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partial দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 1) aṃśa a portion or part; a share; a region or locality (দেশের উত্তর অংশ = the northern region of the country); (astrol.) ⅓ of the zodiac; (geog.) &frac136; of earth's circumference; degree; concern, respect (কোনো অংশে মহত্ নয় = noble in no respect); divine incarnation (বিষ্ণুর অংশ = an incarnation of Vishnu). ̃ক n. (alg.) a mantissa. অংশ করা v. to divide into parts or shares; apportion (food, property, task etc.) among others. ̃গত a. included in a part or share; relating to part(s) or share(s). ̃গ্রাহী a. taking a share, participating. n. a sharer, a shareholder; a participant, a party. ̃ত adv. partly, in part; partially; to some extent. ̃ন n. dividing; sharing; apportionment, distribution. অংশনীয় a. divisible into parts or shares; to be divided into parts. ̃প্রেষ n. (sc.) partial pressure. ̃ভাক্, ̃ভাগী a. enjoying a share; having a claim to a share. n. a share, a shareholder; a claimant to a share; one who is responsible for a part, a partner. (কিছুতে) অংশ নেওয়া v. to take part (in), to participate (in). অংশাংশ n. fraction of fraction; minute fraction; tiny part; bit. 5)
(p. 1) aṃśābatāra demi-god, partial incarnation (of a god.) 10)
(p. 1) aṃśita divided into parts or shares; partitioned. 11)
(p. 1) aṃśī entitled to a share. n. a partner or shareholder; co-sharer; participant. 12)
(p. 1) aṃśyamāna that which is in the process of being divided or partitioned. 16)
(p. 9) aṅga a limb; the body; shape or form; a feature; a part; an essential part; an ingredient, a component, an element; an item (নৈবেদ্যের অঙ্গ); (esp. bot.) an organ; the ancient name of Bihar or of Bhagalpur and adjoining places. ̃গ্রহ n. convulsion of or pain in the body or any part of it, spasm; tetanus. ̃গ্লানি n. wearisome or painful physical exertion, tiredness; dirt or soil of the body. ̃চালন n. the movement of the body or limbs; physical exercise. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. amputation or cutting off of a limb; deduction of a part; mutilation. ̃জ, ̃জনু a. born of one's body. n. offspring; a son. ̃জা a. daughter. ̃ত্র, ̃ত্রাণ n. armour, a coat of mail. ̃ন্যাস n. touching different parts of the body as one recites (usu. mentally) different incantations. ̃প্রত্যঙ্গ n. different limbs and appendages of the body. ̃প্রায়শ্চিত্ত n. expiatory rite of removing the taint of the body. ̃বিকৃতি n. deformity; apoplexy. ̃বিক্ষেপ n. making gestures, posing; a gesture, a pose; convulsion of a limb or the body, spasm. ̃বিন্যাস n. posing; posture. ̃বিহীন a. wanting in one or more limbs, crippled; deformed; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. fem. ̃বিহীনা । ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃ভঙ্গি n. a pose or posture; a gesture; secret communication of one's intention by means of a physical gesture. ̃বৈকল্য n. same as ̃বিকৃতি । ̃মর্দক n. masseur. ̃মর্দিকা n. fem. masseuse. ̃মর্দন n. massage. ̃মোটন n. stretching and straightening the body for removing lassitude and sloth. ̃রাগ n. beautifying the body with cosmetics; any article of cosmetic or toilet. ̃রাজ n. the king of Anga. ̃রাজ্য n. a state of a federation. ̃রুহ n. hair; wool; fur; feather, a gown. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the body (by ablution or by ceremonial washing). ̃সংবাহন n. massage. ̃শোভা n. beauty of the body. ̃সংস্হান n. morphology. ̃সজ্জা n. beautifying the body (with dress or cosmetics). ̃সঞ্চালন same as ̃চালন । ̃সৌষ্ঠব n. physical grace or beauty or symmetry. ̃হানি n. loss of a limb; partial omission or curtailment of anything; mutilation; a defect. ̃হীন a. deformed; lacking one or more limbs; (of a work) lacking in perfection, defective; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. 15)
(p. 9) aṅgāṅgi mutual attraction of different limbs of a body; correlation; preferential treatment of or partiality towards a member of one's own party. ̃ভাব, ̃সম্বন্ধ n. intimate friendship; inseparable relation; (phil.) the relation between the whole and its parts; interdependence of parts, relation between form and content; the relation between what is primary and what is secondary. ̃ভাবে adv. in the relation of the part to the whole or of what is secondary to what is primary; inseparably. 19)
(p. 24) anapēkṣa not depending on or subject to; independent; impartial, unbiased. 28)
(p. 24) anabakāśa want of leisure or respite or break; lack of time for doing some particular work. 30)
