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arrangements দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 9) achiẏatanāmā written document by which a person makes arrangements for his effects on death, a will. 76)
(p. 63) abyabasha disordered; disorderly; lacking in arrangement; lacking in composure or decision; unsteady, fickle, hesitant. 2)
(p. 63) abyabashā disorder; want of arrangement; mismanagement. 3)
(p. 97) ān̐disān̐di loopholes; tricks and stratagems; (sing.) due arrangement, order, system. 25)
(p. 104) āñjāma execution, performance; supply টাকার আঞ্জাম; arrangement, provision; (pop.) income and expenditure. 41)
(p. 115) āpōśa compromise. আপোশ করা v. to compromise, to strike out a compromise; to settle amicably. ̃রফা, ̃মীমাংসা n. amicable settlement, compromise. আপোশে adv. amicably; by arrangement. 60)
(p. 138) intijāma good arrangement. ইন্তিজাম করা v. to arrange. 18)
(p. 228) kārakita thoroughly equipped or made fit. n. cultivation. কারকিত করা v. to equip thoroughly; to undertake all necessary arrangements to make (anything) fit; to cultivate or dress (land). 9)
(p. 234) kinārā border; edge (চোখের কিনারা); a bank or shore; outskirts (গ্রামের কিনারা, শহরের কিনারা, বাড়ির কিনারা); arrangements; remedy, measure, redress, removal, reparation (দুঃখের কিনারা, বিপদের কিনারা); solution (সমস্যার কিনারা); trace (হারানো টাকার কিনারা); solution or discovery or detection by investigation (চুরির কিনারা); decision, settlement (মোকদ্দমার কিনারা). কিনারা করা v. to arrange for; to make arrangements for the provision of; to remedy, to redress, to remove, to repair; to solve; to trace; to solve or discover or detect by investigation; to decide; to settle. নদীর কিনারা riverside, river-bank. পথের কিনারা roadside. মনের কিনারা depth of one's mind. সমুদ্রের কিনারা seaside, sea shore, coast. 24)
কিশতি, কিস্তি
(p. 234) kiśati, kisti a boat, a barge; (in chess) a check; an instalment (for payment etc.); a time, an occasion. কিস্তি দেওয়া v. (in chess) to check. ̃বন্দি n. arrangement of payment by instalments. ̃মাত n. (in chess) a complete check, (inc.) checkmate. 50)
(p. 296) gati going, passage, movement; gait, motion, velocity; a way, a means (অন্য গতি নেই); a refuge or shelter, one who shelters or aids, a helper, a protector, a patron (দীনের গতি); a remedy; consequence; the state into which one has to pass after one's death (নরকগতি); a means or way of rescue or salvation (পাপিষ্ঠের গতি); obsequies (মৃতের গতি করা); end (মৃত্যুই জীবনের গতি); condition, state (দুর্গতি, আকাশের গতি); গতি করা v. to make necessary arrangement for; to remedy; to take necessary action; to provide for; to perform funeral rites of. আহ্নিক গতি (astr.) diurnal motion. কৌণিক গতি (phys.) angular motion. বার্ষিক গতি (astr.) annual motion. গতিক n. state, condition (মনের গতিক); a means or stratagem (কোনো গতিকে). কার্যগতিকে adv. in course of business or work; on business. ̃ক্রিয়া n. procrastination. ̃দায়িনী a. fem. one who gives spiritual salvation. ̃প্রকৃতি same as গতিবিধি । ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. kinetics; dynamics. ̃বিধি n. movement, activity (শত্রুর গতিবিধি); regular access or intercourse (রাজবাড়িতে তার গতিবিধি আছে); (arch.) a means of spiritual salvation ('ও মা কর গতিবিধি'). ̃বেগ n. speed, pace, vclocity. ̃বেগমাপন যন্ত্র n. an instrument for measuring speed, a speedometer, a tachometer. ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃রোধ n. stoppage or arrest of movement in the midway. ̃ভঙ্গ করা v. to stop in the midway; to break journey. ̃ময় a. moving, mobile; having movement. ̃ময়তা a. mobility; movement; the state of having movement. ̃রোধক a. that which checks the movement. n. a break. ̃রোধ করা v. to cause to stop in the midway, to stop in the midway. ̃হীন a. motionless, immobile, still, having nothing to fall back on, resourceless. 10)
