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কার্য দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akārya a misdeed; a useless act; a mischief; a wrong-doing; a bungle. ̃কর a. impractiable; ineffectual, futile, serving no purpose, useless; unpractical. ̃কারিতা, ̃করতা n. ineffectiveness. ̃কারী a. ineffective, inffectual, useless. 40)
(p. 2) akṛtakārya unsuccessful. ̃তা n. failure. 59)
(p. 26) anasbīkārya undeniable; that which cannot but be admitted. 31)
(p. 36) anurōdha a request; a prayer; solicitation, entreaty, imploration; a thing asked for; sake, account. অনুরোধ করা v. to request, to solicit, to entreat, to implore. অনুরোধে adv. at the request of; at the instance of; for the sake of, on account of (কার্যানুরোধে). 15)
(p. 48) apūrṇa not full or filled; imcomplete; imperfect; unfinished; undone, outstanding (অপূর্ণ কার্য); ungratified, unfulfilled, unsatisfied (অপূর্ণ বাসনা). ̃তা ̃ত্ব n. incompletion; non-completion; imcompleteness; imperfection; unfinished state; non-fulfilment. 59)
(p. 50) apratikārya that which cannot be redressed, irremediable; unpreventible. 23)
(p. 90) asbīkārya unacceptable; inadmissible. 80)
(p. 99) ākāśa the sky, the firmament; the heavens. আকাশকুসুম n. a visionary project, a day-dream; a fool's paradise. ̃কুসুম কল্পনা করা v. (fig.) to build castles in the air. ̃গঙ্গা n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃চর a. living or moving in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃চিত্র n. a picture or photograph of the sky or any part of it. ̃চুম্বী a. touching the sky; sky-scraping, skykissing; very lofty. ̃চুম্বী অট্টালিকা a skyscraper. ̃ছোঁয়া a. touching the sky; (fig.) very lofty. ̃জাত a. born or grown in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃তার n. (radio.) an aerial. আকাশ থেকে পড়া n. v. (fig.) to drop from the blue; to be struck with amazement. ̃দীপ same as আকাশপ্রদীপ । ̃দুহিতা, ̃নন্দিনী n. an echo. ̃পট n. the canvas or the expanse of the sky. ̃পথ n. an air route; an ethereal route. আকাশ পাতাল adv. everywhere; from heaven to the underworld; including everything. a. in a large degree, maximum, extreme (আকাশপাতাল প্রভেদ). আকাশ পাতাল ভাবা to be worried with numberless puzzling thoughts crowding pell-mell into one's mind. আকাশ পাতাল ভেবে না পাওয়া to be at a loss to think out. ̃প্রদীপ n. a light suspended from the top of a pole set up every evening by the Hindus during the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) in reverence to their deceased forefathers or gods. ̃প্রান্ত n. the border of the sky; the skyline; the horizon. ̃বাণী n. a celestial voice; a supernatural or divine voice from the sky; an oracle; radio broadcast; radio. ̃বিহার n. flying in the sky. ̃বৃত্তি n. the practice of somehow making both ends meet, casual subsistence; the state of having no ostensible means of living; fending for oneself in a resourceless condition. ̃ভ্রমণ same as আকাশবিহার । ̃মণ্ডল n. the (whole) expanse of the heavens, the sky, the firmament, the celestial sphere; the atmosphere. ̃যান n. an aircraft, an aeroplane, an airship; a balloon. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. of or in the sky, ethereal, aerial; heavenly, celestial; divine. আকাশে তোলা v. fig. to extol in disingenuous advertisement, to puff; to flatter with praise. 17)
(p. 123) ārabdha that which has been undertaken or begun. আরব্ধ কার্য n. a task undertaken or commenced. 38)
(p. 156) uddhāra rescue, deliverance (উদ্ধারলাভ); uplift, emancipation (পতিতোদ্ধার); reclamation, development (লুপ্তোদ্ধার); recovery (স্বাস্হ্যোদ্ধার); removal esp. by extracting or lifting (কন্টকোদ্ধার, পঙ্কোদ্ধার); a quotation from a writing etc. উদ্ধার করা v. to rescue, to deliver; to uplift, to emancipate; to reclaim, to develop; to recover; to remove (esp. by extracting or lifting); to quote from a writing etc.). ̃ক, ̃কর্তা, ̃কারী n. a rescuer, a deliverer, a saviour; an uplifter, an emancipator; a reclaimer; a recoverer; a remover; one who quotes. ̃কার্য n. rescue work; rescue operation. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) quotation marks, inverted commas (' ' or ' '). উদ্ধার পাওয়া, উদ্ধার লাভ করা v. to be rid of an awkward or difficult situation; to be rescued; to be saved. ̃ভবন n. a rescue-home. উদ্ধারাশ্রম n. a home or camp for homeless or rescued persons; a rescue-home. 12)
(p. 159) upakāra a good turn, benefaction; benevolence; good service; help; favour. উপকার করা v. to do good (to), to do a good turn (to); to benefit; to help. ̃ক, উপকারী a. doing good (to), benignant; beneficent; (not used of persons) efficacious; benevolent; helpful; useful. fem. উপকারিকা, উপকারিণী । উপকারিতা n. active goodness; good; use; helpfulness; usefulness; benefit; beneficence. উপকারে আসা to come of use, to be useful some time or other, to come in handy. উপকার্য a. deserving help or favour. 44)
(p. 182) ēkārtha having one and the same meaning, synonymous (also একার্থবোধক, একার্থসূচক); having one and the same purpose. 32)
(p. 225) kāpāsa cotton. কাপাস গাছ n. the cotton-plant. See also কার্পাস । 10)
(p. 228) kāru an artisan; a craftsman. a. making, doing, causing. ̃কর্ম, ̃কলা, ̃শিল্প n. crafts, handicraft; artistry; handiwork. ̃কর্মী, ̃শিল্পী n. a craftsman, an artisan. ̃কার্য n. artistic design; artistry. ̃সমবায় n. a guild-organization. 32)
(p. 228) kārkaśya roughness; harshness; rudeness; cruelty. 35)
(p. 228) kārṭija of কার্তুজ । 36)
(p. 228) kārḍa a card. 37)
(p. 228) kārtika the seventh month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of October to the middle of November); the name of the god who is the commander-in-chief of heavenly forces; an extremely goodlooking (young) man. কেলেকার্তিক, নবকার্তিক, লোহার কার্তিক n. (sarcas. or dero.) an extremely ugly man. কার্তিকী a. of the month of Kartik (কার্তিকী পূর্ণিমা). কার্তিকেয় n. name of the god who is the commander-in-chief of heavenly forces. 38)
কার্তুজ, কার্তুস
(p. 228) kārtuja, kārtusa cartridge, cartouche. 39)
কার্নিশ, কার্নিস
(p. 228) kārniśa, kārnisa a cornice. 40)
(p. 228) kārpaṇya niggardliness, miserliness, parsimony. 41)
(p. 228) kārpāsa cotton; cotton plant. কার্পাস বীজ n. cotton seed. 42)
(p. 228) kārpēṭa carpet. 43)
(p. 228) kārbā a rose-water spray. 44)
(p. 228) kārmika embroidered; variegated; made, composed. 45)
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