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decided দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 29) anirdhārita not ascertained; unassessed; unfixed; not settled or decided. 22)
(p. 71) amīmāṃsita undecided. অমীমাংসিত খেলা a drawn game, a drawn match. অমীমাংসিত প্রশ্ন an unresolved question. 22)
(p. 90) ashira restless; unsteady; unstable; agitated; excited; perturbed; impatient; fretting, fretful; uneasy; fickle; frivolous; changeful; uncertain. ̃চিত্ত, ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃মতি a. fickle-minded; frivolous; batty, barmy; impetuous. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness; restlessness; impatience. ̃তা n. restlessness; unsteadiness; instability; excitement; agitated or perturbed state; impatience; fretting, fretfulness, uneasiness; frivolity; changefulness; uncertainty. ̃সংকল্প a. irresolute; undecided (in action or purpose). ̃সংকল্পতা n. irresolution; indecision. 59)
(p. 164) upapādaka one who or that which decides or solves or accomplishes or executes or proves or justifies or demonstrates. 14)
(p. 164) upapādana decision, solution; accomplishment, execution; proving, justification, demonstration. উপপাদন করা v. to decide, to solve; to accomplish, to execute; to prove, to justify, to demonstrate. উপপাদনীয় same as উপপাদ্য (a.) 15)
(p. 164) upapādya that which is to be or can be decided or solved or accomplished or executed or proved or justified or demonstrated. n. (geom.) a proposition to be proved, a theorem. এটিই উপপাদ্য বিষয় quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.). 16)
(p. 194) kathā a word or words spoken; a saying; an utterance; a statement; mode of speaking, pronunciation (তার কথা আড়ষ্ঠ); voice (তার কথা শুনতে পেলাম); a dialect (বর্ধমানের কথা); a tale, a story; a chronicle or history (ভারত-কথা); news (গ্রামের কথা); a word (সে নিজের কথা রাখে); an opinion (এ বিষয়ে আমার কথা হল যে); professional narration of scriptural and mythological stories (জমিদার বাড়িতে কথা হবে); a topic, a discourse (এ কথার অবতারণা); conversation; speaking terms (তার সঙ্গে আমার কথা নেই); consultation, discussion (ডাক্তারের সঙ্গে কথা হয়েছে); counsel, advice; instigation; comparison (তার সঙ্গে কার কথা); an incident, an affair (যে সে কথা নয়); a request (সে আমার কথা রেখেছে); order, direction (ছেলেটা কথা শোনে না); necessity, need, compulsion (এ কাজ করতেই হবে, এমন কথা আছে?); plea (ভুল হলে কোনো কথা শুনব না); a proverb (কথায় বলে). কথা কওয়া v. to speak; to talk. কথা কাটা v. to refute; to protest. কথা দেওয়া v. to give one's word, to promise. কথা চালা v. to tell one's secrets to another; to indulge in scandal-mongering, to talk scandal, to gossip. কথা পাড়া v. to raise a topic; to propose. কথা না থাকা not to be on speaking terms with; not to be promised or decided beforehand. কথা রাখা to keep a promise; to be true to one's word. কথায় কথায় in course of conversation; incidentally during conversation, by the by, by the way; whilst talking (কথায় কথায় রাত হল). কথায় থাকা to involve oneself in. কথায় না থাকা to have nothing to do with. কথার কথা a word for word's sake; worth serious consideration (এ কি একটা কথার কথা হল ?). কথার খেলাপ breaking a promise. কথার ঝুড়ি (of a person) a chatterbox. কথার ধার sting of words. কথার নড়চড় deviation from one's promise. কথার ফের, কথার মারপ্যাঁচ a sly turn of speech; verbal trickery; jugglery of words; quibble. কথার শ্রাদ্ধ too much or unnecessary talking, words and words. ̃কলি n. Indian dance depicting ancient wartales. কথা কাটাকাটি n. arguments and counter-arguments; bandying of words; altercation; hot exchange. কথা কাটাকাটি করা v. to advance arguments and counter-arguments; to bandy words; to altercate; to be engaged in a hot exchange. কথা চালাচালি n. act of telling one's secrets to another; scandal-mongering; gossiping. কথা চালাচালি করা same as কথা চালা । ̃চ্ছলে same as কথাপ্রসঙ্গে । ̃ন্তর n. altercation; bandying of words; another topic; interval in course of conversation; a breach of