(p. 296) gariba poor. ̃খানা n. (in polite speech) the speaker's dwelling-house which is supposed to be poor, (my) poor or humble residence. ̃গুরবো n. pl. the poorer classes; the proletariat. গরিবানা, গরিবি n. poverty; a poor man's state; poor arrangement. a. poor; poorly. 87)
(p. 321) gōcha a bunch, a bundle, a sheaf; (due) order or arrangement, orderliness (কাজের গোছ); a type (সাধারণ গোছের বাড়ি); the hough. গোছ করা v. to put in due order; to arrange into bunches or sheaves. পায়ের গোছ the hough, fleshy part of the back of the human leg between the knee and the ankle, the calf. ̃গাছ n. due order or arrangement; act of packing up. গোছগাছ করা v. to put in due order; to make necessary arrangement (for); to pack up. 2)
(p. 407) jōgāḍ় procurement; obtaining, securing; collection; preparation, arrangement. জোগাড় করা v. to procure; to secure; to collect to make preparations for, to arrange for. জোগাড় করে দেওয়া v. to procure for another, to find for. ̃যন্ত্র n. preparations including procurement of necessary things; securing or procurement esp. by manipulation of resources (চাকরির জোগাড়যন্ত্র), preparations and arrangements. জোগাড়িয়া, (pop.) জোগাড়ে a. & n. one adept in procurement or in getting things; one adept in or employed in making preparations and arrangements; one acting as an assistant; a hodman or hodcarrier. 14)
(p. 442) taktapōśa a plain rectangular cot without any arrangement for hanging curtains. 13)
(p. 453) tānā-nā-nā the prefatory airs of music; (sarcas). waste of time by dilatoriness in making useless preparatory arrangement, act or an instance of saying neither yes nor no. 74)
(p. 470) tōḍ়jōḍ় action for getting or making ready, preparation; arrangements. তোড়জোড় করা v. to make preparation or arrangements for, to take action for getting or making ready. 9)
(p. 574) nibaddha an essay, a dissertation, a thesis, a literary composition; a treatise, a book; a means; an arrangement; a system, a rule; fixation, determination; a tie, a bond; a song, a lay. নিবন্ধক n. a registrar. নিবন্ধন n. a tie, a bond; fixation, determination. registration. in comp. (used as a sfx.) owing to, due to, because of (নথিনিবন্ধন, কার্যনিবন্ধন). ̃ভুক্ত a. entered in a register. নিবন্ধভুক্ত করা v. to register. নিবন্ধিত a. composed; written; bound; strung. 27)
(p. 619) paripāṭi orderly arrangement; orderliness; skill. a. arranged in an orderly manner; orderly; skilful, adroit. 109)
(p. 654) pṛthaganna (of a family) split up or divided into two or more units all having separate messing arrangements, separated. 113)
(p. 715) bacana speech; utterance; a saying, an adage, an apophthegm, a maxim; (gr.) number (একবচন = the singular number; দ্বিবচন = the dual number; বহুবচন = the plural number). ̃বাগীশ a. having the gift of the gab; eloquent, very talkative. ̃বিন্যাস n. art or mode of speaking; eloquence; arrangement of words or speech. বচনসর্বস্ব ব্যাক্তি a person of mere words, a wind-bag. বচনীয় a. speakable; blamable. 25)
(p. 721) bandēja arrangement; apportionment; distribution; allotment. বন্দেজ করা v. to arrange; to apportion; to distribute; to allot. 2)
(p. 721) bandōbasta arrangement; preparation; provision; settlement; land settlement; tenure (জমির বন্দোবস্ত); a contract. বন্দোবস্ত করা n. to make arrangements; to make preparations (for); to provide for; to settle; to make a contract (with). বন্দোবস্ত দেওয়া v. to have tenure (of land etc.) settled on oneself. চিরস্হায়ী বন্দোবস্ত (hist.) The Permanent Settlement. 4)
(p. 721) bān̐dhana binding or fastening; a tie, a knot (বাঁধন খুলে দাও); damming; obstruction; stopping or parking (as of a vehicle); restraining or appeasement (as of one's mind); composition; formation; construction, building, setting up; turning, attunement; unification; reduction or rendering; compactness (কথার বাঁধন). ̃হারা a. free, unbridled, unrestrained. বাঁধনি n. binding or fastening; a tie, a knot; due arrangement, methodicalness, order (কাজের বাঁধনি); compactness. 274)
(p. 758) bidhā sort, kind, variety, type; manner, mode; arrangement (সুবিধা). 27)
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