(p. 508) dēba God; a male deity, a god; (in respectful address) a king, a master, an elder, a father, a husband, a preceptor, a guru, a teacher, a Brahman, any person commanding respect; (as a sfx.) the chief or best man (ভূদেব, নরদেব). ̃কণ্ঠ a. having a god-like voice. fem. ̃কণ্ঠী । ̃কন্যা n. fem. a celestial female, a daughter of heaven. ̃কল্প a. godly, godlike; perfectly holy or beautiful. ̃কার্য n. a divine mission; a task enjoined by God or a god, religious worship. ̃কাষ্ঠ n. deodar. ̃কুল n. a temple, a shrine; the race of gods. ̃কৃপা n. divine grace. ̃খাত n. a natural lake or lagoon. ̃গুরু n. Brihaspati (বৃহস্পতি) the teacher of gods. ̃গৃহ n. a house of worship, a temple, a shrine. ̃চরিত্র a. & n. (having) a divinely pure or saintly character. ˜চিকিত্সক n. the physician of the gods, the heavenly physician. ̃তরু n. any of the five celestial trees; mandar (মন্দার), parijat (পারিজাত), santan (সন্তান); kalpabriksha (কল্পবৃক্ষ) and harichandan (হরিচন্দন). ̃তা n. a goddess; a god; a deity; (fig.) an object of worship or deep reverence (স্বামীই স্ত্রীর দেবতা). ̃তুল্য a. godly, godlike. ̃ত্ব n. godhead, divinity; godliness. দেবত্বারোপ n. ascription of divinity, apotheosis. ̃ত্র n. a property endowed for defraying the cost of worshipping a deity. ̃দত্ত a. godgifted. ̃দর্শন n. a visit to pay homage to an idol; a pilgrimage to the seat of a god. ̃দারু n. deodar. ̃দাসী n. a woman dedicated to the service of an idol of a particular temple. ̃দুর্লভ a. even difficult for gods to obtain; rare even amongst gods (দেবদুর্লভ কান্তি). ̃দূত n. a heavenly messenger, an angel. fem. ̃দূতী । ̃দেব n. a god of gods; an appellation of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা), Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) and Shiva (শিব). ̃দ্বিজ n. pl. gods and Brahmans (দেবদ্বিজে ভক্তি). ̃দ্বেষী a. hostile or inimical to gods; anti-God; godless, atheistic. n. any one of the mythological demons hostile to gods. ̃ধান্য n. millet, durra, jowar. ̃ধূপ n. bdellium. ̃নাগর, নাগরী n. a script in which Sanskrit is written. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to gods. ̃পতি same as দেবরাজ । ̃পথ n. the celestial path, the sky, the firmament. ̃পশু n. a creature earmarked to be immolated at a holy sacrifice. ̃পুরী n. the city of gods, Paradise; (fig.) a very beautiful house or residence. ̃পূজক n. a votary or worshipper of gods; a priest. ̃পূজা n. worship of a deity; religious worship ̃প্রতিম a. godlike; godly. ̃প্রতিমা n. an idol; an image of a deity, a holy image. ̃প্রতিষ্ঠা n. the ceremony of establishing an idol at a particular place. ̃প্রসাদ n. grace or kindness of the gods. ̃প্রিয় a. beloved of gods. ̃বাক্য, ̃বাণী n. the voice of God; a divine or heavenly voice; an oracle. ̃বৈদ্য same as দেবচিকিত্সক । ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to gods; pious. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to gods; godliness; piety. ̃ভাষা n. the Sanskrit language. ̃ভূমি n. heaven; paradise; the Himalayas; a place of pilgrimage, a holy place; (fig.) an extremely beautiful place. ̃ভোগ্য a. fit to be enjoyed by gods, fit for divine consumption. ̃মন্দির n. a temple, a shrine. ̃মহিমা n. divine greatness or grandeur or glory or splendour. ̃মাতা n. Aditi (অদিতি) the first mother of gods. ̃মাতৃক a. (of a country) nursed by rain. ̃যান n. a celestial chariot or car; a path which leads the wise to heaven; an aeroplane. ̃যোনি n. a ghost, a spirit; a demigod. ̃রথ n. a celestial chariot or car; the chariot of the sun-god; a path leading the wise to heaven; an aeroplane. ̃রাজ n. Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods, (cp. Zeus, Jove, Jupiter). ̃র্ষি n. one who is both a god and a saint, a celestial saint. ̃ল n. a priestly Brahman. a. employed in priestly service (দেবল ব্রাহ্মণ). ̃লোক n. the abode of gods, heaven. ̃শর্মা n. a general surname used of Brahmans. ̃শিল্পী n. Vishwakarma (বিশ্বকর্মা) the celestial artisan and designer, (cp.) Vulcan). ̃সভা n. the assembly of gods; the court of Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods. ̃সেনা n. the army of gods; the wife of Kartikeya. (কার্তিকেয়) the commander of the army of gods. ̃সেনাপতি n. Kartikeya (কার্তিকেয়) the commander of the army of gods. ̃স্ব n. a property endowed for defraying the cost of worshipping a deity; a god's property; (loos.) a religious endowment. 132)