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attraction; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 9) aṅgāṅgi mutual attraction of different limbs of a body; correlation; preferential treatment of or partiality towards a member of one's own party. ̃ভাব, ̃সম্বন্ধ n. intimate friendship; inseparable relation; (phil.) the relation between the whole and its parts; interdependence of parts, relation between form and content; the relation between what is primary and what is secondary. ̃ভাবে adv. in the relation of the part to the whole or of what is secondary to what is primary; inseparably. 19)
(p. 36) anurakta inclined or attracted (to); preferring; attached (to); devoted (to); addicted (to); having affection (for), affectionate, loving; following faithfully or with fidelity. fem. অনুরক্তা । অনুরক্তি n. inclination, proneness; preference; attraction; attachment; devotion; addiction; affection, love; fidelity. 3)
(p. 36) anurāga attachment; affection; love; amour; devotion; addiction; liking; attraction. অনুরাগী a. & n. one who is attached or devoted, or addicted or attracted (to); one who has affection or a liking (for). fem. অনুরাগিণী । ̃বশে adv. out of attachment or devotion or love. 11)
(p. 36) anulēha (poet.) attachment, attraction; affection, fondness; love. 24)
(p. 41) apakarṣa (ori.) downward attraction; deterioration, decline, downfall, degeneration; baseness, inferiority. 37)
(p. 63) abhikarṣa (mech.) gravitational attraction, gravity. 46)
(p. 98) ākarṣa attraction; pull; any object by which something is drawn or pulled; magnet; a tendril. আকর্ষক, আকর্ষিক, আকর্ষী a. that which attracts or draws or pulls. n. lodestone. 22)
(p. 98) ākarṣaṇa attraction; pull; affection, love. আকর্ষণী a. attracting. 23)
(p. 159) unmathana thorough stir or churning; thorough kneading or thrashing or massaging; act of killing, slaughter; rout. উন্মথন করা v. to stir or churn or knead or thrash or massage thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout, to mop up. উন্মথিত a. stirred or churned or kneaded or thrashed or massaged thoroughly; in turmoil; killed, slain; routed; mopped up; swelling up or agitated owing to external attraction. 21)
(p. 162) upagata present; arrived; near, adjacent; having attachment to or attraction for; having enjoyed sexual intercourse (with); mated; obtained, attained; learnt. 3)
কর্ষ২, কর্ষণ
(p. 208) karṣa2, karṣaṇa act of tilling; cultivation; act of drawing or attracting; attraction (বিপ্রকর্ষণ); act of pressing, pressure; act of rubbing (নিকষে কর্ষণ). কর্ষণ করা v. to till, to plough, to cultivate; to draw, to attract; to press; to rub. কর্ষক a. & n. one who or that which tills or attracts or presses or rubs. কর্ষণীয় a. ploughable, arable; attractable; that which can be pressed or rubbed; that which is to be ploughed or cultivated or drawn or attracted or pressed or rubbed. কর্ষিকা n. a tentacle. কর্ষিত a. ploughed, tilled, cultivated; drawn, attracted; pressed; rubbed. কর্ষী a. attracting; attractive. 36)
(p. 311) guṇānurāga love for virtues or good qualities; attraction or admiration for others' good qualities or virtues. গুণানুরাগী having love for virtues or good qualities; attracted by or admiring others' good qualities or virtues. fem. গুণানুরাগিনী । গুনানুরাগী ব্যক্তি an admirer. 47)
(p. 419) ṭāna a pull or tug (জোর টান); attraction (স্নেহের টান); attachment, affection (ছেলের প্রতি টান); a drawing in, a pull (সিগারেটের টান); tightness, tension (গেরোটায় বেশ টান আছে); want, need, shortage, scarcity (পয়সার টান); demand (বাজারে ভাল বইয়ের টান); difficult breathing, spasm (হাঁপানির টান); style of writing or painting, flourish (লেখায় সুন্দর টান); quick and rather interwoven style of writing as of a veteran writer (টানের লেখা); manner of speaking or pronouncing (কথার টান); provincialism or typical intonation (উচ্চারণে যশুরে টান); consumption (পোলাওতে খুব টান); stretch (এক