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business দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 62) abyabasāẏa lack of practice or training; lack of enterprise; incompetence. অব্যবসায়ী a. lacking knack in business enterprise; unpractical, unbusinesslike; not having any practice or training; unenterprising; inexperienced; incompetent.
(p. 63) abyāpāra a useless work; an uncalledfor piece of business. 17)
(p. 106) āḍ়ta a warehouse or godown of a wholesale dealer; an entrepot, a storehouse, a depot. ̃দার n. the owner or keeper of a warehouse; a wholesale merchant. ̃দারি n. wholesale business; the commission of a wholesale merchant. 16)
(p. 115) āpisa a place where work or business is carried out, an office. আপিস করা v. to go to one's office (daily or regularly), to attend office. 53)
(p. 168) upasbatba income or profit from landed property, business firm etc.; revenue. 10)
(p. 204) karaṇa doing or working or performing; accomplishment, execution, action; a work done, a deed, an act; a cause or motive; any of the sense organs; body; physique; a place, a field; a place where business is carried on, an office; (gr.) the instrumental case. ̃কারক n. (gr.) the instrumental case. ̃কারণ n. exchange of gifts at a wedding. 29)
(p. 208) karma a work, an action, a deed, an activity; a duty, a task; use, service (এ ঘড়ি কোনো কর্মের নয়); ceremony, a rite (ক্রিয়াকর্ম, শ্রাদ্ধকর্ম); profession; function; a purpose (কোন কর্মে এসেছ); effect, good result (এতে কর্ম হবে না) (gr.) an object. ̃কর্তা n. a supervisor or manager of an affair. ̃কর্তৃবাচ্য n. (gr.) the quasi-passive voice. ̃কাণ্ড n. a part of the Vedas dealing with rituals; actions; functions; ceremonies. ̃কারক n. a doer, a worker, a performer; (gr.) the objective or accusative case. ̃কারী a. of one who does or works or performs. n. a doer, a worker, a performer. ̃কুণ্ঠ a. averse to work, unwilling to work, lazy. ̃কুশল a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃ক্লান্ত a. tired with work, fatigued. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of working; able; active. ̃ক্ষমতা n. ability to work; working power. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a field or sphere of activity; a place of work. ̃খালি n. situation vacant. ̃চারী n. an employee; an officer. ̃চ্যুত a. dismissed or removed from service; cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. dismissal or removal from service; cashierment. ̃জীবন n. the period of life during which a person works, active part of one's life; service life; practical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rites and duties. ̃ঠ a. active; hard-working; industrious. ̃ণ্য a. capable of working; able; active; serviceable. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of giving up a job, resignation; act of leaving or abandoing a work; retirement from service. কর্ম ত্যাগ করা v. to give up a job, to resign; (rare) to retire from service. ̃দক্ষ a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃দোষ crime or sin of evil-doing or wrong-doing; a sin; misfortune (esp. which is caused by one's evil doing or wrong-doing in this life or in a previous life). ̃ধারা n. same as কর্মপ্রণালী । ̃নাশা a. & n. one who or that which spoils or bungles a work or works. ˜নিয়োগ কেন্দ্র n. employment exchange. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to one's work; dutiful; industrious. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to work. ̃নীতি n. policy of action. ̃পঞ্জি, ̃পঞ্জী n. a case-book. ̃পথ n. path or field of work; line of action; active life. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. method or system of working. ̃পন্হা n. course of action. ̃ফল n. consequences of one's actions (esp. of a previous life) that governs one's weal or woe. ̃বশত adv. on business. ̃বাচ্য n. (gr.) the passive voice. