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(p. 20) adhīta read, studied, perused. অধীত বিষয় n. a subject that has been studied. অধীতি n. study, act of reading, perusal. অধীতী a. engaged in studying or reading or perusing; learned, erudite, wellstudied. 52)
(p. 22) adhyaẏana reading; study; perusal. ̃রত, ̃নিরত a. engaged in studying or reading (esp. absorbedly). ̃শীল a. studious; studying or reading (esp. absorbedly). ̃শীলতা n. studiousness. অধ্যয়নীয় a. readable; worth reading. 15)
(p. 41) apapāṭha wrong or distorted reading, misreading. 81)
(p. 48) apāṭhya (of books etc.) not suitable for reading; not worth reading; hard-reading; indecent, obscene. 32)
(p. 51) aprastuta not made or prepared; unready, unprepared; embarrassed, out of countenance; inexistent, absent; not related to the subject-matter, irrelevant (অপ্রস্তুত বিষয়ের বর্ণনা) অপ্রস্তুত প্রশংসা n. (rhet.) allegory. অপ্রস্তুত হওয়া v. to become embarrassed, to be disconcerted; to be put out of countenance. অপ্রস্তুতি n. lack of preparation or readiness. 44)
(p. 56) abalīlā dalliance; absence of strain or effort; carefree manner or state; ease; absence of hesitation; promptness, readiness. ̃ক্রমে, ̃ভরে, ̃য় adv. playfully; without strain or effort, without toil and trouble, effortlessly; easily; in a carefree manner; unhesitatingly, promptly, readily. 14)
(p. 118) ābṛtta read or studied over and over again; repeated; recited; that which has returned or recurred; revolved; (esp. in arith.) recurring. ̃চক্ষু a. one who has turned one's eyes inwards; introspective. আবৃত্ত দশমিক (airth.) recurring decimal. আবৃত্তি n. reading or studying over and over again; repetition; recital, recitation; return, recurrence; revolving or being revolved, revolution. আবৃত্তি করা v. to read or study over and over again; to repeat; to recite; to return; to recur; to revolve. 39)
(p. 126) āśu2 early; quickly, speedily; without delay, immediately. a. early; quick, speedy (আশু প্রতিকার); immediate (আশু সমস্যা). ̃গ, ̃গতি, ̃গামী a. quick-moving; swiftfoot, swift-footed, fleet-footed. ̃তোষ a. one who is easily or quickly pleased or appeased. n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃পাতি a. readily shed or fallen, fugacious. 120)
(p. 157) udyata about to, on the point of; ready, prepared; enterprising (উদ্যত কর, জাগ্রত কর'); raised (উদ্যত দণ্ড). fem. উদ্যতা । উদ্যত করা v. to raise; to make enterprising or energetic or active, to energize, to activize. উদ্যত হওয়া v. to be on the point of, to be about to, to be ready or prepared. উদ্যতি n. readiness, preparedness; preparations. 31)
(p. 157) udyama enthusiasm, earnestness; perseverance; enterprise; endeavour, effort; preparation; readiness. ̃নাশ, ̃ভঙ্গ n. failure of enterprise or effort; waste of energy. ̃শীল a. enthusiastic, earnest; persevering; enterprising; energetic; preparing oneself, in the state of getting ready. ̃শীলতা n. enthusiasm, elan; earnestness; perseverance; drive and initiative, push and thrust. ̃হানি same as উদ্যমনাশ । ̃হীন, নিরুদ্যম a. lacking in enterprise, unenterprising; unenthusiastic; lethargic; unpersevering. 32)
(p. 159) unmukha craned in eagerness; eagerly expectant, looking forward; anxious; on the point of, about to (গমনোন্মুখ); ready, prepared. ̃তা n. craning (one's neck) in eagerness; eager expectancy; anxiety; state of being on the point of; readiness. 29)
