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majority দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 9) ati too; over; beyond; improperly; going beyond; excessively; beyond the compass or range (of), outside. a. very improper or unbecoming; excessive; excellent (অতি নাগর). n. an improper or excessive amount (কিছুরই অতি ভালো নয়) pfx. ex-, extra-, hyper-, out-, over-, super-, sur-, trans-, ultra-. ̃কথা n. exaggerated or useless talk; a myth. ̃কায় a. of immense size; gigantic. ̃কোমল a. too soft, too tender; very tender or soft. ̃চার n. quick passage (from one place to another); passage or forward movement of a planet from one zodiacal sign to another in a shorter period than usual. ̃চালাক a. over-clever, too clever by half; oversmart. ̃চালাকের গলায় দড়ি an over-clever person hangs himself; the fox must pay his skin to the furrier. ̃জন n. the majority. ̃তপ্ত a. superheated. ̃তর a. very much excessive. ̃দর্প n. excessive pride or vanity. ̃দর্পে হতা (বা হত) লন্কা (lit.) the fall of Lanka was caused by (King Ravana's) excessive vanity; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃নাটকীয় a. melodramatic; unnecessarily over-dramatic. ̃নাটকীয়তা n. melodrama. ̃দূর a. far-away; remote. n. a great distance. ̃দৈন্য n. utmost poverty. ̃নৈতিকতা n. puritanism, rigid adherence to moral principle or behaviour. ̃পাতক n. any of the most heinous sins, a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী n. a great sinner. ̃পান n. (habitual) overindulgence in intoxicating liquor, intemperance. ̃প্রজতা n. overpopulation. ̃প্রাকৃত a. supernatural; supernal. ̃বড় a. too big; too much. ̃বল a. extremely strong or mighty. ̃বাড় n. overgrowth; unnatural growth or development; excessive haughtiness or pride; extreme immoderation or excess. ̃বাড় বাড়া v. to grow extremely haughty or arrogant. অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে প়ড়ে যাবে (lit.) don't grow too high lest a storm makes you tumble down; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃বাদ n. exaggeration. ̃বুদ্ধি same as অতিচালাক । ̃বৃদ্ধ a. very old; decrepit. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. overgrowth. ̃বৃষ্টি n. excessive or heavy rainfall. ̃বেগনি, ̃বেগুনি a. ultraviolet. ̃ব্যয় n. extravagance. ̃ব্যস্ত a. (usu. dero.) very busy; very anxious; fussy. ̃ভক্তি n. excessive devotion or reverence (usu. insincere). অতিভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ too much courtesy, too much craft. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ভোজন n. over-eating, surfeit; gluttony. অতিভোজন করা v. to overeat; to gourmandize, to gormandise. ̃ভোজী a. voracious, gourmand. n. a gourmand, a glutton. ̃মন্দা n. (comm.) slump. ̃মাত্র, ̃মাত্রায় adv. beyond measure; extremely. ̃মান n. excessive vanity. ̃মানব n. a great man or a man of exceptional uqalities and powers, a superman; a greatly wise man. ̃মানবিক, ̃মানুষিক a. superhuman; supernal; spiritual; divine. ̃রঞ্জন n. exaggeration. ̃রঞ্জিত a. exaggerated. ̃রথ n. a great warrior capable of fighting innumerable enemies simultaneously. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. extra-territorial. ̃লোভ n. too much greed, overgreediness. 145)
(p. 17) adhijana the majority. অধিজন-প্রতিবেদন n. the majority report. অধিজন-সম্প্রদায় n. the majority community. 78)