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine that action is the chief end of life or that for the final liberation of one's soul one has to resort to action (and not to thought or meditation alone), the doctrine of action. ̃বাদী a. preaching or obeying or inspired by the doctrine of action. n. one who preaches or obeys the doctrine of action. ̃বিধি n. rules of action. ̃বিপাক n. consequences (now usu. evil ones) of one's action (esp. those governing one's weal or woe). ̃বীর n. an untiring worker; an uncommonly active person; a performer of great deeds; a great worker. ̃ভূমি n. the scene or field of one's action; the earthly life. ̃ভোগ n. enjoyment of pleasures or (more generally) suffering from the unpleasant consequences of one's actions; fruitless suffering or labour. ̃ময় a. full of actions; extremely active. ̃যোগ n. the system of purifying one's soul by means of action. ̃যোগী a. & n. one who practises this system; (fig.) one who works most sincerely; one who works sincerely and relentlessly. ̃রত a. engaged in work. ̃শালা n. a workshop; a smithy; an atelier; a studio; a place of work or business. ̃শীল a. possessing active habits; engaged in work; active; devoted to work. ̃শীলতা n. active habits; engagement in work; fullness of activity; devotion to work. ̃সচিব n. a (chief) executive officer; a secretary. ̃সাক্ষী n. any of the natural elements who witness all actions; a witness of an act. ̃সাধন n. execution of a work or task, performance or accomplishment of a deed. কর্ম সাধন করা v. to execute a work or task, to perform or accomplish a deed. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on work or action. ̃সিদ্ধি n. success in or accomplishment of an undertaking. ̃সূচি n. programme of work; programme to be undertaken. ̃সূত্র a. the bond of action; the course of business. ̃সূত্রে adv. on business or in course of business. ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান same as কর্মক্ষেত্র । যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল as you brew so you drink, as you sow so you reap. ̃হীন a. devoid of work; with no work on hand; without employment. 14)
(p. 208) karmānubandha the course of business; necessity caused by business. 21)
(p. 208) karmōpalakṣyē on business, for the sake of business. 34)
(p. 248) kasīda interest on loan; the moneylending business or interest, usury. ̃জীবী n. a usurer, a money-lender on interest. ̃ব্যবহার n. usury; calculation of interest on loan. 7)
(p. 219) kāja work, action; a deed, an act; a job, an employment, a service (কাজ থেকে বরখাস্ত); occupation, profession, trade; duty, task (রাজার কাজ প্রজাপালন); practice, habit (আড্ডা দেওয়াই তার কাজ); need, necessity, use (কথায় কাজ কী); motive, business (কী কাজে এসেছ); outcome, result, good result, success (ওষুধে কাজ হয়েছে); artistry (ছবিতে রঙের কাজ). কাজ আদায় করা v. to see that one works properly, to make one work properly; to get a work or task done; to wheedle a thing out of another, to wangle (by persuasion, trickery etc.). কাজও নেই কামাইও নেই always busy with nothing, ever busy with nothing; ever busy with trifles or with useless work; fussy. কাজ করা v. to work; to serve; to be effective. কাজ চলা, কাজ চলে যাওয়া v. & n. to be worth working, to be workable; to do (এতে তোমার কাজ চলবে ?? will it do?). কাজ দেওয়া v. to give employment; to entrust with a work or job, to allocate or allot duties to; to be effective (ওষুধটায় কাজ দিয়েছে); to give service (ঘড়িটা ভাল কাজ দিচ্ছে). কাজ দেখা v. to examine a work done; to supervise a work; to look for an employment or job; (coll.) to be effective (এতে কাজ দেখবে). কাজ দেখানো v. to try to display ostentatiously that one is busy, to be fussily active; to show off; to prove one's worth through work. কাজ বাগানো v. to manage to achieve one's end, to manage to obtain. কাজ বাঁচানো v. to see that one does not lose one's job. কাজ বাজানো v. (usu. dero.