টানে); current (নদীতে খুব টান); force (স্রোতের টান); contraction (শিরার টান); (math. & phys.) tension, strain. টান দেওয়া v. to pull, to tug; to give a pull; to draw in (as smoke); to snatch; to flourish; to pronounce or speak with provincial accent or intonation or in a peculiar manner. টান ধরা v. to be in short supply, to run short (পয়সার টান ধরা); to contract (শিরায় টান ধরা); to have fits of spasm (হাঁপানির টান ধরা); to commence to dry up (ঘায়ে টান ধরা). টানটান a. fully stretched out (টানটান হয়ে শোওয়া); very tight or tense; full of vanity or arrogance (টানটান কথা). টান-টোন n. pl. strokes and flourishes (as in calligraphy or drawing). একটানে adv. in a single tug or pull; at a stretch. 77)
(p. 419) ṭānā2 to pull, to tug; to drag (পা টেনে টেনে চলা); to draw (রেখা টানা); to attract (মন টানা); to carry (মাল টানা); to move quickly (পা টেনে চলা); to be partial to (ছেলের দিকে টানা); to stretch out (সুর টানা); to cut down expenditure (আয় কম হলে টেনে চলা); to smoke or drink (গাঁজা টানা, মদ টানা); to extract (রস টানা); to consume (খাইয়েরা খুব মিষ্টি টানছে); to sell (বাজারে মাল টানা). a. borne or drawn (ঘোড়ায়-টানা গাড়ি); operated by pulling or dragging (টানা পাখা, টানা জাল); straight (টানা পথ); continuous (টানা তিন ঘন্টা); skimmed (টানা দুধ); wide, broad, large, big (টানা চোখ); drawn (কালি দিয়ে টানা লেখা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানা লেখা). গুণ টানা v. to tow. বইঠা টানা, দাঁড় টানা v. to row, to scull. টানা-জাল n. a drag-net. টানা়টানা a. broad, wide, large (টানাটানা চোখ); smelling of arrogance or vanity (টানাটানা কথা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানাটানা লেখা). টানাটানি n. mutual or continuous pulling or tugging or dragging; mutual or continuous attraction; act of dragging forcibly; act of forcing; want, shortage, hardship (টানাটানির সংসার). টানাটানি করা v. to pull or tug or drag or attract mutually or continuously; to drag forcibly; to force; to cut down expenditure (টানাটানি করে সংসার চালানো). দড়ি-টানাটানি n. tug-of-war. টানা-হ্যাঁচড়া n. act of dragging forcibly; act of forcing; continuing or running on with difficulty; coming and going frequently. একটানা a. continuous; lying at a stretch. দোটানা n. vacillation, wavering. 79)
(p. 464) turīẏa fourth; that which or one who has attained supreme (spiritual) excellence; gone beyond the reach of worldly attractions or delusions. n. the most engrossing state of spiritual trance; the Supreme Being, Brahman, God. তুরীয় অবস্হা a hypnotic or (quiescent state; a state of supreme bliss (when one is in communion with the Infinite or Supreme being). তুরীয়ানন্দ n. the delight found in the most engrossing state of spiritual trance; (sarcas. or facet.) state of being beside oneself. 16)
(p. 577) nimna low; low-lying or depressed (নিম্নভূমি); subordinate, junior (নিম্নপদ); lower (নিম্ন আদালত); downcast (নিম্নদৃষ্টি); base, mean (নিম্নচেতা); socially lower or depressed (নিম্ন জাতি). n. (For.) a place or position underneath or below or low or lower (নিম্ন হইতে). নিম্ন অক্ষাংশ (geog.) a low latitude. নিম্ন আদালত a lower court. ̃গ a. going downwards. ̃গা a. fem. of নিম্নগ । n. fem. a river. ̃গামী a. going downwards; declining or degenerating; getting debased. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃চাপ n. (med.) low pressure; (geog.) downward pressure; a depression. ̃তর a. lower. নিম্নতর কক্ষ (of legislature) the lower house or chamber. ̃তম a. minimum; minimal. ̃তল n. a lower deck, downfloor, groundfloor. ̃তা n. lowness; depression; depth, baseness, meanness; degeneration. ̃তাপ n. a low temperature; an abnormally low temperature. ̃দৃষ্টি n. downcast look; a mean outlook or inclination. ̃দেশ n. a lower part; a region underneath. ̃দেশে adv. in or to a lower part; under, below. ̃ধৃত a. undermentioned. ̃পদ n. a junior or a lower post. ̃পাত n. descending node. ̃প্রদেশ n. lowlands; a lower region or part; the part of the body under the