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দক্ষিণান্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দক্ষিণান্ত : (p. 481) dakṣiṇānta termination of a religious function by paying the priest his fees. দক্ষিণান্ত করা v. to conclude or terminate a religious function by paying the priest his fees. 4)


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(p. 485) daraji a tailor; a sempster, a seamster; an outfitter. মেয়েদরজি n. fem. a tailoress; a semptress, a seamstress. 28)
(p. 508) duryōga a time or instance of foul weather; a difficult time, hard times; a time of danger; a danger. ̃পূর্ণ a. full of foul weather. দুর্যোগপূর্ণ আবহাওয়া a foul or inclement or stormy weather. 41)
(p. 517) dōkāna a shop; goods for sale, merchandise (মেলায় দোকান সাজানো). দোকান করাv. to visit shops for the purpose of buying, to shop; to set up a shop, to start or open a shop; to keep or run a shop; to open a shop for the day's work. দোকান খোলা v. to set up a shop, to start or open a shop; to open a shop for the day's work. দোকান তোলা v. to close a shop for the day; to close down or wind up a shop, to shut up a shop. দোকান দেওয়া v. to set up or open a shop; to arrange goods for sale (as in a fair). দোকান বন্ধ করা same as দোকান তোলা । দোকান সাজানো v. to furnish a shop, to display goods for sale. দোকান-কর্মচারী n. a shop-man. ̃দার n. a shopkeeper. ̃দারি n. shopkeeping; bargaining; business-dealing; bargain-hunting, shoppiness; shoppy or selfish behaviour. দোকানদারি করা v. to keep or run a shop; (fig.) to try to clinch a bargain. দোকানদারি কথাবার্তা shoppy talk. দোকানদারি কথাবার্তা বলা to talk shop. ̃পাট n. a shop and its commodities. দোকান-হাট করা v. to visit shops and markets for the purpose of buying. 62)
(p. 507) durita a sin; harm. a. sinning, sinful; wicked. 7)
(p. 485) dasyu a robber, dacoit; (ori.) a nonAryan race of ancient India or a member of it; (in affection) a person as daring and unmanageable as a robber; a rogue. জলদস্যু n. a pirate. ̃তা, ̃বৃত্তি n. robbery, dacoity. দস্যুতা করা v. to plunder, to take to robbery, to commit robbery. ̃দল n. a band of robbers or gangsters, a gang of freebooters. ̃পনা n. daredevilry. ̃ভয় n. fear of robbers. 91)
(p. 492) dānādāra granular, pea-shaped. n. a kind of granular sweetmeat. 43)
(p. 506) durāgraha desire for or interest in evil or difficult things; a wicked or difficult venture. a. desirous of or interested in evil or difficult things; indulging in or engaged in a wicked or difficult venture. 19)
(p. 508) duṣpāṭhya hard to read. 69)
দর্বি, দর্বী
(p. 485) darbi, darbī a ladle. দর্বিকা n. a small ladle, a spoon. 53)
(p. 485) darādari haggling or higgling, chaffering. দরাদরি করা v. to haggle, to chaffer. 41)
(p. 505) duniẏā the earth, the world; the universe. ̃দার a. worldly; worldlyminded; self-seeking; having vested interest. ̃দারি n. worldliness; worldlymindedness; act of seeking self-interest; worldly life. 8)
(p. 522) drābiḍ় Dravidians; a Dravidian; the Dravidian language; a region of Southern India inhabited by the Dravidians. a. Dravidian. দ্রাবিড়ী n. fem. a Dravidian woman; the Dravidian language. 109)
(p. 505) dudha milk; juice (নারকেলের দুধ); latex (গাছের দুধ) দুধ কেটে গেছে same as দুধ ছানা হয়ে গেছে । দুধ খাওয়া v. to drink milk; to draw the breast, to suck. দুধ খাওয়ানো v. to cause to drink milk; to give suck (to), to suckle. দুধ ছাড়ানো v. to wean (a baby from the habit of sucking or lactation). দুধ ছানা হয়ে গেছে, দুধ ছিড়ে গেছে v. (the) milk has turned sour or curdled. দুধ তোলা v. to vomit or spew milk after drinking it (as by a child). দুধ দেওয়া v. to give or yield milk; to give suck (to), to suckle. দুধ দোওয়া v. to milk. দুধের ছেলে an infant boy, a suckling. দুধের মেয়ে an infant girl, a suckling. দুধের সর a thin layer or film that collects on boiled milk, milkfilm. দুধের সাধ ঘোলে মেটানো (fig.) to console oneself with a base substitute, to satisfy oneself with a glass of grog when the bottle of champagne is beyond one's reach. দুধ-কলা দিয়ে কালসাপ পোষা (fig.) to fatten one's mortal enemy, to nourish a viper in one's breast. দুধ-কুসুম্ভা n. a kind of milkshake mixed with a paste of hemp-leaves. দুধ-রুটি n. milk-sop. দুধে-জলে মেশা v. to get mixed or blended completely; (fig.) to be compromised thoroughly. দুধে-দাঁত, দুধের দাঁত n. a milk tooth; milk dentition. দুধে ভাতে থাকা v. to live in affluence, to enjoy loaves and fishes, to have one's bread buttered on both sides. 4)
দ্যূত, দ্যূতক্রীড়া
(p. 522) dyūta, dyūtakrīḍ়ā dice-playing (esp. with betting); gambling. দূতকার, দ্যূতকর a. given to playing dice or gambling. n. a dice-player (esp. one who bets); a gambler. 92)
(p. 517) dainandina daily; diurnal; (fig.) routine (দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্ম). 46)
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