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পথ); দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 22) anatidīrgha not very long (অনতিদীর্ঘ পথ বা রাত্রি); not very tall (অনতিদীর্ঘ দেহ). অনতিদীর্ঘ কাল n. not a very long time. 46)
(p. 29) aniruddha unobstructed; unhindered; unchecked; free. n. (myth.) grandson of Krishna. অনিরুদ্ধ পথ passage without any impediment or obstacle; the sky. 15)
(p. 30) anuttīrṇa unexpired (অনুত্তীর্ণ কাল); not traversed the whole length (অনুত্তীর্ণ পথ); uncrossed (অনুত্তীর্ণ সমুদ্র); unsurmounted, unconquered (অনুত্তীর্ণ বিপদ); failed, plucked, unsuccessful (অনুত্তীর্ণ ছাত্র). পরীক্ষায় অনুত্তীর্ণ হওয়া to fail in the examination. অনুত্তীর্ণতা n. failure; unsuccess. 55)
(p. 41) anna boiled rice; rice; food. ̃কষ্ট n. distress caused by scarcity of food; famine; (fig.) sufferance caused by extreme poverty, indigent circumstances. ̃কূট n. a stupendous heap of boiled rice. ̃ক্ষেত্র var. of অন্নসত্র । ̃গতপ্রাণ a. (absolutely) depending on food or boiled rice for subsistence; (loos.) riceeating. ̃চিন্তা n. thinking out means of procuring food or earning one's livelihood; food-problem, bread-problem. ̃চিন্তা চমত্কারা the effort to earn one's livelihood is all-absorbing; bread-problem is the chief problem; thought of one's daily bread preys heavily on the mind or weighs heavily on the spirits. ̃জল n. food and drink; the Hindu rite of providing food and drink for the soul of the dead. ̃দা a. fem. one who supplies or gives food. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) ̃দাতা a. & n. one who supplies or gives food; one who maintains. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. charitable or gratuitous supply of food. ̃দাস n. one who has enslaved himself to another for one's food or maintenance. ̃নালী n. the aesophagus, the gullet, the food passage. ̃পূর্ণা a. fem. full of food or rice. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).̃পথ্য n. rice-meal as diet. ̃পান n. food and drink. ̃প্রাশন n. the Hindu rite of a child's tasting rice for the first time. ̃বস্ত্র n. food and clothing. ̃ব্যঞ্জন n. rice and curry. ̃ভোজী a. rice-eating. n. rice-eater. ̃ময় a. full of food; built up or nourished by food (অন্নময় কোষ) ̃রস n. chyle. ̃সংস্হান n. provision for maintenance; procuring food or earning one's livelihood. ̃সত্র n. a place or institution for charitable supply of rice or food. ̃সমস্যা n. food-problem, bread-problem. ̃হীন a. without food; foodless; starving. 17)
(p. 41) apatha a wrong or bad or improper path; improper means or conduct. 70)
(p. 41) apathya diet that is injurious for a patient, bad or faulty or prohibited or injurious or unwholesome diet. 71)
অফুরন্ত, অফুরান
(p. 51) aphuranta, aphurāna unending, endless (অফুরন্ত পথ বা অবসর); inexhaustible (অফুরন্ত ভাণ্ডার).
(p. 55) abaruddha shut, closed; blockaded, barricaded; confined; imprisoned; checked, frustrated (অবরুদ্ধ বাসনা); besieged (অবরুদ্ধ নগর); obstructed (অবরুদ্ধ পথ); choked (অবরুদ্ধ স্বর). অবরুদ্ধ করা v. to shut, to close; to block or blockade; to confine; to imprison; to check, to frustrate; to besiege; to obstruct; to choke. 31)
(p. 77) ardha any of two unequal parts (অসম অর্ধ); a half, a moiety. a. half; divided into two parts (অর্ধ বঙ্গ); incomplete, partial (অর্ধাশন). adv. half; incompletely, partially, in part. ̃কথিত a. told in part, half-told. ̃কৃত a. halved; divided into two parts; half-done, partially done, inompletely done. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) partial eclipse. ̃ঘন্টা n. half an hour. ̃চন্দ্র n. the crescent moon; (facet.) act of driving out by pushing by the neck, act of beating in this manner. ̃চন্দ্র দেওয়া v. (facet.) to seize (a person) by the neck and drive out by pushing, to beat or thrash in this manner. ̃চন্দ্রাকার, ̃চন্দ্রাকৃতি a. crescent, crescent-shaped. ̃দগ্ধ a. half-burnt. ̃দণ্ড n. twelve minutes (see দণ্ড). ̃নারীশ্বর n. a deity the right half of whose body is that of God Shiva (শিব) whilst the left half is that of Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নমিত a. (of a flag) at half-mast. ̃নিমীলিত a. partially closed, half-shut. ̃পথ n. half the way; the middle of the way. ̃পরিস্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct. ̃বয়স্ক a. middle-aged. ̃বৃত্ত n. a semicircle. ̃বৃত্তাকার a. semicircular. ̃ব্যক্ত a. halfrevealed, half-disclosed; half-expressed. ̃ভাগ n. a half part or share; half, a moiety. ̃ভূমণ্ডল n. a hemisphere. ̃মাত্রা n. the half of a quantity or dose or musical metre. ̃মৃত a. half dead; almost dead; more dead than alive; dying. ̃রাত্রি n. one half of the night; midnight. ̃শত n. & a. fifty. ˜শয়ান a. recumbent, reclining. ̃শিক্ষিত a. (usu. dero.) half-educated. ̃সত্য n. half-truth. ̃স্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct; babbling. 10)
