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letter দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akāra the letter and the vowel sound অ; অকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with the letter অ. n. অ and other vowels. অকারাদিক্রমে adv. in the alphabetical order. অকারান্ত a. (of words) ending with the vowel sound অ. 37)
(p. 2) akṣara any of the letters of the alphabet; a syllable; (fig.) a symbolic letter. ̃জীবী, ̃জীবক n. a scribe; a copyist; a printer or compositor, a writer. ̃পরিচয় n. acquaintance with the alphabet; commencement of education; literacy; (fig.) elementary knowledge. ̃বিন্যাস n. the characteristic style of handwriting. ̃বৃত্ত n. (pros.) a system of versification in which the number of letters and not the sounds in a line is taken into account. ̃মালা n. the alphabet. ̃যোজক n. a compositor. অক্ষরীকরণ n. transliteration. অক্ষরে অক্ষরে to the letter, word for word. verbatim; (fig.) with strict exactitude, rigorously. 95)
(p. 22) anakṣara illiterate, unlettered; ignorant. 33)
(p. 30) anunāsika speaking through the nose; nasal. n. (gr.) a nasal sound or a letter representing this sound (e.g. ঙ্, ঞ্, ণ্, ন্, ম্, ং,). অনুনাসিক সুরে in a nasal tone or voice. 86)
(p. 34) anubandha start; outset; (of a question, point, motion etc.) moving or raising, introduction; relation; resolution; endeavour, effort, attempt; context, contextual connection; request; occasion; correlation; (gr.) any of the letters (esp. of suffixes) which are lost or dropped when added to words. অনুবন্ধী a. related, connected; (gr.) syntactically connected; inseparable; (geom.) conjugate; consequential; relevant. 8)
(p. 34) anumati premission, leave; approval, sanction; acquiescence, consent; order, command, commission; authorization. অনুমতি দেওয়া v. to permit, to grant leave to; to approve, to sanction, to grant; to acquiesce, to consent, to order, to commission; to authorize. অনুমতি নেওয়া v. to take permission, to take leave. ̃পত্র n. a letter of authority, a permit, permissive note, a pass; letters-patent. ̃সূচক a. permissive; indicative of approval or consent. অনুমত্যনুসারে adv. according to or by order. 29)
অনুস্বর, অনুস্বার
(p. 38) anusbara, anusbāra one of the nasal sounds or the letter representing it (ং). 5)
অন্তঃস্হ, অন্তস্হ
(p. 38) antḥsha, antasha lying within or in-between. অন্তঃস্হ বর্ণ - য র ল ব হ: any of these letters. 48)
(p. 41) antya last, ultimate; final; extreme; inferior, base, low; remaining; born of a Shudra (শূদ্র) family. ̃জ a. low-born; base; mean. n. a low-born person; a low caste, a depressed class; one of the Shudra (শূদ্র) or the Chandala (চণ্ডাল) community. ̃বর্ণ n. the last letter of a word. 10)
(p. 41) apaṇḍita lacking in erudition or learning; unlearned; not versed in scriptures etc.; not specialized in, inexpert; uneducated; unlettered. 66)
(p. 63) abhijñāna an identifying token; a keepsake. ̃পত্র n. an identity card; a letter of introduction. 66)
(p. 63) abhinandana felicitation, congratulation; expression of happiness by eulogy; felicitous eulogy; a welcome. অভিনন্দন জানানো v. to felicitate, to congratulate; to welcome. ̃পত্র n. a letter of congratulatory or welcome address, an address. 72)
অযোগবাহ, অযোগবাহ বর্ণ
(p. 73) ayōgabāha, ayōgabāha barṇa 'ং' and 'ঃ' of the Bengali alphabet; the letter that cannot stand alone. 21)
(p. 85) asaṃyukta unattached; disjointed; detached; disconnected; not united or joined. অসংযুক্ত বর্ণ n. not a conjunct letter. 10)
(p. 96) ān̐kaḍ়i any hook-shaped object or sign; any of such signs affixed to alphabetical letters. 18)
(p. 96) ān̐khara a letter of the alphabet. 25)
(p. 98) ākalapatra a letter of credit. 25)
(p. 99) ākṣarika relating to a letter or letters of the alphabet; literal (আক্ষরিক অর্থ); accurately faithful; to the letter or literal (আক্ষরিক অনুবাদ). 41)
(p. 99) ākhara a letter of the alphabet; refrain of a song. 47)
(p. 99) āgama the esoteric scriptures of the Hindus (viz. বেদ, তন্ত্র etc); arrival, coming (শরদাগম); income; earning (ধনাগম, সুখাগম); (bio.) an inhaling organ, an inhalant; (gr.) insertion of an extra letter or syllable in the middle of a derivative word; (phil.) any of the sources of knowledge; (comm.) import. ̃নিবন্ধ n. incoming or inward register. ̃নিয়ামক n. the controller of imports. আগম বাণিজ্য নিয়ামক n. import trade controller. ̃শুল্ক n. import duty. 62)
(p. 107) ādēśa an order, a command; a decree; an ordinance; an injunction; a directive; direction; permission; (gr.) substitution of a letter or word for another. আদেশ করা, আদেশ দেওয়া v. to order, to command; to decree; to enjoin; to direct; to permit. আদেশ হওয়া v. to be ordered or decreed or permitted; to be decreed by an oracle; (gr. of a letter or word) to be substituted for another letter or word. ̃ক a. & n. one who orders or commands or decrees or directs or permits. ˜ক্রমে adv. in obedience to or in accordance with an order or decree. ̃পত্র n. a writ of command or decree; a directive; a permit. ̃পালক a. & n. one who obeys or executes an order or decree. ˜পালন n. carrying out an order or decree. আদেশানুবর্তী a. obedient to an order, decree, injunction or direction. আদেশানুযায়ী same as আদেশক্রমে । 80)
(p. 125) ārka solar. ̃ফলা n. this sign over Bengali consonant letters to indicate a preceding '-r' sound; sun-ray; (facet.) a tuft of long hair maintained by a conservative Brahman on his crown. 17)
(p. 136) it (gr.) a letter used to indicate some inflections but not actually pronounced when any of the said inflections is added to a word; omission. 34)
(p. 143) uccāraṇa act of speaking; elocution, articulation, utterance; mode of speaking; pronunciation. উচ্চারণ করা v. to speak out; to elocute; to articulate; to utter, to say; to pronounce. ̃স্হান n. (gr.) any of the parts of the mouth that becomes most active whilst pronouncing a particular letter of the alphabet; place of articulation. 37)
(p. 150) utsarga ritual or religious offering; sacrifice; dedication; gift or foundation for public welfare; ejection, relieving oneself of, letting out (পুরীষোত্সর্গ). জীবন উত্সর্গ করা v. to sacrifice or dedicate one's life. পুকুর উত্সর্গ করা v. to dig a tank for public welfare. পুস্তক উত্সর্গ করা v. to dedicate a book. উত্সর্গীকৃত a. offered; sacrificed; dedicated; given or founded for public welfare. 29)
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