waist; the posteriors. ̃বিত্ত n. low income; the people with a low income, the low income group. a. of or pertaining to the low income group. ̃মধ্যবিত্ত n. the lower middle class; the low middle class. ̃ভূমি n. lowlands; a low or depressed land. ̃মুখ a. (bot.) reclinate. ̃রেখিত a. underlined, underscored. ̃লিখিত a. written below, undermentioned. ̃সপ্তক n. (mus.) the low grave octave or gamut of the Indian musical notes. ̃সীমা n. the lowest limit. নিম্নাকর্ষণ n. downward attraction. নিম্নীভূত a. depressed, sunk. নিম্নীভূত সমভূমি (geog.) a sunk plain. নিম্নোক্ত a. undermentioned. নিম্নোদ্ধৃত a. quoted below; undermentioned. নিম্নোন্নত a. uneven, undulating. 19)
(p. 593) nēśā any intoxicating drug or liquor (নেশার জিনিস); intoxication, (when caused by wine) inebriation (নেশার ঘোর); great attraction or attachment or infatuation or propensity (কাজের নেশা, চোখের নেশা); a fad, a craze (কবিতা লেখার নেশা); stupefaction, besottedness. নেশা করা to be a drug-addict or to be addicted to drinking. ̃খোর a. addicted to taking an intoxicating drug or addicted to drinking. n. a drug-addict or a drunkard. নেশার বুঁদ dead drunk, the worse for liquor or drink. নেশার ঘোরে under the influence of wine or some other intoxicant. নেশারি a. intoxicating (নেশারি রূপ). 89)
(p. 654) pūrba the east; precedence in time or place (পূর্বকথিত); front; the past (পূর্বে দ্রাবিড়রা এ দেশে বাস করত). a. first; senior in age; past, former, preceding; eastern. -পূর্বক in comp. having in advance; having first made or done (প্রণামপূর্বক); with (প্রীতিপূর্বক). ̃কথিত a. aforesaid. ̃কায় n. the upper part of the body. ̃কাল n. the past; ancient times; former times. ̃কালিক, ̃কালীন a. of the past, past; of ancient times, ancient; former times, former. ̃কৃত a. previously or formerly done; done beforehand; done in anticipation. ̃গামী a. going east or eastwards; going before, preceding; previous; antecedent. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born before, elder. n. an elder brother. ̃জা a. fem. of পূর্বজ । n. fem. an elder sister. ̃জন্ম n. a previous or former birth. ̃জন্মার্জিত a. acquired during a former or previous birth. ̃জীবন n. a previous or former birth; the past life; early life (cp. উত্তরজীবন). ̃জ্ঞান n. past experiences; knowledge acquired during a former birth; anticipation. ̃তন a. former; previous; past. ̃দক্ষিণ n. south-east. a. south-eastern. ̃দিক n. the east. ̃দৃষ্ট a. previously seen; anticipated; foreseen. ̃দৃষ্টি n. foresight. ̃দেশ n. an eastern country or region, the east, the orient. ̃দেশীয় a. of an eastern country or region; (rare) oriental. ̃ধারণা n. preconception, preconceived notion. ̃নিরীক্ষিত a. preaudited. ̃নিরূপিত a. predestined; foreordained. ̃পক্ষ n. a complaint; a plaint; (log.) a question, a problem for debate or discussion, the first part of an argument, a proposition. ̃পরিকল্পনা n. preplanning. ̃পরিকল্পিত a. preplanned. ̃পরিচয় n. previous acquaintance. ̃পরিচিত a. acquainted from before, formerly or already known. fem. ̃পরিচিতা । ̃পরিচিতি n. previous acquaintance. ̃পুরুষ n. an ancestor, a forefather; a former generation. ̃প্রচলিত a. formerly current or prevalent, current or prevalent in the past, previously in vogue. ̃ফল্গুনী n. (astrol.) the eleventh of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃বঙ্গ Eastern Bengal, East Bengal. ̃বত্ adv. as before. a. (log.) a priori. ̃বর্ণিত a. described or narrated before, aforementioned, aforesaid. ̃বর্তিতা n. precedence; antecedence; priority; seniority; fore-existence. ̃বর্তী a. preceding; antecedent; prior; senior; fore-existent; previous; former. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ̃বাদ n. a complaint. ̃বাদী n. a complainant. ̃ভাগ n. the forepart; the front; the eastern part. ̃ভাদ্রপদ, ̃ভাদ্রপদা n. (astrol.) the twenty-fifth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃ভাব n. the former or original state or condition. ̃ভাষ n. preface, a foreword. ̃মত n. the former opinion. ̃মীমাংসা n. a philosophical treatise by Jaimini the ancient sage; philosophical doctrine of Jaimini and his followers. ̃রঙ্গ n. the prologue (of a drama); a prelude. ̃রাগ n. amorous attraction felt even before acquaintance with the lover; (inc.) courtship. ̃রাত্র n. the first part or quarter of a night; early night; (loos.) the previous or last night. ̃রাত্রি n. last night; the previous night. ̃রাশি n. (math.) antecedent. ̃লক্ষণ n. a presage; a foreboding. পূর্বলক্ষণ প্রকাশ করা v. to presage; to forebode. ̃সংস্কার n. a notion or idea or impression or habit formed during a former birth or in the past. পূর্বাচল, পূর্বাদ্রি n. an imaginary eastern mountain from behind which the sun is believed to rise daily. পূর্বাদেশ n. a previous order. পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার করা to rescind a previous order. পূর্বাধিকার n. possession or right obtained earlier; priority; the right or claim of the first-born, primogeniture; former right or claim. পূর্বানুবৃত্তি n. continuation (of some account already begun). পূর্বাপর a. (also. adv.) from beginning to end, alpha and omega, thorough. পূর্বাপর বিবেচনা করা to consider the connected line of events, to consider the pros and cons of a proposal, to look before and after. পূর্বাপরবিরোধ n. inconsistency of acts or contexts of different times. পূর্বাপর-বৃত্ত n. (astr.) a prime vertical. পূর্বাপেক্ষা adv. than before. পূর্বাবধি adv. from before; since the beginning. পূর্বাবস্হা n. the former or previous or past state or condition. পূর্বাভাষ n. a presage; (dero.) a foreboding; a preface, a foreword; forecast (আবহাওয়ার পূর্বাভাষ). পূর্বাভাষ দেওয়া v. to presage; (dero.) to forebode. পূর্বাভ্যাস n. a previous or former habit or practice. পূর্বার্ধ n. the first half; the eastern half; (geog.) the eastern hemisphere. পূর্বাশা n. the east. পূর্বাষাঢ়া n. (astrol.) the twentieth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. পূর্বাহ্ন n. the first part or quarter of the day-time; (loos.) the forenoon. পূর্বাহ্নিক a. of the first part or quarter of the daytime; to be done during the first part or quarter of the daytime. পূর্বিতা n. priority, precedence. পূর্বে adv. formerly, previously, before; in the past; in the front; in the east. পূর্বোক্ত a. aforesaid; mentioned before or above. পূর্বোক্তি n. a previous statement; a prefatory remark or utterance. পূর্বোত্তর n. the north-east. পূর্বোদ্ধৃত a. quoted before or above. 109)
(p. 681) pratyākarṣaṇa counter-attraction. 10)
(p. 839) manōhara captivating; charming; very pleasant; lovely; very beautiful. মনোহরণ n. fascination; enchantment; attraction. a. attractive; fascinating, enchanting (মনোহরণ বেশ). মনোহরণ করা v. to captivate the mind. মনোহরশাহি n. a mode of kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. মনোহরা a. fem. of মনোহর । n. a variety of sweetmeat. 11)
(p. 831) mana2 mind; heart; mental state, mood; mentality; feeling; consideration; memory; inclination, desire; attraction, attachment, interest; attention; earnestness, devotion; sincerity; choice; resolve, decision. মন আসা same as মন লাগা । মন ওঠা v. to be satisfied or pleased. মন করা v. to resolve, to make up one's mind; to have a mind; to agree, to condescend (আপনি মন করলে চাকরিটা হবে). মন কাড়া v. to captivate the mind, to capture the fancy of; to win one's heart. মন কেমন করা v. to be uneasy in mind; to be worried. মন খারাপ করা see খারাপ । মন খারাপ হওয়া v. to be out of hearts; to be out of humour; to be saddened. মন খোলা, মন খুলে বলা v. to speak one's mind; to open one's heart; to break one's mind. মন গলা v. to soften (towards), to melt. মন গলানো v. to melt one's heart. মন চাওয়া v. to be inclined to; to agree to. মন ছোটো হওয়া v. to become small-minded; to feel small; to be stricken with a sense of inferiority; to become ungenerous or niggardly; to lose heart, to become dejected. মন ছোটা v. to be stricken with an impetuous