—by an insincere worker) to be on duty neglectfully. কাজ হাসিল করা v. to have one's object fulfilled; to have one's object achieved. কাজের কথা useful talk; the main point of a talk; talk about work. কাজের কাজি the right man for a work. কাজের জিনিস useful or valuable thing. কাজের বার useless, out of order; worthless; disabled. কাজের বেলায় কাজি কাজ ফুরোলে পাজি (fig.) ingratitude is the law of the world. কাজের লোক n. an employee; a servant, an active or useful or competent person. 12)
(p. 228) kārabāra business, trade; profession; calling; working, action; commerce; a business concern, a mercantile concern; (usu. dero.) an affair. কারবার করা v. to engage in a trade or business; to deal in, to trade in; to trade with; to have commercial transactions (with). কারবারি a. pertaining to business, trading; commercial. কারবারি লোক a businessman, a trader; (dero.) a trafficker. 21)
(p. 228) kārya (for.) a work, an action; a deed; a duty; a task; a job; an occupation; use, service; ceremony, rite (শ্রাদ্ধকার্য); profession, function; a purpose, an object, a motive (কোন কার্যে এসেছ); effect, good result, benefit (এতে কোনো কার্য দর্শাবে না). ̃কর a. effective; feasible; serviceable. fem কার্যকরী । কার্যকরী সমিতি n. working committee. ̃করতা n. effectiveness; feasibility; serviceability. ̃কলাপ n. acts and deeds, doings, actions. কারণ ভাব n. causality. ̃কারণসম্বন্ধ n. causal connection or relation. ̃কারিতা same as কার্যকারিতা । ̃কারী same as কার্যকর । fem. কার্যকারিণী । ̃কাল n. the period during which a work is done; working period, working hours; the period or term of service. ̃কুশল a. expert; skilful, adroit; clever. ̃ক্রম n. a programme. ̃ক্রমে adv. in course of business. ̃ক্ষম a. competent; capable or fit for work. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the field of action; the sphere of activities. ̃গতিকে adv. on business; by way of business; in course of business. ̃চ্যুত a. removed from office, dismissed (from service); cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. removal from office, dismissal (from service); cashierment. ̃ঞ্চাগে adv. to begin with (used often unnecessarily, in the beginning of the reading matter of a letter or legal deed). ̃ত adv. actually, indeed; as a matter of fact. ̃দক্ষ same as কার্যকুশল । ̃ধারা n. same as কার্যপদ্ধতি । ̃নির্বাহ n. execution of a work. ̃নির্বাহী, ̃নির্বাহক a. executing, executive; working (কার্যনির্বাহক সভাপতি). ̃নিয়ম n. rules of business. ̃নির্বাহী সমিতি n. an executive committee. ̃পঞ্জি n. the calendar. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. the mode or process of work, procedure, modus operandi. ̃পরম্পরা n. a regular succession of work. ̃বশত adv. for the sake of work or business; on business. ̃বাহ n. proceedings. ̃বিবরণ, ̃বিবরণী n. the report of a work or proceedings. ̃বৃত্ত n. minutes (of a meeting). ̃ব্যপদেশে same as কার্যগতিকে and কার্যবশত । ̃ভার n. the charge of a task; the burden or pressure of work. ̃সমাধা n. completion of work. ̃সম্পাদন n. performance or completion of work. ̃সিদ্ধি n. accomplishment of a work or task; realization of an end. ̃স্হান n. a place of work or business. কার্যাকার্য n. what ought to be done and what ought not to be done; proper and improper work. কার্যাকার্য বিচার n. discrimination between proper and improper work or between right and wrong. কার্যাধ্যক্ষ n. a superintendent, a supervisor, an overseer, a manager. কার্যানুরোধে same as কার্যবশত । কার্যান্তর n. another work; a different work. কার্যার্থ same as কার্যবশত । কার্যারম্ভ n. the beginning of a work; commencement of work or working hours; inauguration of an institution or firm or any similar establishment. কার্যালয় n. an office. কার্যোদ্ধার same as কার্যসিদ্ধি । 47)
