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force; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akaṣṭakalpanā spontaneous (and not forced or far-fetched) imagination or (literary) composition. অকষ্টকল্পিত a. not forced or far-fetched, spontaneous, facile, easygoing. 30)
(p. 2) akṣuṇṇa unimpaired or unaffected (অক্ষুণ্ণ স্বাস্হ্য বা মর্যাদা); unoffended (অক্ষুণ্ণচিত্ত); unhindered, unchecked (অক্ষুণ্ণ গতি); unabated (অক্ষুণ্ণ তেজ); undamaged or untarnished (অক্ষুণ্ণ সতীত্ব); unquestioned, untrammelled, unhampered, supreme, sovereign (অক্ষুণ্ণ প্রতিপত্তি); still in force, intact (অক্ষুণ্ণ অধিকার বা স্বার্থ); unused, not at all used (অক্ষুণ্ণ মূলধন) 101)
(p. 2) agatyā having no other course to follow or means to adopt; being compelled; perforce, of necessity, necessarily; as a necessary or unavoidable consequence. অগত্যা রাজি হওয়া to agree to follow or adopt a course as a last resort or having no alternative. 119)
(p. 30) anīka army, armed force, troops; a soldier; war, battle. 4)
(p. 41) apakēndra (sc.) centrifugal. অপকেন্দ্র বল centrifugal force. 43)
(p. 56) abaśya2 surely, certainly; unavoidably, inevitably (অবশ্য ঘটবে); by all means (অবশ্য পরিত্যাজ্য); compulsorily (অবশ্যপাঠ্য); undoubtedly, needless to say, of course. con. but. int. of course. অবশ্য অবশ্য without fail, by all means. ̃কর্তব্য, ̃করণীয় a. that which must be done, obligatory. ̃পাঠ্য a. that which has to be studied compulsorily. ̃পাঠ্য বিষয় n. compulsory subject for study. ̃পালনীয়. a. (of work or duty) enforced; compulsory; obligatory; mandatory. ̃ম্ভাবী a. inevitable. ̃ম্ভাবিতা n. inevitability. 29)
(p. 63) abhikēndra (mech.) centripetal. অভিকেন্দ্র বল centripetal force. 47)
(p. 97) ān̐ṭā to fasten tightly, to tighten; to wear, to put on (পাগড়ি আঁটা); to bolt (দরজায় খিল আঁটা); to fix (স্ক্রু আঁটা); to affix (খামে টিকিট আঁটা); to shut, to close (দরজা আঁটা, লেফাফা আঁটা); to (be able to) contain or hold, to have capacity or room for (বালতিতে দুধ আঁটা), to contend with (usu. equally); to be equal to; to contrive (ফন্দি আঁটা); to be equal to, to cope with (বুদ্ধিতে আঁটা). a. closed, shut. আঁটাআঁটি, আঁটিসাঁটি n. excessive tightness; excessive strictness or rigour; firmness; higgling; excessive attention to (usu. one's own) interests (নিজের বেলা আঁটিসাঁটি). ̃নো v. to cause or force to contain or hold. 12)
(p. 99) ākrama a forcible passage; inroad; prowess; invasion; defeat; rise, appearance. 34)
(p. 104) āchaḍ়ā-āchaḍ়i throwing continuously to the ground with force; mutual knocking to the ground as in wrestling. 7)
(p. 104) āchāḍ় a throw or fall to the ground with force. আছাড় খাওয়া v. to fall to the ground with force; to tumble. আছাড় দেওয়া, আছাড় মারা v. to throw or fling to the ground violently. 11)
(p. 106) āḍ়4 to remove stutter from utterance. ̃কাঠ n. a cross-beam. আড়ে-দিঘে adv. in length and breadth. আড়ে-হাতে adv. up-and-doing; with might and main; with full force. 12)
(p. 107) ātyaẏika signalling death or danger; of pressing necessity, emergent. আত্যয়িক ক্ষমতা emergency power. আত্যয়িক বল emergency force. 46)
(p. 118) ābarjana casting off or giving up thoroughly; forcing to bend down; controlling or regulating. 9)
(p. 118) ābēga tremendous or extraordinary velocity or force (বেগের আবেগ); outburst of passion or emotion (আবেগে বলা); passion (স্বরে আবেগ আছে); anxiety; state of suspense; mental uneasiness; troubled state of the mind; mental suffering (শোকাবেগ). ̃পূর্ণ a. impassioned; passionate. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. devoid of passion; dispassionate. আবেগোচ্ছ্বাস n. an outburst of passion; a passionate or impassioned outburst. 40)
(p. 123) ārakṣa police or military station; an outpost; defence force, homeguard. a. engaged in defence. আরক্ষা n. the police. আরক্ষাবাহিনী n. the police force. আরক্ষিক, আরক্ষী n. a policeman; a guardsman. আরক্ষিদল n. a police picket. 30)
(p. 126) ālatō not forceful or firm, light (আলতো হাতে, আলতো মার); incoherent or insincere (আলতো কথা). 35)
(p. 136) icchā will, volition; intention; wish; pleasure; desire; liking; choice, option; inclination. ইচ্ছা করা v. to intend; to wish; to desire; to like; to choose or please. ̃কৃত a. intentional, wilful. ̃ক্রমে adv. according to one's desire or pleasure; willingly, voluntarily. ̃ধীন a. subject to one's will or desire; optional; dependent on one's pleasure. ইচ্ছানুযায়ী, ইচ্ছানুসারে adv. according to one's will or pleasure; at pleasure. ইচ্ছানুরূপ, ̃মতো a. & adv. to one's liking; as one pleases. ̃পত্র n. a document contaning a person's last wishes. ̃পূর্বক adv. wilfully; voluntarily; willingly. ̃বসন্ত n. small-pox. ̃ময় n. one whose will is law; an appellation of God. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মরণ, ̃মৃত্যু n. power to prevent one's death till one desires to die. ̃য়ত্ত same as ইচ্ছাধীন । ̃শক্তি n. will-force, will-power. ইচ্ছায় হোক আর অনিচ্ছায় হোক willy-nilly, nolens volens. যা ইচ্ছা whatever one pleases. 23)