(p. 51) aprāpta that which has not come into possession of; one who has not obtained or received or earned or acquired or realized or attained. ̃বয়স্ক a. one who has not yet come of age, underage, minor; below the age of legal majority. fem. অপ্রাপ্তবয়স্কা । ̃যৌবন a. one who has not yet attained youth; underage, minor. fem. অপ্রাপ্তযৌবনা । ̃ব্যবহার a. same as অপ্রাপ্তবয়স্ক । 48)
(p. 296) gariṣṭha weightiest; most important; largest; greatest; maximum; most venerable or honourable; richest; chief. গরিষ্ঠ সাধারণ গুণনীয়ক, (সংক্ষেপে) গ সা গু (in arith.) greatest common measure, G.C.M.; (in alg.) highest common factor, H.C.F. গরিষ্ঠ সম্প্রদায় the majority community. 90)
(p. 341) cakra a wheel; a ring; a wheel-shaped or circular thing or course (কুম্ভকারের চক্র); anything rotating like a wheel (কালচক্র); an ancient wheel-shaped missile or discus (সুদর্শন চক্র); a wheelshaped battle-order (চক্রব্যূহ); (astr. & astrol.) the zodiac; a halo; a collection or block of neighbouring villages; an extensive state or kingdom or land (চক্রবর্তী); a circular mark (as on the hood of a snake); the hood of a snake; a conspiracy, an intrigue (দশচক্র); a cycle, a group, a faction, an association. ̃গতি n. circular motion, rotation, revolution. ̃চর a. vagrant. ̃ধর n. an appellation of God Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) or a king or a snake. ̃ধারী same as চক্রপাণি । ̃নাভি n. the hub of a wheel. ̃নায়ক n. leader of a group of men; commander of an army. ̃নেমি a. the rim of a wheel. ̃পাণি n. an appellation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) or Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) ̃বত্ a. wheel-like, circular. adv. like a wheel; in a circular motion. ̃বর্তী n. the ruler of an extensive kingdom; an emperor; a sovereign ruler. ̃বাক n. the curlew or partridge or heron. fem. ̃বাকী । ̃বাত n. a cyclone. ̃বাল n. the horizon. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. (arith.) compound interest. ̃ব্যূহ n. a wheel-shaped battleorder. ̃যান n. a wheeled vehicle. চক্ররেল n. a circular railway. দশচক্রে ভগবান ভূত (fig.) a brute majority may guillotine even God. 16)
(p. 485) dala a leaf (বিল্বদল); a petal (পুষ্পদল); a blade (তৃণদল); a cress or watercress (কলমিদল); a piece (মেঘদল); a party, a group, a company, a band, a body, a train, a flock, a herd, a swarm, a gang, a team, a side, a party (দুইদলে মামলা); a faction, a clique (দল পাকানো); a union (দল বাঁধা); (dero.) evil company (দলে মিশে উচ্ছন্নে যাওয়া). দল ছাড়া v. to leave or desert one's flock or party; to give up evil company. দল পাকানো, দল বাঁধা v. to unite into a body; (dero.) to form a faction or clique. দল বেঁধে in a body. দল ভাঙা v. to disrupt or disintegrate a party; to demobilize a troop. দল ভেঙে বেরিয়ে আসা v. to break away from a party; (cp.) to cross the floor; to defect. দলে দলে in (different) groups or flocks (দলে দলে লোক যাচ্ছে, দলে দলে পশু চরছে); between or amongst parties or factions (দলে দলে বিবাদ). দলে ভারী large in number; greater in number, enjoying a majority. দলে হালকা small or smaller in number. খেলার দল, খেলোয়াড়ের দল a team of players. দস্যুদল n. a gang of robbers. নর্তকের দল a band or group of dancers. নাচের দল a dancing party. নাবিকদল n. a party or band of sailors. পশুর দল a herd of beasts. পাখির দল a flock of birds. বদমাশের দল a gang of ruffians. যাত্রার দল an opera party. রাজনীতিক দল a political party. সৈন্যদল n. an army of soldiers. ̃কচু n. a kind of edible plant. ̃গত a. counted as a group, collective (দলগত শক্তি); taken as a group or party (দলগত সংহতি). ̃চ্যুত a. separated or expelled from one's