(p. 240) kuṭhi an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factor; a merchant. 22)
(p. 253) kērāni an office-clerk, a clerk. ̃গিরি n. clerkship. মাছিমারা কেরানি a. clerk or copyist who does his routine business or daily score or duty without using his discretion; an incompetent or unintelligent worker. 39)
(p. 291) gaṅgā the Ganges, the Ganga; a river; a wife of Shiva (শিব). (poet.) গঙ্গা, গঙ্গজ a. Gangetic; riverine. গঙ্গাজলি1 n. act of putting the water of the Ganges into the mouth of a dying person; act of swearing by taking the water of the Ganges in one's palm. গঙ্গাজলি2 a. having the colour of the water of the Ganges, of a brownish cream colour. ̃তীর n. bank of the Ganges. ̃ধর n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃পুত্র n. (in the Mahabharata) Bhishma; one belonging to a Hindu caste whose business is to cremate or to help cremation, (cp.) an undertaker by caste. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. (lit.) one whose mortal remains have been thrown in the Ganges; dead. গঙ্গাপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to die (esp. holily). ̃প্রাপ্তি n. death (esp. in a holy manner). ̃ফড়িং n. the grasshopper (of the green and large variety). ̃বাসী a. living near or on the bank of the Ganges; riverine. ̃মাহাত্ম্য n. the glory of the Ganges; a hymn glorifying the Ganges. ̃যমুনা n. the Ganges and the Jumna or their confluence. a. black-and-white; mixed with gold and silver, bimetallic. ̃যাত্রা n. act of carrying a dying person to the bank of the Ganges. গঙ্গাযাত্রা করা v. to be carried to the bank of the Ganges on the eve of one's death. গঙ্গাযাত্রা করানো v. to carry (a dying person) to the bank of the Ganges. ̃যাত্রী n. a person who is being carried to the bank of the Ganges on the eve of his death; a dying man; a pilgrim to the mouth of the Ganges esp. on a holy occasion. fem. ̃যাত্রিণী । ̃লাভ same as গঙ্গাপ্রাপ্তি । ̃সংগম, ̃সাগর n. the confluence of the Ganges and the Bay of Bengal, the mouth of the Ganges. ̃স্নান n. bathing in the Ganges. গঙ্গাস্নান করা v. to bathe in the Ganges; (fig.) to cleanse oneself of guilt, sin etc. to make oneself pure. 6)
(p. 296) gati going, passage, movement; gait, motion, velocity; a way, a means (অন্য গতি নেই); a refuge or shelter, one who shelters or aids, a helper, a protector, a patron (দীনের গতি); a remedy; consequence; the state into which one has to pass after one's death (নরকগতি); a means or way of rescue or salvation (পাপিষ্ঠের গতি); obsequies (মৃতের গতি করা); end (মৃত্যুই জীবনের গতি); condition, state (দুর্গতি, আকাশের গতি); গতি করা v. to make necessary arrangement for; to remedy; to take necessary action; to provide for; to perform funeral rites of. আহ্নিক গতি (astr.) diurnal motion. কৌণিক গতি (phys.) angular motion. বার্ষিক গতি (astr.) annual motion. গতিক n. state, condition (মনের গতিক); a means or stratagem (কোনো গতিকে). কার্যগতিকে adv. in course of business or work; on business. ̃ক্রিয়া n. procrastination. ̃দায়িনী a. fem. one who gives spiritual salvation. ̃প্রকৃতি same as গতিবিধি । ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. kinetics; dynamics. ̃বিধি n. movement, activity (শত্রুর গতিবিধি); regular access or intercourse (রাজবাড়িতে তার গতিবিধি আছে); (arch.) a means of spiritual salvation ('ও মা কর গতিবিধি'). ̃বেগ n. speed, pace, vclocity. ̃বেগমাপন যন্ত্র n. an instrument for measuring speed, a speedometer, a tachometer. ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃রোধ n. stoppage or arrest of movement in the midway. ̃ভঙ্গ করা v. to stop in the midway; to break journey. ̃ময় a. moving, mobile; having movement. ̃ময়তা a. mobility; movement; the state of having movement. ̃রোধক a. that which checks the movement. n. a break. ̃রোধ করা v. to cause to stop in the midway, to stop in the midway. ̃হীন a. motionless, immobile, still, having nothing to fall back on, resourceless. 10)