inclination towards or desire for; to be greatly attracted. মন জানা v. to learn or know one's mind. মন জোগানো v. to comply with one's orders or desires; to act to please another; to humour; to flatter. মন টলা v. to become perturbed or worried; to be in two minds, to waver; to be of two minds; to soften emotionally, to melt. মন টানা v. to attract; to incline; to have a mind. মন থাকা v. to have a desire for; to be inclined towards; to have interest in; to be attentive to. মন থেকে adv. sincerely; from the bottom of one's heart; by or out of one's imagination; (rare) from memory. মন দমা v. to become disheartened or discouraged. মন দেওয়া v. to apply one's mind to, to mind; to be earnest (মন দিয়ে কাজ করা); to pay attention or heed to; to fall in love with. মন পাওয়া v. to be able to please another; to win one's favour or love; to win the heart of. মনপ্রাণ দিয়ে চেষ্টা করা v. to try heart and soul. মন বসা same as মন লাগা । মন বিষানো v. to embitter or poison one's mind. মন ভাঙা v. to be disheartened or discouraged; to be broken-hearted or heart-broken. মন ভাঙানো v. to dishearten or discourage; to break one's heart; to prejudice one's mind (against), to earwig. মন ভোলানো v. to charm or captivate one's mind; to attract or please greatly; to win one's heart; to infatuate; to melt one's heart; to cajole; to take one's mind off (something). মন মাতানো v. to make one beside oneself with delight; to delight or please greatly. মন মানা v. to be consoled; to agree to accept at heart; to agree or consent to. মন রাখা same as মন জোগানো । মন লাগা v. to have a liking or inclination for; to have interest in; to have earnestness in. মন লাগানো v. to apply one's mind to, to attend to earnestly. মন সরা v. to have a desire for, to be willing (to). মন হওয়া v. to be inclined; to have half a mind; to become consented. মন হারানো v. to lose oneself; to lose one's heart; to be infatuated, to be greatly enamoured (of). মনে ওঠা v. to rise in one's mind, to occur to or strike one (ফন্দি মনে ওঠা); to be recollected (স্মৃতি মনে ওঠা). মনে করা v. to call to mind, to recollect; to resolve, to decide; to have a mind; to have half a mind; to feel; to suppose; to count, to regard, to consider, to think. মনে জাগা same as মনে ওঠা । মনে জানা v. to know or feel at heart. মনে থাকা v. to be remembered, to be retained in one's memory. মনে দাগ কাটা v. to impress one's mind indelibly; to bring home to; to make an imprint on one's mind; to occupy one's memory permanently. মনে ধরা v. to be to one's liking or choice; to be after one's heart. মনে নেওয়া v. to feel; to supose; to consider or think seriously. মনে পড়া v. to remember; to be recollected. মনে পুষে রাখা v. to nourish or cherish secretly at heart. মনে রাখা v. to remember; to bear or to keep in mind. মনে লাগা v. to be to one's liking, to be up to one's choice; to impress one's mind favourably; to be shocked or pained at heart; to feel or suppose. মনে স্হান দেওয়া to cherish or keep alive in one's heart. মনে হওয়া v. to feel; to suppose; to consider, to think; to count, to regard; to come to recollect; to appear; to seem. মনের আগুন mental anguish, heart-grief. মনের কথা one's secret thoughts and feelings and intentions, one's mind. মনের কালি the gloom of one's mind; sorrow, grief; illfeeling; malice; concealed vice. মনের গোল doubt; hesitation. মনের জোর a strong will; moral courage; self-confidence; morale. মনের ঝাল a grudge. মনের ঝাল মেটানো v. to feed one's grudge. মনের বিষ concealed envy or malice; canker of the mind. মনের ব্যথা mental anguish, heart's pang. মনের মতো same as মনোমতো । মনের ময়লা same as মনের কালি । মনের মানুষ a person after one's own heart; a favourite; a minion; a lover. মনের মিল amicability; agreement, accord. 57)
(p. 896) yōgākarṣaṇa molecular attraction; cohesion; gravity. 5)
(p. 963) saṅkarṣaṇa a forceful pull; attraction; ploughing, cultivation. 15)
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