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jewellery দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 237) kun̐ca a very small and red-coloured stony fruit with a black patch on the top, Abrus precalorius; this is used as a measure of weight esp. by jewellers. 13)
(p. 388) jaḍ়ōẏā a piece of bejewelled ornament. a. bejewelled (জড়োয়া গয়না). 2)
(p. 396) jaharata jewels collectively, jewellery. 18)
জহরি, জহুরি
(p. 396) jahari, jahuri a jeweller; a lapidary. জহুরি জহর চেনে (fig.) a shepherd knows his ewe. 20)
(p. 570) nikti a balance for minute and accurate weighing (as one used by jewellers). নিক্তির ওজন minute or subtle weighing. 14)
(p. 831) maṇi a precious stone, a jewel, a gem; (fig.) a precious object or treasure (খোকামণি); (fig.) a glorious person (রঘুমণি). ̃ক n. (geog.) mineral. ̃কাঞ্চন n. a jewel and gold; (fig.) combination or union of two very precious things. ̃কাঞ্চনযোগ n. an excellent union: (astrol.) a very auspicious conjunction of stars. ̃কার n. a jeweller, a lapidary. ̃কোঠা n. a room the floor and walls of which are set with gems. ̃খচিত a. inlaid with jewels. ̃বন্ধ n. the wrist. ̃ভান্ডার n. a jewel-house, (cp.) treasure-house or treasure-trove. ̃মন্ডিত a. set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃ময় full of gems; made of gems; set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃মানিক্য same as ̃রত্ন । ̃মালা n. a necklace set with gems. ̃রত্ন n. pl. gems and jewels, jewellery. ̃হার same as ̃মালা । ̃হারা ফণী (fig.) one who is fretfully aggrieved on account of losing one's most precious treasure or beloved person. 10)
মাষ২, মাষা
(p. 864) māṣa2, māṣā a unit of weight for jewellers (= 18 or 15 grs.) or for apothecaries (9 grs. approx.). 13)
(p. 903) ratna a jewel, a gem; (fig.) the best specimen of a class (কন্যারত্ন). ̃খচিত a. studded or inlaid with a gem or gems. ̃গর্ভ a. impregnated with gems. ̃গর্ভা a. fem. (often sarcas.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃জীবী n. a jeweller; a lapidary. ̃দ্বীপ n. the coral island; treasure island. ̃প্রসবিনী, ̃প্রসবিত্রী, ̃প্রসূ a. fem. yielding gems; impregnated with gems; (fig.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃বণিক n. a dealer in gems or jewellery, a jeweller. ̃ভান্ডার n. a treasure of jewels. ̃মন্ডিত a. bedecked with jewels, bejewelled. ̃ময় a. made of gems; gemmy. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রাজি n. gems, jewels; jewellery. ̃সিংহাসন n. throne studded or bedecked with jewels. রত্নাকর n. a mine or quarry of gems; the sea, the ocean. রত্নাবলি n. gems, jewels; a jewel necklace. রত্নাভরণ, রত্নালংকার n. a jewel ornament. 9)
(p. 916) rōkaḍ় an account of cash, a cash account; ready money, cash; cash-book (রোকড়ে ওঠা); jewellery; gold and silver ornaments. রোকড়ের দোকান a jeweller's shop. 68)
(p. 1006) sāpa a snake, a serpent; (fig.) a malicious person. সাপও মরে লাঠিও ভাঙ্গে (fig.) accomplishment of a difficult job without sustaining any loss or damage. সাপ হয়ে কাটা আর রোজা হয়ে ঝাড়া (fig.) to hunt with the hound and run with the hare. সাপের ছুঁচো গেলা (fig.) involvement in a nauseating or unpleasant affair which cannot now be shaken off. সাপের পাঁচ-পা দেখা (fig.) to get extremely audacious as if one has come into possession of some rare power. সাপের হাঁচি বেদেয় চেনে (fig.) a jeweller knows the shine of a gem. 2)
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