promise. ̃প্রসঙ্গ n. conversation, talk; act of raising a topic; a topic; a context. ̃প্রসঙ্গে adv. in course of conversation; incidentally during conversation, by the way. ̃বার্তা n. conversation; a talk; a chat. ̃বার্তা বলা v. to talk; to chat. ̃মতো adv. in keeping with one's words or promise; in obedience to one's order or direction. ̃মাত্র n. mere words (having no genuine worth). ̃মাত্র সার mere words having no genuine worth, words or promises ending in smoke; false promise. ̃মুখ n. a preface. ̃রম্ভ n. the beginning of a story or conversation. ̃শিল্প n. creative literary works written in prose such as novels, stories etc. ̃শিল্পী n. an author of prose fiction, stories etc. ̃শেষ n. the end of a story or conversation. ̃সাহিত্য same as কথাশিল্প । ̃সাহিত্যিক same as কথাশিল্পী । 89)
(p. 234) kinārā border; edge (চোখের কিনারা); a bank or shore; outskirts (গ্রামের কিনারা, শহরের কিনারা, বাড়ির কিনারা); arrangements; remedy, measure, redress, removal, reparation (দুঃখের কিনারা, বিপদের কিনারা); solution (সমস্যার কিনারা); trace (হারানো টাকার কিনারা); solution or discovery or detection by investigation (চুরির কিনারা); decision, settlement (মোকদ্দমার কিনারা). কিনারা করা v. to arrange for; to make arrangements for the provision of; to remedy, to redress, to remove, to repair; to solve; to trace; to solve or discover or detect by investigation; to decide; to settle. নদীর কিনারা riverside, river-bank. পথের কিনারা roadside. মনের কিনারা depth of one's mind. সমুদ্রের কিনারা seaside, sea shore, coast. 24)
(p. 293) gaḍ়āpēṭā to give definite form or shape to, to hammer or knock into (right) shape. a. that which is decided beforehand (esp. by way of compromise); got-up. 33)
গণন, গণনা
(p. 293) gaṇana, gaṇanā act of reckoning or counting, enumeration (সংখ্যাগণনা); act of doing a mathematical sum; act of deciding or judging (as); decision, judgment (দোষী বলে গণনা করা); act of considering or regarding (as), consideration (মানুষ বলে গণনা); act of pointing out (as), mention (শত্রু বলে গণনা); (astrol.) prediction, foretelling, divination. গণনা করা v. to reckon, to count, to enumerate; to calculate, to compute; to do (a mathematical sum), to work out; to judge; to consider, to regard (as); to point out, to mention; (astrol.) to predict, to foretell, to divine. গণনাকারী n. an enumerator. ̃যন্ত্র a counting instrument, a calculator. গণনার্হ a. worthy of being reckoned or counted; worth considering or counting. গণনীয় a. countable; calculable; worth considering or mentioning. 40)
(p. 293) gaṇita reckoned, counted; enumerated; calculated, computed; (rare—of a mathematical sum) worked out; decided, adjudged; considered, regarded (as); pointed out, mentioned; (astrol.) predicted, divined. n. mathematics. ̃ক n. accounts. গণিতকবিদ্যা n. accountancy. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in mathematics. n. a mathematician. ̃বিদ্যা n. (the science of) mathematics. ̃বিষয়ক a. mathematical. ̃শাস্ত্র same as গণিতবিদ্যা । 43)
গুটি২, গুটিকা
(p. 311) guṭi2, guṭikā a pill, a pilule, a globule (ওষুধের গুটিকা); any small globular or granular object; (in chess and similar games) a piece, a man, a pawn; any fruit in its early stage of growth (আমের গুটি); a vesicle, a blister (বসন্তরোগের গুটি); a cocoon; a chrysalis (গুটিপোকা). গুটিকাপাত করা v. to decide by means of lots, to cast lots. 25)
(p. 429) ṭhika fixed, settled (এখনো কিছু ঠিক হয়নি); appointed, specified (ঠিক দিনে); right (ঠিক কথা); correct (অঙ্কের ফলটা ঠিক); exact, precise (ঠিক); just (ঠিক দুদিন); proper, right (ঠিক কাজ, ঠিক লোক); in working order (ঘড়িটা ঠিক নেই); suitable, fit, fitting (এ জামা তোমার গায়ে ঠিক); corrected or cured (মেরে বা ওষুধ দিয়ে ঠিক করা); arranged (চুলটা ঠিক নেই); regarded, decided, judged, diagnosed (পাগল বলে ঠিক হওয়া). n. fixity (তারিখের ঠিক নেই); firmness (কথার ঠিক); regularity or certainty (বৃষ্টির ঠিক নেই); natural healthy state (মাথার ঠিক নেই); total, sum, addition (ঠিক দেওয়া); estimate, estimation (ঠিকে ভুল); discernment or determination (পথ বা উপায় ঠিক পাওয়া). adv. certainly, surely (ঠিক যাব); for certain (ঠিক জানি); exactly, just (ঠিক তেমনি). int. exactly, right, that's it. ঠিক করা v. to fix, to settle; to appoint, to specify; to correct or cure; to repair or regulate or adjust (ঘড়ি ঠিক করা); to set to rights; to determine or resolve (মনে মনে ঠিক করা); to regard or decide or adjudge (পাগল বলে ঠিক করা); to discern or find (পথ ঠিক করা). ঠিক দেওয়া v. to add, to tot up. ঠিক পাওয়া v. to be able to discern or find (পথ ঠিক পাওয়া). ঠিকে ভুল an error in adding; (fig.) a wrong decision; an error of judgement. ঠিক যেন (just) as if, as though, as it were. 2)
(p. 583) nirṇāẏaka discerning; ascertaining; deciding; resolving. n. a criterion, নির্ণায়ক মত, নির্ণায়ক ভোট n. a casting vote. নির্ণায়ক সভা n. a jury. নির্ণায়ক সভ্য n. a juror. 31)
(p. 583) nirṇīta discerned; ascertained, determined; decided; resolved. 32)
(p. 583) nirṇētā one who discerns or ascertains or determines or decides or resolves. fem. নির্ণেত্রী । 33)
(p. 583) nirṇēẏa that which is to be or can be discerned or ascertained or decided or resolved; discernible, ascertainable, determinable; decidable. 34)
(p. 583) nirṇaẏa discernment; ascertain-ment; determination; decision; resolution. নির্ণয় করা v. to discern, to descry; to ascertain, to determine; to decide; to resolve. 30)
(p. 583) nirdiṣṭa pointed out, indicated; demonstrated; ascertained, determined; decided; fixed, settled, appointed; particular; definite; defined; ordered; enjoined, directed. নির্দিষ্ট করা v. to point out, to indicate; to demonstrate; to ascertain, to determine; to decide or resolve; to fix, to settle, to appoint; to particularize; to define; to order, to enjoin, to direct. 38)
(p. 583) nirdēśa indication; demonstration; ascertainment, determination; decision; fixation, appointment; definition; an order or directive; direction. নির্দেশ করা, নির্দেশ দেওয়া v. to point out, to demonstrate; to ascertain, to determine; to decide; to fix, to appoint; to define; to order or enjoin; to direct. নির্দেশক, নির্দেষ্টা a. & n. one who or that which indicates or demonstrates or ascertains or determines or decides or fixes or defines or orders or directs. ˜নামা n. a directive. ̃পত্র n. a written directive or order. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. in receipt of a directive or order; enjoined; directed. 39)
(p. 583) nirdhāraṇa ascertainment; discernment; determination; fixation; decision; assessment. নির্ধারণ করা v. to ascertain; to discern; to determine; to fix, to appoint; to decide; to assess. নির্ধারক a. & n. one who or that which ascertains or discerns or determines or fixes or decides or assesses. নির্ধারিত a. ascertained; discerned; determined; fixed, appointed; decided; assessed.
(p. 585) nirdhārya that which is to be or can be ascertained or discerned or determined or fixed or decided or assessed; ascertainable; discernible; determinable; fixable; decidable; assessable. 2)
(p. 587) niścāẏaka one who or that which convinces or ensures or ascertains or decides. 59)
(p. 591) niṣpatti solution (সমস্যার নিষ্পত্তি); accomplishment, execution (কার্যনিষ্পত্তি); utterance (বাঙ্নিষ্পত্তি); settlement, decision (মোকদ্দমার নিষ্পত্তি); compromise (শরিকদের মধ্যে নিষ্পত্তি). নিষ্পত্তি করা v. to solve; to accomplish, to execute; to utter; to settle, to decide; to effect a compromise, to compound; to come to terms. নিষ্পত্তি হওয়া v. to be solved or accomplished or uttered or settled or decided or compromised or compounded. 11)
(p. 625) parṇa a tree-leaf, a leaf (পর্ণকুটির); betel leaf (পর্ণকারী); a feather, a plume (সুপর্ণ). ̃কারী n. a grower of betel-leaves (by trade or caste). ̃কুটির n. a hut thatched with tree-leaves; (loos.) a hut. ̃ভোজী a. feeding on tree-leaves; (loos.) graminivorous. ̃মোচী a. (bot.) deciduous. ̃শয্যা n. a bed made of tree-leaves; (loos.) a pallet. ̃শালা same as পর্ণকুটির । পর্ণী a. leafed, leaved; leafy. n. a tree.
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