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hoodwink দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 208) kalā1 the plantain, the banana; (coll.) nothing, a mare's nest (তুমি আমার কলা করবে) কলা করা v. (coll.) to be able to do nothing or to be able to do no harm. কলা খাওয়া v. (lit.) to eat a banana; (coll.) to fail in an attempt. ̃গাছ n. a banana tree. কলা দেখানো v. (lit.) to show a plantain; to raise and show one's thumb defiantly or disdainfully; to deceive, to cheat, to befool, to hoodwink; to bite the thumb, to defy. কলাপোড়া খাওয়া v. (lit.) to eat a burnt banana; (coll.) to fail or be disappointed utterly. কলাবউ, কলাবৌ n. a young banana-plant dressed as a married lady and conceived as a female deity worshipped by Hindus; (loos.) wife of God Ganesha (গণেশ); (euph.) a woman with a long veil or an awkwardly bashful woman. কলার কাঁদি a cluster of plantains. কলার খোলা the curved bark of a banana-tree. কলার ছড়া a bunch of bananas, a row of plantains. কলার বাসনা the dried-up bark of a banana-tree. 62)
(p. 355) cālāka clever; intelligent; sly; shrewd. চালাকি n. cleverness; intelligence; slyness; shrewdness. চালাকি করা v. to try to outwit or hoodwink; to try to prove one's cleverness. 57)
(p. 355) cāla3 mode of living, practice, style (বনেদি চাল); behaviour, manners (চালচলন, হালচাল); fashion (সেকেলে চাল); gait, movement (গদাইলশকরি চাল); a deceitful device or move, a trick (চাল ফসকানো); (in chess etc.) a move; affectation of superiority, airs (চাল মারা) চাল কমানো v. to forgo or cut down costly style of living. ̃চলন n. bearing, demeanour; deportment. চাল চালা v. to play a trick (upon); to talk boastfully; (in chess) to make a move. চাল দেওয়া v. to give airs; to try to hoodwink; (in chess) to make a move. চাল বদলানো v. to change one's style of living, to adopt a new style of living; to change a trick; (in chess) to change a move. ̃বাজ a. one who is accustomed to giving airs; a braggart. ̃বাজি n. the practice of giving airs; bragging. চাল বাড়ানো v. to go in for a better style of living incurring thereby more expenses. চাল মারা v. to give airs; to speak boastfully. 49)
(p. 532) dhān̐dhā dazzlement of sight; optical illusion; confusion, bewilderment, daze; an intricate problem; a riddle, a puzzle; a maze; a tricky but interesting question or problem, a poser. v. (usu. in poet.) to dazzle the sight of, to have one's sight dazzled, to daze. ধাঁধাঁর উত্তর the solution of a puzzle. ধাঁধাঁ দেওয়া v. to give a puzzle for solution; to hoodwink; to confound; to bamboozle. ধাঁধা লাগা v. to have one's sight dazzled; to be dazed; to be confused or puzzled. ধাঁধা লাগানো v. to daze the sight of; to daze; to confound; to bewilder, to puzzle; to hoodwink; to dazzle. ধাঁধানো same as ধাঁধা লাগানো 64)
(p. 545) dhōn̐kā3 doubt, suspicion (ধোঁকায় পড়া); bewilderment, puzzle (ধোঁকা লাগা); hoax, hoodwink, deception, dodge (ধোঁকা দেওয়া). ধোঁকা দেওয়া v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge. ধোঁকা লাগা v. to have doubt or hesitancy; to be dazed or bewildered or puzzled. ধোঁকায় পড়া v. to be in doubt or suspicion, to be in a fix or dilemma; to be non-plussed. ̃বাজ a. given to hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodging. ̃বাজি n. practice of hoaxing or hoodwinking or deceiving or dodging. ধোঁকাবাজি করা v. to hoax; to hoodwink, to deceive; to dodge; to practise hoaxing or hoodwinking or deception or dodging. 16)
প্রতারণা, প্রতারণ
(p. 674) pratāraṇā, pratāraṇa cheating; deception, chicanery; a deceit; a swindle, a fraud; hoodwinking; beguilement. প্রতারণা করা v. to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to impose upon; to hoodwink; to beguile. প্রতারণামূলক a. fraudulent; deceitful. 21)
(p. 684) prabañcanā cheating; deception; deceit; swindle; fraud; beguilement. প্রবঞ্চনা করা v. to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to impose upon; to hoodwink; to beguile. ̃মূলক a. fraudulent; deceitful. 4)
(p. 700) phakkikā a hoax; a quibble, an enigma, a riddle. ফক্কিকার, ফক্কিকারি n. act of hoaxing or hoodwinking. 7)
(p. 701) phān̐ki deception, evasion, eye-wash, hoodwinking; a hoax (শুভন্করের ফাঁকি); a fraud; a fallacy, sophistry (ন্যায়ের ফাঁকি); a quibble; secret or unnoticeable neglect (কাজে ফাঁকি). ফাঁকি দেওয়া. v. to deceive, to evade, to hoodwink; to hoax; to cheat; to quibble; to give the slip; to neglect unnoticeably or slyly. ফাঁকিতে পড়া v. to be deceived or cheated; to be omitted (যার দাবি সবার আগে তাকেই ফাঁকি ?). ̃ঝুকি n. deception, evasion, eye-wash; neglect or perfunctoriness (ফাঁকিঝুকি দিয়ে কাজ). ̃বাজ a. deceitful, evasive; neglectful though undetected, slyly neglectful; shirking. ̃বাজি n. practice of deception or evasion; eye-wash; hoax; a fallacy; a sophistry; a quibble; sly neglectfulness; shirking. ফাঁকিবাজি করা same as ফাঁকি দেওয়া । 61)
(p. 782) bṛddhāṅguṣṭha the thumb; the big toe. বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুষ্ঠ দেখানো v. (iron. or joc.) to show the thumb to indicate deception, hoodwinking or befooling. 13)
(p. 802) bhanḍa feigning, pretentious; dissimulating, dissembling; hypocritical; deceitful; sanctimonious. n. a pretender; a quack, a charlatan; a dessimulator, a dissembler; a hypocrite, an imposter; a deceiver; a cheat; a sanctimonious person. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব same as ভণ্ডামি । ভণ্ডন n. deception; cheating. ভণ্ডানো v. (chiefly poet.) to deceive, to cheat, to hoodwink. ভণ্ডামি n. pretension, feigning; charlatanism, quackery; dissembling; imposture, hypocrisy; deceit; sanctimony. 40)
(p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়ānō to deceive, to hoodwink, to bamboozle; to assume a false name, appellation etc. suppressing what is true or authentic (নাম ভাঁড়ানো, পরিচয় ভাঁড়ানো). 24)
(p. 944) śiẏāla the jackal; the fox (fem. vixen). ̃কাঁটা n. a wild thorny plant, agremone mexicana. ̃ফাঁকি n. hoodwinking. শিয়ালের যুক্তি a mischievous counsel or plan. 66)
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