(p. 85) asatpathābalambī one who has taken to evil ways and means; wicked; dishonest. 31)
(p. 90) asīmapatha (math.) asymptote. 8)
(p. 99) ākāśa the sky, the firmament; the heavens. আকাশকুসুম n. a visionary project, a day-dream; a fool's paradise. ̃কুসুম কল্পনা করা v. (fig.) to build castles in the air. ̃গঙ্গা n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃চর a. living or moving in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃চিত্র n. a picture or photograph of the sky or any part of it. ̃চুম্বী a. touching the sky; sky-scraping, skykissing; very lofty. ̃চুম্বী অট্টালিকা a skyscraper. ̃ছোঁয়া a. touching the sky; (fig.) very lofty. ̃জাত a. born or grown in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃তার n. (radio.) an aerial. আকাশ থেকে পড়া n. v. (fig.) to drop from the blue; to be struck with amazement. ̃দীপ same as আকাশপ্রদীপ । ̃দুহিতা, ̃নন্দিনী n. an echo. ̃পট n. the canvas or the expanse of the sky. ̃পথ n. an air route; an ethereal route. আকাশ পাতাল adv. everywhere; from heaven to the underworld; including everything. a. in a large degree, maximum, extreme (আকাশপাতাল প্রভেদ). আকাশ পাতাল ভাবা to be worried with numberless puzzling thoughts crowding pell-mell into one's mind. আকাশ পাতাল ভেবে না পাওয়া to be at a loss to think out. ̃প্রদীপ n. a light suspended from the top of a pole set up every evening by the Hindus during the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) in reverence to their deceased forefathers or gods. ̃প্রান্ত n. the border of the sky; the skyline; the horizon. ̃বাণী n. a celestial voice; a supernatural or divine voice from the sky; an oracle; radio broadcast; radio. ̃বিহার n. flying in the sky. ̃বৃত্তি n. the practice of somehow making both ends meet, casual subsistence; the state of having no ostensible means of living; fending for oneself in a resourceless condition. ̃ভ্রমণ same as আকাশবিহার । ̃মণ্ডল n. the (whole) expanse of the heavens, the sky, the firmament, the celestial sphere; the atmosphere. ̃যান n. an aircraft, an aeroplane, an airship; a balloon. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. of or in the sky, ethereal, aerial; heavenly, celestial; divine. আকাশে তোলা v. fig. to extol in disingenuous advertisement, to puff; to flatter with praise. 17)
(p. 114) ānugatya allegiance; fidelity; obedience; fealty; faithful adherence. আনুগত্য স্বীকার করা v. to own allegiance (to); to submit (to). আনুগত্যের শপথ oath of allegiance. 28)
(p. 126) āśā2 hope, expectation; assurance; confidence, reliance, trust (চাকরির উপর আশা, ছেলের উপর আশা); a part of the horizon (পূর্বাশা). আশা করা, আশা রাখা v. to hope, to expect; to place confidence (upon), to rely (upon), to trust. ̃তিরিক্ত, ̃তীত a. beyond expectation, unhopedfor; unexpected. ̃নুরূপ a. up to expectation. ̃ন্বিত a. hopeful, cherishing hope; expectant. ̃পথ চেয়ে থাকা to wait in expectation, to look forward to. আশা পোষণ করা v. to cherish hopes. ̃প্রদ a. that which excites or inspires hope, hopeful. ̃বাদ n. optimism. ̃বাদী a. optimistic. n. an optimist. ̃ভঙ্গ n. disappointment, frustration. ̃ভরসা n. hopes and confidence. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. hopeless; disappointed. ̃হত a. disappointed, frustrated. 115)
(p. 150) utarānō to come down, to descend; to reach, to arrive at; to become successful, to shape, to pass a test (পরীক্ষায় উতরানো, রান্না উতরানো); to pass through or spend or pass (দিন উতরানো); to traverse (পথ বা নদী উতরানো). 22)
(p. 150) uttarāpatha the part of India lying between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas; Northern India, Upper India. 53)
(p. 149) utpatha a contrary way; a wrong path; an evil way. ̃গামী a. following a contrary way. diverging; taking to or taken to a wrong path, erratic, off the track, deviated, gone astray; erratic; eccentric; taken to an evil way, depraved. 20)