flock or party. ̃চ্যুতি n. separation or expulsion from one's flock or party. ̃ছাড়া a. separated from one's flock or party; (rare) moving alone; solitary, singular; unusual, queer, exceptional. ̃ত্যাগ n. leaving or deserting one's party or flock. দলত্যাগ করা v. to leave or desert one's party or flock. ̃ত্যাগী a. one who leaves or deserts one's party or flock. দলত্যাগী ব্যক্তি n. one who has left his party; a defector; a deserter of his party, a turncoat; a renegade, an apostate. ̃পতি a leader; a headman, a chief, a chieftain; a gangster. ̃পরিবর্তন n. change of party or side; transfer from one club or team to another. ̃বন্ধ a. united into a body; united; flocked or herded together; (rare) gregarious (দলবন্ধ জীবন). ̃বন্ধ ভাবে adv. in a body, en masse; unitedly; in a flock; gregariously. ̃বন্ধ হওয়া v. to unite in a group, to band together. ̃বল n. one's followers and forces. ̃বাজি n. factionalism, partisanship, cliquism. ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as দলছাড়া । ̃মন্ডল n. (bot.) a corolla. ̃মত নির্বিশেষে adv. irrespective of parties or opinions. ̃লগ্ন a. (bot.) epipetalous. ̃হীন a. unattached to any party; (pol.) non-party, independent; (bot.) apetalous. দলে ভেড়া v. to join a party or group, to associate oneself with a body of like-minded people. 61)
(p. 580) niraṅkuśa unpreventable; inevitable; unhindered; unattached; free from ties of attachment; dispassionate; wayward, wilful. নিরঙ্কুশ গরিষ্ঠতা absolute majority. 9)
(p. 654) pūrṇa thoroughly filled, replete; full, whole; total; complete, perfect (পূর্ণ সুখ); fulfilled, gratified, realized; completed, completely passed (কাল পূর্ণ হওয়া); accomplished (সাধ পূর্ণ হওয়া); nature; fully grown. পূর্ণ করা v. to fill, to make full to the brim; to replete; to complete; to fulfil; to pass completely; to accomplish. ̃কাম a. one whose desire has been fulfilled. ̃কাল a. fulltime. ̃কুম্ভ n. a pitcher completely filled (esp. with water). ̃গর্ভা a. fem. in the advanced or last stage of pregnancy, nearing travail. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) total eclipse. ̃চন্দ্র n. the full-moon, the hunter's moon. ̃চ্ছেদ n. (gr.) a full stop. পূর্ণচ্ছেদ পড়া v. (fig.) to terminate or be closed for good. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. repleteness, fulness; completeness; fulfilment; completion; accomplishment; maturity; full growth. ̃পাত্র n. a full cup, a full dish, a full plate, a full vessel. ̃বয়স n. full age, maturity. ̃বয়স্ক a. full-aged, grown up, major, adult. fem. ̃বয়স্কা । পূর্ণবয়স্ক হওয়া v. to come of age, to attain majority. ̃বিকশিত a. full-blown; fully manifested. ̃বিকাশ n. full blowing; full manifestation. ̃বেগ n. full speed, full tilt. ̃বেগে adv. at full speed, in full career, at full tilt. ̃ব্রহ্ম n. the Absolute Being, God. ̃মন্ত্রী n. a cabinet minister (in charge of a full portfolio). ̃মাত্রা n. the fullest measure or extent; (of medicines) a full dose. ̃মাত্রায় adv. to the fullest measure or extent; entirely; wholly; thoroughly; in a downright manner. ̃মাসী same as পৌর্ণমাসী । ̃যুবক n. a full-grown young man. fem. ̃যুবতী । ̃সংখ্যা a. (arith.) an integer, a whole number. পূর্ণা fem. of পূর্ণ । পূর্ণাঙ্গ a. having all the limbs; complete in all parts; thorough; fully grown or developed. পূর্ণাঙ্গতা n. completeness in all parts; thoroughness; full growth or development. পূর্ণানন্দ n. full delight or joy; an appellation of God. পূর্ণাবতার n. a perfect