গোমশতা, গোমস্তা
(p. 321) gōmaśatā, gōmastā a rent-collector or billcollector or steward (of a landlord, a businessman, a mercantile firm etc.) 58)
(p. 321) gōladāra an owner of a warehouse; a wholesaler. গোলদারি n. ownership of a warehouse; wholesale trade or trading. a. of an owner of a warehouse; of wholesale trade; wholesale. গোলদারি কারবার wholesale business or trade. 84)
(p. 349) carā to wander, to rove, to travel; (of cattle) to graze; (of other beasts, birds, anthropophagies etc.) to go about for food; (sarcas.) to go about one's business; (of fish) to nibble at bait. চরে খাওয়া v. to graze; to go about for food; (sarcas.) to shift or fend for oneself. 6)
(p. 467) tējārata trade and commerce; moneylending business, usury. তেজারতি (rej.) n. money-lending business, usury. a. relating to money-lending business; commercial. 13)
(p. 467) tēla oil; fat (মাছটায় বেশ তেল); a lubricant (মোটরগাড়ির তেল); (sarcas. & sl.) strength, power, courage, vanity, audacity (তার বড় তেল বেড়েছে). তেল দেওয়া v. to oil; to lubricate; to flatter, to butter up, to gloze. নিজের চরকায় তেল দেওয়া (fig.) to oil one's own machine, to mind one's own business, to go about one's own business. পায়ে তেল দেওয়া (fig.) to flatter servilely. তেল পড়া v. to infuse charm into oil by incantation. তেল মাখা v. to smear or massage or rub one's own body with oil. তেল মাখানো v. to rub or smear with oil; to lubricate; to smear or massage another's body with oil; to flatter or fawn on servilely. তেলে-বেগুনে জ্বলে ওঠা to fly out fretfully; to flare up in anger, to blaze with anger or indignation. ̃কল n. an oil-mill. ̃কাষ্টে গন্ধ n. an unpleasant smell of old oily substances. ̃কুচকুচে, ̃চুকচুকে a. as glossy as oil; so profusely smeared with oil as to look glossy. ̃চিটা, ̃চিটে a. thickly soiled (as dregs of oil), sticky and dirty. ̃তেলে a. oily, smooth; slippery. ̃ধুতি n. a short loincloth worn when one smears his body with oil. ̃পড়া n. charmed oil (used for curing diseases). 34)
(p. 480) dakṣiṇa the south; the right hand side, the right. a. southern, south; Antarctic; dexter, right (দক্ষিণ হস্ত); favourable, pleased, graceful (রুদ্রের দক্ষিণ মুখ); (rhet.) a gallant who can love several women equally at the same time. অয়নান্ত n. winter solstice. ̃কালিকা, দক্ষিণাকালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃পন্হী a. rightist. n. a rightist in politics. দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম n. & a. south-west. □ a. south-western. দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব n. & a. south-east. □ a. southeastern. ̃মেরু n. the South Pole. ̃মেরু অঞ্চল the Antarctic. ̃হস্ত n. the right hand; (fig.) the principal support or helper, one's right-hand man. দক্ষিণহস্তের ব্যাপার the affair or business of taking one's meal, eating. 17)
(p. 485) darakāra necessity; need; requirement; use. তোমার দরকার কত what is your requirement? তোমার দরকার কী what do you want? what is your business? তাকে তোমার কী দরকার what do you want him for? why do you want him? what do you want to do with him? তাতে তোমার দরকার কী how does it concern you? দরকারি a. necessary; useful; important (দরকারি কথা). তোমার দরকার নেই it is none of your business or concern. দরকারমতো according to necessity, as and when necessary. 24)
(p. 497) dālāla a broker, a cambist; an agent; a commission agent; a go-between; a tout; (sarcas.) a supporter or helper (ধনতন্ত্রের দালাল). দালালি n. brokerage, an agent's commission; brokery, commission agency; the act of business of a go-between or a tout. 6)
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