(p. 164) upapatha a by-way, by path. 11)
(p. 208) karma a work, an action, a deed, an activity; a duty, a task; use, service (এ ঘড়ি কোনো কর্মের নয়); ceremony, a rite (ক্রিয়াকর্ম, শ্রাদ্ধকর্ম); profession; function; a purpose (কোন কর্মে এসেছ); effect, good result (এতে কর্ম হবে না) (gr.) an object. ̃কর্তা n. a supervisor or manager of an affair. ̃কর্তৃবাচ্য n. (gr.) the quasi-passive voice. ̃কাণ্ড n. a part of the Vedas dealing with rituals; actions; functions; ceremonies. ̃কারক n. a doer, a worker, a performer; (gr.) the objective or accusative case. ̃কারী a. of one who does or works or performs. n. a doer, a worker, a performer. ̃কুণ্ঠ a. averse to work, unwilling to work, lazy. ̃কুশল a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃ক্লান্ত a. tired with work, fatigued. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of working; able; active. ̃ক্ষমতা n. ability to work; working power. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a field or sphere of activity; a place of work. ̃খালি n. situation vacant. ̃চারী n. an employee; an officer. ̃চ্যুত a. dismissed or removed from service; cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. dismissal or removal from service; cashierment. ̃জীবন n. the period of life during which a person works, active part of one's life; service life; practical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rites and duties. ̃ঠ a. active; hard-working; industrious. ̃ণ্য a. capable of working; able; active; serviceable. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of giving up a job, resignation; act of leaving or abandoing a work; retirement from service. কর্ম ত্যাগ করা v. to give up a job, to resign; (rare) to retire from service. ̃দক্ষ a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃দোষ crime or sin of evil-doing or wrong-doing; a sin; misfortune (esp. which is caused by one's evil doing or wrong-doing in this life or in a previous life). ̃ধারা n. same as কর্মপ্রণালী । ̃নাশা a. & n. one who or that which spoils or bungles a work or works. ˜নিয়োগ কেন্দ্র n. employment exchange. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to one's work; dutiful; industrious. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to work. ̃নীতি n. policy of action. ̃পঞ্জি, ̃পঞ্জী n. a case-book. ̃পথ n. path or field of work; line of action; active life. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. method or system of working. ̃পন্হা n. course of action. ̃ফল n. consequences of one's actions (esp. of a previous life) that governs one's weal or woe. ̃বশত adv. on business. ̃বাচ্য n. (gr.) the passive voice. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine that action is the chief end of life or that for the final liberation of one's soul one has to resort to action (and not to thought or meditation alone), the doctrine of action. ̃বাদী a. preaching or obeying or inspired by the doctrine of action. n. one who preaches or obeys the doctrine of action. ̃বিধি n. rules of action. ̃বিপাক n. consequences (now usu. evil ones) of one's action (esp. those governing one's weal or woe). ̃বীর n. an untiring worker; an uncommonly active person; a performer of great deeds; a great worker. ̃ভূমি n. the scene or field of one's action; the earthly life. ̃ভোগ n. enjoyment of pleasures or (more generally) suffering from the unpleasant consequences of one's actions; fruitless suffering or labour. ̃ময় a. full of actions; extremely active. ̃যোগ n. the system of purifying one's soul by means of action. ̃যোগী a. & n. one who practises this system; (fig.) one who works most sincerely; one who works sincerely and relentlessly. ̃রত a. engaged in work. ̃শালা n. a workshop; a smithy; an atelier; a studio; a place of work or business. ̃শীল a. possessing active habits; engaged in work; active; devoted to work. ̃শীলতা n. active habits; engagement in work; fullness of activity; devotion to work. ̃সচিব n. a (chief) executive officer; a secretary. ̃সাক্ষী n. any of the natural elements who witness all actions; a witness of an act. ̃সাধন n. execution of a work or task, performance or accomplishment of a deed. কর্ম সাধন করা v. to execute a work or task, to perform or accomplish a deed. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on work or action. ̃সিদ্ধি n. success in or accomplishment of an undertaking. ̃সূচি n. programme of work; programme to be undertaken. ̃সূত্র a. the bond of action; the course of business. ̃সূত্রে adv. on business or in course of business. ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান same as কর্মক্ষেত্র । যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল as you brew so you drink, as you sow so you reap. ̃হীন a. devoid of work; with no work on hand; without employment. 14)