(p. 204) kara3 the hand; the trunk of an elephant. ̃কণ্টক n. a finger-nail. ̃কণ্ডূয়ন n. itching of the palm; intense or burning desire to do something. ̃কবলিত a. held or seized firmly with the hand, grasped; (fig.) occupied or taken possession of or brought under control esp. by force (and usu. unlawfully). ̃কমল n. a hand conceived as a lotus; a hand as beautiful as a lotus. ̃কোষ্ঠী n. lines of the palm from which fortune is told; the readings of a palmist. ̃কোষ্ঠী বিদ্যা n. palmistry. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ n. act of wedding (by a bridegroom), marriage. ̃গ্রাহ, ̃গ্রাহক a. mas. marrying (a girl). n. a husband. ̃জোড়ে adv. with folded hands (indicating submission and humility). ̃তল n. the palm of a hand; (fig.) full control or possession, easy reach. ̃তলগত a. (lit.) lying or held in the palm; taken firm hold of; taken complete possession of; brought or kept under full control or easy reach; thoroughly mastered over or learned; conquered or dominated or subjugated. ̃তলধৃত a. held in one's palm or palms. ̃তলন্যস্ত a. placed or put or lying in one's palm. ̃তলস্হ a. grasped, lying in the palm; of the palm. ̃তলাকার a. palmate. ̃তাল n. (usu. in pl.) a cymbal. ̃তালি n. clapping of the hands. ̃তালি দেওয়া v. to clap hands. ̃ধৃত a. held in or seized with the hand or hands. ̃ন্যাস n. a typical system of gesticulation with fingers at the time of prayer. ̃পদ্ম n. a hand conceived as a lily; a hand as beautiful as a lily. ̃পল্লব n. a hand as delicate and beautiful as a young twig. ̃পীড়ন same as করগ্রহণ । ̃পুট n. palms joined to form a cup. ̃পুটে adv. in or with cupped hands. ̃ভূষণ n. a bracelet, a wristlet; a bangle. ̃মর্দন n. handshake. ̃মর্দন করা v. to shake hands. ̃মুক্ত a. released from grasp or grip. ̃স্পর্শ n. a touch of or with the hand. 21)
(p. 226) kābya a poetic saying or utterance; poetry; poetic composition; a poetical work; a book of verse. ̃কলা n. poetics; the poetical art. ̃কুঞ্জ n. the grove of the Muses of poetry. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a poetical work; a book of verse. ̃চর্চা n. exercise in poetry, writing poetry; study of poetry. ̃জগত্ n. the realm of poetry; poets of the world collectively; the realm of imagination. ̃নাটক n. a poetic drama. ̃বিশারদ a. skilled in poetry. n. one who is skilled in poetry; (dero. & sarcas.) a poetaster. ˜রস n. the beauty of poetry, the aesthetic value of poetry; political beauty. ̃রসিক n. one who can appreciate poetry, one who finds pleasure in reading poetry. কাব্যিক a. poetic; unduly poetic. 6)
(p. 228) kārya (for.) a work, an action; a deed; a duty; a task; a job; an occupation; use, service; ceremony, rite (শ্রাদ্ধকার্য); profession, function; a purpose, an object, a motive (কোন কার্যে এসেছ); effect, good result, benefit (এতে কোনো কার্য দর্শাবে না). ̃কর a. effective; feasible; serviceable. fem কার্যকরী । কার্যকরী সমিতি n. working committee. ̃করতা n. effectiveness; feasibility; serviceability. ̃কলাপ n. acts and deeds, doings, actions. কারণ ভাব n. causality. ̃কারণসম্বন্ধ n. causal connection or relation. ̃কারিতা same as কার্যকারিতা । ̃কারী same as কার্যকর । fem. কার্যকারিণী । ̃কাল n. the period during which a work is done; working period, working hours; the period or term of service. ̃কুশল a. expert; skilful, adroit; clever. ̃ক্রম n. a programme. ̃ক্রমে adv. in course of business. ̃ক্ষম a. competent; capable or fit for work. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the field of action; the sphere of activities. ̃গতিকে adv. on business; by way of business; in course of business. ̃চ্যুত a. removed from office, dismissed (from service); cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. removal from office, dismissal (from service); cashierment. ̃ঞ্চাগে adv. to begin with (used often unnecessarily, in the beginning of the reading matter of a letter or legal deed). ̃ত adv. actually, indeed; as a matter of fact. ̃দক্ষ same as কার্যকুশল । ̃ধারা n. same as কার্যপদ্ধতি । ̃নির্বাহ n. execution of a work. ̃নির্বাহী, ̃নির্বাহক a. executing, executive; working (কার্যনির্বাহক সভাপতি). ̃নিয়ম n. rules of business. ̃নির্বাহী সমিতি n. an executive committee. ̃পঞ্জি n. the calendar. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. the mode or process of work, procedure, modus operandi. ̃পরম্পরা n. a regular succession of work. ̃বশত adv. for the sake of work or business; on business. ̃বাহ n. proceedings. ̃বিবরণ, ̃বিবরণী n. the report of a work or proceedings. ̃বৃত্ত n. minutes (of a meeting). ̃ব্যপদেশে same as কার্যগতিকে and কার্যবশত । ̃ভার n. the charge of a task; the burden or pressure of work. ̃সমাধা n. completion of work. ̃সম্পাদন n. performance or completion of work. ̃সিদ্ধি n. accomplishment of a work or task; realization of an end. ̃স্হান n. a place of work or business. কার্যাকার্য n. what ought to be done and what ought not to be done; proper and improper work. কার্যাকার্য বিচার n. discrimination between proper and improper work or between right and wrong. কার্যাধ্যক্ষ n. a superintendent, a supervisor, an overseer, a manager. কার্যানুরোধে same as কার্যবশত । কার্যান্তর n. another work; a different work. কার্যার্থ same as কার্যবশত । কার্যারম্ভ n. the beginning of a work; commencement of work or working hours; inauguration of an institution or firm or any similar establishment. কার্যালয় n. an office. কার্যোদ্ধার same as কার্যসিদ্ধি । 47)
(p. 271) khaḍ়khaḍ় expressing a rustling noise as of treading dry leaves; a grating noise or sensation. খড়খড়ে a. giving out or making this noise or sensation. 40)
ঘষটানো, ঘষড়ানো
(p. 329) ghaṣaṭānō, ghaṣaḍ়ānō to drag along something hard; to graze; to abrade; (fig.) to practise or read or try repeatedly or continuously ঘষটানি, ঘষড়ানি n. an instance or act of dragging along something hard; an instance or act of grazing; abrasion; (fig.) repeated or continuous practice or reading or effort. 60)
(p. 400) jihbā the tongue; power of tasting, palate (চেখে দেখার মতো জিহ্বা নেই). ̃গ্র n. the tip of one's tongue. ̃গ্রে adv. at the tip of one's tongue, in readiness for utterance. ̃মূল n. the root of the tongue. ̃মূলীয় a. pertaining to the root of the tongue; (phon.) guttural. 99)
(p. 485) dalana act of pressing or kneading; (loos.) act of trampling under foot, act of treading over; chastisement, repression, subdual, coercion, quelling. a. one who chastises or represses or subdues or coerces or quells. দলনী a. fem. of দলন (a.). দলন করা v. to press or knead; (loos.) to trample underfoot, to tread over; to chastise, to repress, to subdue, to coerce, to quell. দলনীয় a. to be trampled or crushed under foot; to be subdued. 63)
(p. 506) duradhyaẏa hard-reading, difficult or hard to read. 7)
নিষ্পেষ, নিষ্পেষণ
(p. 591) niṣpēṣa, niṣpēṣaṇa beating to powder or grinding or pounding or crushing or thrashing severely or treading heavily or trampling or pressing hard or oppressing severely or routing or stampeding. নিষ্পেষণ করা v. to beat to powder; to pulverize, to grind, to pound; to crush; to thrash severely; to tread heavily, to trample; to press hard; to rout, to stampede. নিষ্পেষক a. & n. one who or that which beats to powder or grinds or pounds or crushes or thrashes severely or treads heavily or tramples or presses hard or routes or stampedes. নিষ্পেষিত same as নিষ্পিষ্ট ।. 21)
(p. 593) naimittika casual, occasional, incidental, contingent, irregular (নিত্যনৈমিত্তিক); versed in reading omens, versed in augury. নৈমিত্তিক ছুটি casual leave. 100)
(p. 605) paṭhana act of reading, perusal; study; recitation. পঠনীয় a. that which is to be or can be read or studied or recited; prescribed for reading or study or recitation; readable; recitable. ̃শীল a. reading, studying; in the process of reading. 26)
(p. 606) paḍ়na2 (dial.) reading; perusal; study; recitation; recital. 6)
(p. 606) paḍ়ā2 to read, to go through, to peruse; to study; to recite (মন্ত্র পড়া, হলফ পড়া). n. reading, perusal; study; recital, recitation; an instalment of lesson, lesson, exercise. a. that which has been read, perused; studied; recited. পড়া করা v. to learn or prepare one's lessons. প়ড়া ধরা, পড়া নেওয়া v. to test whether one can say one's lessons. পড়া দেওয়া, পড়া বলা v. to say one's lessons. (কারও) কাছে পড়া v. to read, to take lessons from. পড়ে শোনানো v. to read to. বিদ্যালয়ে পড়তে যাওয়া to go to school. ̃নো v. to teach; to cause to read or study or recite; to instruct, prepare by (repeated) instruction, to tutor, to rehearse, to prime (সাক্ষি পড়ান). পড়ার ঘর n. a study; a reading room. পড়ার নেশা n. a great liking for or attachment to reading; love of reading. ̃শোনা n. study; academic education, schooling. পড়াশোনা করা v. to study; to have one's schooling; to learn one's lessons. পড়াশোনায় মন থাকা to take care of one's lessons or studies, to be mindful of one's lessons or studies. 12)
(p. 606) patra a leaf (as of a book or a tree); a page (পত্রাঙ্ক); a foil or plate (তাম্রপত্র); a letter, a missive (পত্রপ্রাপ্তি); a piece of paper printed or written (আদেশপত্র); a document or deed (বায়নাপত্র); a written marriage-contract (usu. পাঁতিপত্র); (of a bird) a wing; a correlative of কাগজ, দলিল etc. (চিঠিপত্র, কাগজপত্র, পুঁথিপত্র); a collection, and similar things, etcetera (বিছানাপত্র, মালপত্র, খরচপত্র). পত্র করা v. to make a marriage-contract in writing. পত্র দেওয়া v. to send one a letter, to write a letter to. ̃ক n. a leaf; (bot.) a pinna. ̃কন্টক n. (bot.) a leaf-spine. ̃ক্ষত n. (bot.) a leaf-scar. ̃দারক n. a saw. ̃পত্রিকা n. pl. journals and newspapers. ̃পাঠ n. act of reading a letter. adv. as soon as a letter is read; forthwith, at once, immediately. ̃পুট n. a cup made of tree-leaves. ̃বন্ধু n. a penfriend. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহক n. a carrier or bearer of a letter; a messenger; a postman. ̃বাহী a. mail-carrying, mail. ̃বিনিময় n. act of writing letters to one another; exchange of letters; correspondence. পত্রবিনিময় করা v. to write letters to one another; to correspond (with). বিন্যাস n. (bot.) phyllotaxy. ̃মঞ্জরি n. (bot.) a leafstalk, a petiole. ̃মুকুল n. (bot.) a leafbud. ̃মূল n. (bot.) a leaf-base. ̃মোচন n. (bot.) leaf-fall, defoliation. ̃যোগে adv. by letter. ̃রচনা n. act of writing or composing a letter; (bot.) foliation; (bot.) foliage. ̃রন্ধ্র n. stoma. ̃লেখা n. act of writing a letter; decorative paintings on one's person with sandal-paste or similar articles. ̃হরিত্ n. (bot.) chlorophyl. 35)
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