(p. 194) kaṭaka an army, armed forces; encampment (of an army); tented accommodation (esp. of an army); the ridge of a hill; a bangle or an armlet. 13)
(p. 202) kabala gape; gulp; act of gurgling or rinsing the mouth; forceful occupation; seizure; grip. 9)
কবলিত, কবলীকৃত
(p. 202) kabalita, kabalīkṛta taken into the mouth; gulped, swallowed, eaten; forcefully occupied; seized; gripped; possessed. 11)
(p. 204) kara3 the hand; the trunk of an elephant. ̃কণ্টক n. a finger-nail. ̃কণ্ডূয়ন n. itching of the palm; intense or burning desire to do something. ̃কবলিত a. held or seized firmly with the hand, grasped; (fig.) occupied or taken possession of or brought under control esp. by force (and usu. unlawfully). ̃কমল n. a hand conceived as a lotus; a hand as beautiful as a lotus. ̃কোষ্ঠী n. lines of the palm from which fortune is told; the readings of a palmist. ̃কোষ্ঠী বিদ্যা n. palmistry. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. act of wedding (by a bridegroom), marriage. ̃গ্রাহ, ̃গ্রাহক a. mas. marrying (a girl). n. a husband. ̃জোড়ে adv. with folded hands (indicating submission and humility). ̃তল n. the palm of a hand; (fig.) full control or possession, easy reach. ̃তলগত a. (lit.) lying or held in the palm; taken firm hold of; taken complete possession of; brought or kept under full control or easy reach; thoroughly mastered over or learned; conquered or dominated or subjugated. ̃তলধৃত a. held in one's palm or palms. ̃তলন্যস্ত a. placed or put or lying in one's palm. ̃তলস্হ a. grasped, lying in the palm; of the palm. ̃তলাকার a. palmate. ̃তাল n. (usu. in pl.) a cymbal. ̃তালি n. clapping of the hands. ̃তালি দেওয়া v. to clap hands. ̃ধৃত a. held in or seized with the hand or hands. ̃ন্যাস n. a typical system of gesticulation with fingers at the time of prayer. ̃পদ্ম n. a hand conceived as a lily; a hand as beautiful as a lily. ̃পল্লব n. a hand as delicate and beautiful as a young twig. ̃পীড়ন same as করগ্রহণ । ̃পুট n. palms joined to form a cup. ̃পুটে adv. in or with cupped hands. ̃ভূষণ n. a bracelet, a wristlet; a bangle. ̃মর্দন n. handshake. ̃মর্দন করা v. to shake hands. ̃মুক্ত a. released from grasp or grip. ̃স্পর্শ n. a touch of or with the hand. 21)
(p. 208) kaṣā2 astringent; tight; strict, severe; niggardly, close-fisted; constipative (কষা ধাত); (of meat, fish etc.) signed in oil or fat and with spices. v. to try (gold etc.) on a streak-plate; to work out (a mathematical sum); to calculate (price etc.); to singe (meat, fish etc.) in oil or fat and with spices; to tighten; to bind tightly; to tan (hides); to make astringent. ̃কষি n. unswerving enforcement of rule, law etc; rigour, strictness; act of tightening; tugging and counter-tugging; higgling (দরকষাকষি); strained state, estrangement (মনকষাকষি). কষাকষি করা v. to enforce strictness or rigour; to tighten; to contest or try laboriously. দর কষাকষি করা v. to higgle, to chaffer. মন কষাকষি করা v. to estrange oneself (from); to quarrel (with). কষানো v. to singe meat; to tan (hides). কষাটে a. slightly astringent; (fig.) divested of taste or flavour; (fig.) loathsome, disgusting. কষা মাংস n. singed meat; meat cooked with oil and spices. 106)
(p. 208) kaṣṭa grief, sorrow; trouble, difficulty; pain, suffering; labour, hard effort, toil (কষ্টার্জিত); hardship; want, privation. কষ্ট করা v. to labour hard, to endeavour laboriously, to toil; to take trouble, to take pains; to undergo hardships; to suffer. কষ্ট দেওয়া v. to give trouble, to put to difficulty; to put to inconvenience; to oppress, to cause suffering (to), to distress; to pain; to grieve. কষ্ট পাওয়া v. to get into trouble, to be in difficulty; to suffer (from); to be oppressed or distressed; to feel pain; to grieve (for, at); to be moved with pity or sympathy. ̃কর a. difficult, hard; troublesome; laborious, toilsome; painful; distressing; oppressive, vexatious. ̃কল্পনা n. a far-fetched or forced or laboured concept or thought. ̃কল্পিত a. far-fetched, forced. ̃দায়ক same as কষ্টকর । ̃ভোগ n. suffering. কষ্টভোগ করা v. to suffer. ̃সহ, ̃সহিষ্ণু a. painstaking; able to undergo hardships, inured to hardships. ̃সাধ্য same as কষ্টকর । 112)
(p. 220) kāḍ়na (now obs.) act of snatching away; act of seizing by force or tactics; act of lifting or grabbing; act of attracting or enticing (মন কাড়ন); act of uttering or pronouncing (রা কাড়ন). 43)
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