incarnation; an appellation of Nrishingha (নৃসিংহ), Rama (রাম) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). পূর্ণাবয়ব same as পূর্ণাঙ্গ । পূর্ণাভিলাষ same as পূর্ণকাম । পূর্ণায়ত a. fully wide or widened or expanded. পূর্ণায়ু a. enjoying full longevity or long lease of life, long-lived. পূর্ণাহুতি n. the final offering; the burnt offering with which a sacrifice is concluded, the concluding (burnt) offering; (fig.) completion of self-sacrifice. পূর্ণাহুতি দেওয়া v. to offer the concluding (burnt) offering; (fig.) to complete, to sacrifice oneself. 102)
(p. 692) prāpta obtained, got; received; found; acquired, gained, attained, learnt (শিক্ষাপ্রাপ্ত); informed of (সংবাদপ্রাপ্ত). প্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to obtain, to get; to receive, to be given; to find, to come across; to acquire, to gain; to attain; to learn; to be informed. ̃কাল a. on the point of death, dying; having attained the fullness of age. ̃বয়স্ক a. one who has attained majority, of age, adult, grown-up. ̃ব্য a. same as প্রাপ্য (a.). ̃যৌবন a. adult. fem. ̃যৌবনা । 56)
(p. 789) bēśi excess (কমবেশি). a. in excess (বেশি হওয়া); many (বেশি লোক); much (বেশি দুধ). adv. excessively, much (বেশি হাসা). বেশির ভাগ the greater part or portion or number (বেশির ভাগ খাবার বা টাকা); for the most part. বেশির ভাগ লোক the majority; most people. 21)
(p. 721) baẏḥ age; longevity or lifetime; youth or majority. ̃ক্রম n. age. ̃প্রাপ্ত, ̃স্হ a. one who has attained youth or (loos.) marriageable age; of age, grown-up. fem. ̃প্রাপ্তা, ̃স্হা । বয়ঃপ্রাপ্ত পুরুষ বা স্ত্রীলোক an adult, a major. ̃সন্ধি n. adolescence. ̃সীমা n. age-limit. 25)
(p. 721) baẏasa age; agedness (বয়স ঢাকা পড়া); youth or majority. বয়স হওয়া v. to come of age; to grow old, to become aged. বয়সের গাছ পাথর নেই (fig.) hoary with age. বয়সের ধর্ম the natural property or tendency of age. ̃কাল n. youth; majority, adulthood; one's greener days. ̃-ফোঁড়া n. an acne. বয়সা n. breaking or cracking of voice on attaining adolescence. বয়সী a. of a particular age (বালকবয়সী); equal in age (আমার বয়সী); advanced in age, aged, old. বয়সোচিত a. right and proper for one's age, befitting one's age, natural to a particular age. 31)
(p. 963) saṅkhyā enumeration, counting; a number; a numeral; (math.) a figure; reckoning, estimation. সংখ্যা করা v. to enumerate, to count; to reckon, to estimate. সংখ্যা হওয়া v. to be (capable of being) enumerated or counted or numbered. ̃গণনা n. enumeration; counting. ̃গরিষ্ঠ a. largest in number; (loos.) enjoying a majority. গুরু a. large in number; larger in number; enjoying a majority. সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ সম্প্রদায় the majority community. সংখ্যা-জ্যোতিষ n. numerology. ̃ত a. numbered, counted, enumerated; calculated; reckoned. সংখ্যাতীত a. countless, innumerable, numberless. ̃ন n. enumeration, counting; numbering; calculation. সংখ্যানুপাতে adv. in proportion to number. ̃পাত n. act of writing down a number. ̃বাচক a. denoting numbers, numeral. ̃মান n. measure. ̃মাপন n. measurement. ̃সংখ্যায়ক n. an enumerator, a calculator. ̃লঘিষ্ঠ a. smallest in number. ̃লঘু, ̃ল্প a. small in number; smaller in number. সংখ্যালঘু (বা সংখ্যালঘিষ্ঠ) সম্প্রদায় the minority community. 38)
(p. 1006) sābālaka of age; adult. fem. সাবালিকা । সাবালিকা হওয়া v. to come of age; to attain adulthood, to reach majority. ̃ত্ব n. full age, majority; adulthood.
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