety, liveliness, jollity, vivacity. a. gay, lively, jolly, cheerful, vivacious. ̃ঠাট্টা, ̃তামাশা n. banter, badinage. হাসিঠাট্টা করা, হাসিতামাশা করা v. to enjoy a light and lively chat; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to pull one's leg. ̃মুখ n. a smiling face. ̃মুখে adv. with a smiling face; happily, gladly; ungrudgingly; willingly. হাসির খোরাক an object of ridicule, a laughing stock. হাসির গল্প n. a funny tale, a comic story, a humorous story. ̃হাসি a. smiling; bright; charming; pleasant. 15)
(p. 1060) hōma an oblation of fire into which ghee is poured. ̃কুন্ড n. a pit for making a sacrificial fire. ̃ধেনু n. a cow whose milk is used in religious sacrifices. ̃ভস্ম n. the residual ashes of a sacrificial fire. 95)
(p. 1050) hātuḍ়ē quacksalving, charlatanic. n. a quacksalver, a quack, a mountebank, a charlatan. হাতুড়ে চিকিত্সক a quack physician, a quack. ̃গিরি n. quackery, mountebankery, mountebankism, charlatanism. 65)
(p. 1047) haẏatō perhaps, perchance; possibly; probably. 4)
(p. 1044) hici a very loud uproar; fuss. হইচই করা v. to raise an uproar; to fuss noisily. হইচই করে বেড়ানো v. to gallivant, to gad about (noisily and cheerfully). 3)
(p. 1044) hajama digestion; (iron.) misappropriation or appropriation to oneself by cunning (চাঁদার টাকা হজম); (idiom.) act of enduring tamely, pocketing, swallowing (অপমান হজম). হজম করা v. to digest; (iron.) to misappropriate or to appropriate to oneself by cunning; (idiom.) to endure tamely, to take something lying down. হজমি a. digestive (হজমি গুলি = digestive pill). 15)
(p. 1056) hāhā indicating: the noise of loud lamentation, grief, affliction etc.; emptiness, vacuity; desolation; the noise of guffaw. হাহা করা v. to lament or grieve or wail loudly; to be empty or desolate; to guffaw. হাহা করে ওঠা v. to burst into loud lamentation or wailing or into a guffaw. ̃কার n. loud lamentation or wailing. ̃কার করা v. to lament or bewail loudly. 20)
(p. 1044) hōẏā being; happening, occurrence; birth; growth; production; collection, formation; accomplishment; performance; procurement; rendering; becoming; setting in; sufficing; the state of being in particular relation with; act of becoming one's own or one's property; fitting. v. to be; to come into existence, to be created; to happen, to occur, to take place (যুদ্ধ হওয়া); to be born; to grow (ধান হওয়া); to be produced or manufactured; to gather or collect; to form; to be earned or gained; to be acquired (তার টাকা হয়েছে = he has made money); to advance (বেলা হওয়া); to increase, to grow, to add to; to be finished or accomplished or performed; to be procured or obtained; to be rendered or turned into, to be reduced to; to become (রাজা হওয়া); to arrive (সময় হওয়া); to set in (সন্ধ্যা হওয়া); to extend over, to cover (দুদিন হল সে গেছে = it is two days since he went); to be seized or attacked with (ভয় বা জ্বর হওয়া); to fall বৃষ্টি হওয়া; to be sufficient or adequate for, to suffice (এ টাকাতেই হবে); to bear a particular relation to (সে আমার কুটুম হয় = he is my relation); to become one's own or one's property (জমিটা তার হল); to fit (জামাটা গায়ে হবে না); to be likely to happen (তা হবে = it may be so, it may happen so). a. completed, finished; done; performed (হওয়া কাজ). হয়ে আসা v. to drop in temporarily (আসার পথে বাজারটা হয়ে এসো); to be about to terminate or end, to come near the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying (তার হয়ে এসেছে). 4)
(p. 1050) hāmbā the noise made by cows, low. 91)
(p. 1060) hēn̐ṭa bent down, bowing down (হেঁটমুন্ড), bending down one's head, stooping (হেঁট হয়ে প্রণাম). n. the underneath, bottom (হেঁটে কাটা). লজ্জায় মাথা হেঁট করা to hang one's head from shame. 51)
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