(p. 30) anugraha grace or favour; help; propitiousness; kindness, mercy; preferential treatment, partiality. অনুগ্রহ করা v. to favour; to help; to treat gracefully or propitiously; to treat with kindness or mercy; to accord preferential treatment to. ̃পাত্র n. a favourite, a minion. ̃ভাজন a. enjoying favour (of), favoured. ̃পূর্বক adv. graciously, kindly, benignantly. ̃প্রার্থী a. & n. one who curries favour, one who solicits favour. 29)
(p. 34) anubēdana imparting knowledge of, enlightenment, instruction, intimation. information, sympathy, compassion. 20)
(p. 38) -anta to form present participial adjectives (e. g. ঘুমন্ত ঘুম্, চলন্ত চল্). 25)
(p. 41) apakṣapāta impartiality; neutrality, nonalignment; freedom from prejudice or bias; justness; even-handed justice. a. impartial; neutral, non-aligned; unprejudiced, unbiased; just. অপক্ষপাতী a. same as অপক্ষপাত (a.) অপক্ষপাতিতা, অপক্ষপাতিত্ব n. same as অপক্ষপাত (n.) 46)
(p. 56) abicāra injustice; misjudgment; unfair or wrong decision or assessment. অবিচার করা v. to do injustice; to judge unfairly or incorrectly or with partiality, to misjudge; to assess unfairly or incorrectly or with prejudice. ̃ক, অবিচারী a. & n. one who does injustice or misjudges or misconceives; one who assesses improperly or incorrectly. অবিচারে adv. unjustly. 82)
(p. 56) abibhakta undivided; not partitioned; not separated or severed. 107)
(p. 75) arthāntara difference in interpretation; a different interpretation; another or a different meaning or significance. ̃ন্যাস n. (rhet.) a figure of speech which corroborates the general by the particular or the particular by the general or the cause by the effect or the effect by the cause, corroboration. 34)
(p. 77) ardha any of two unequal parts (অসম অর্ধ); a half, a moiety. a. half; divided into two parts (অর্ধ বঙ্গ); incomplete, partial (অর্ধাশন). adv. half; incompletely, partially, in part. ̃কথিত a. told in part, half-told. ̃কৃত a. halved; divided into two parts; half-done, partially done, inompletely done. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) partial eclipse. ̃ঘন্টা n. half an hour. ̃চন্দ্র n. the crescent moon; (facet.) act of driving out by pushing by the neck, act of beating in this manner. ̃চন্দ্র দেওয়া v. (facet.) to seize (a person) by the neck and drive out by pushing, to beat or thrash in this manner. ̃চন্দ্রাকার, ̃চন্দ্রাকৃতি a. crescent, crescent-shaped. ̃দগ্ধ a. half-burnt. ̃দণ্ড n. twelve minutes (see দণ্ড). ̃নারীশ্বর n. a deity the right half of whose body is that of God Shiva (শিব) whilst the left half is that of Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নমিত a. (of a flag) at half-mast. ̃নিমীলিত a. partially closed, half-shut. ̃পথ n. half the way; the middle of the way. ̃পরিস্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct. ̃বয়স্ক a. middle-aged. ̃বৃত্ত n. a semicircle. ̃বৃত্তাকার a. semicircular. ̃ব্যক্ত a. halfrevealed, half-disclosed; half-expressed. ̃ভাগ n. a half part or share; half, a moiety. ̃ভূমণ্ডল n. a hemisphere. ̃মাত্রা n. the half of a quantity or dose or musical metre. ̃মৃত a. half dead; almost dead; more dead than alive; dying. ̃রাত্রি n. one half of the night; midnight. ̃শত n. & a. fifty. ˜শয়ান a. recumbent, reclining. ̃শিক্ষিত a. (usu. dero.) half-educated. ̃সত্য n. half-truth. ̃স্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct; babbling. 10)
(p. 80) aśāstra any book other than the scriptures; any book containing unscriptural teaching; a harmful book. a. unscriptural; imparting unscriptural or harmful teaching. অশাস্ত্রীয় a. contrary to or not included in the scriptures, not in conformity with scriptural decrees, unscriptural; improper, unconventional. 28)
(p. 87) asamadarśī not taking an impartial view; viewing or judging with partiality, partial. অসমদর্শিতা n. partiality; partial view or judgment. 8)
(p. 87) asamāpikā not completing. অসমাপিকা ক্রিয়া (gr.) an infinite verb; a verb in its participial form. 27)
(p. 89) asādhāraṇa uncommon, unusual, extraordinary; rare; distinguishing, distinctive; (log.) not general, particular, specific. ̃ত্ব n. uncommonness, unusualness, extraordinariness; rareness; peculiarity, distinctiveness; a rarity; (log.) particularity. 8)
(p. 89) asāmājika not pertaining to the society, not in keeping with the rules, formalities and traditions of the (or chiefly a particular) society; unsocial; unsociable, coy, shy; unmannerly. 18)
(p. 96) āṃśika of a part or parts or a share or shares; partial; incomplete. ̃ভাবে adv. in part, partially. 14)
(p. 107) ādhō half; partial; indistinct. আধোআধো a. babbling; mumbling; indistinct. 111)
(p. 142) īṣadbikaśita in partial bloom; not fully open. 2)
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