(p. 215) kān̐kara a very small particle of stone, a coarse grain of sand, gravel, grit. কাঁকর দিয়ে ছাওয়া v. to gravel, to cobble. কাঁকরে ছাওয়া পথ n. a gravel-walk; a cobbled road. কাঁকরের খাদ n. a gravel-pit. 32)
(p. 216) kān̐ṭā a thorn, a prickle; any longish thing or instrument with a pointed end or ends (চুলের কাঁটা); a pointer (কম্পাসের কাঁটা, দাঁড়িপাল্লার কাঁটা); a fork (used in eating meals); a hand (ঘড়ির কাঁটা); a fishbone; gooseflesh (শীতে বা ভয়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া). কাঁটা দিয়ে কাঁটা তোলা v. (fig.) to set a thief to catch a thief. গায়ে কাঁটা দেওয়া to have gooseflesh; to have shivering, to shiver. পথের কাঁটা (fig.) an obstacle or snag. পথে কাঁটা দেওয়া (fig.) v. to prevent. ̃তার n. barbed wire. ̃নটে n. a variety of spinach. ̃বন n. a hedge full of prickly shrubs. ̃ময় a. thorny. কাঁটায় কাঁটায় adv. punctually; just at. 13)
(p. 220) kāṭā to cut; to hew, to cleave; to chop; to carve (মাংস কাটা); to mow (ঘাস কাটা); to lop (গাছের ডাল কাটা); to trim; to pare (নখ কাটা); to amputate; to incise, to operate, to lance (ফোড়া কাটা); to bite (জিভ কাটা); to eat (পোকায় কাটা); to pen through, to strike off (লেখা কাটা, নাম কাটা); to deduct (পাওনা কাটা); to dig (পুকুর কাটা); to sink (কুয়ো কাটা); to draw (লাইন কাটা, দাগ কাটা); to write (আঁক কাটা); to write out (চেক কাটা); to paint (তিলক কাটা); to mend or sharpen (কলম বা পেনসিল কাটা); to refuse (যুক্তি কাটা); to say in retort, to protest (কথা কাটা); to construct (পথ কাটা); to compose, to recite, to cap (ছড়া কাটা); to pinch or pick (পকেট কাটা); to pass (সময় কাটা); to disperse (মেঘ কাটা); to lift (কুয়াশা কাটা); to be dispelled (ভয় কাটা); to make a slip in (তাল কাটা, সুর কাটা); to be sold, to sell, to be in demand (বাজারে মাল কাটা); to be in the act of doing, to do (সাঁতার কাটা). a. cut; hewn, cleft, cloven; chopped; carved; moved, mown; lopped; amputated; incised, operated, lanced; eaten; penned through, struck off; mended, sharpened; used in cutting or chopping (পেনসিল-কাটা ছুরি, মাংস-কাটা ছুরি). n. cutting; hewing; cleaving; chopping; carving; mowing; lopping; trimming; paring; amputation; incision, operation; a mark of cutting or incision or operation; biting; eating; penning through, striking off; deduction; digging; sinking; drawing; writing, writing out; painting; mending or sharpening কথা কাটা v. to answer in retaliation, to retort. কাটা কাপড় textile fabrics for making garments, piecegoods. কাটা ঘায়ে নুনের ছিটা দেওয়া to add insult to injury. ঘাস কাটা v. to mow grass; (sarcas.) (to be able) to do nothing. ছড়া কাটা v. to cap or recite a rhyme. জিভ কাটা v. to show the tip of one's tongue and press it with the teeth, to bite one's tongue (as a mark of bashfulness or in apology.) ট্রেনেকাটা a. run-over by a railway train. ফাঁড়া কাটা v. to avoid or escape a possible or impending calamity. ফুট কাটা v. to let fall in drops; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ফোঁড়া কাটা v. to let fall in drops; to put a holy mark between the eyebrows or on the forehead; (pop.) to interpose, to chip in. ভারে কাটা v. to pull one's weight. সাঁতার কাটা v. to swim. সিঁথি কাটা v. to part hair. সিঁধ কাটা v. to break stealthily into a mud house, to burgle; to crack a crib. সুতো কাটা v. to spin. 26)
(p. 220) kādā gluey mud, slime. a. full of gluey mud, slimy (পথ কাদা হয়েছে). কাদা করা v. to make muddy or slimy, to muddy; to make turbid. ̃খোঁচা n. the snipe. ̃টে a. slimy; viscous; full of gluey mud; muddy. ̃ময় a. full of mud, muddy; covered all over with mud. ̃মাখা a. smeared with mud; covered all over with mud. 66)
(p. 234) kināra border, edge (চোখের কিনার); a bank or shore; outskirts (গ্রামের কিনার, শহরের কিনার, বাড়ির কিনার). নদীর কিনার riverside, river-bank. পথের কিনার roadside. সমুদ্রের কিনার seaside, sea-shore, coast. 23)
(p. 234) kinārā border; edge (চোখের কিনারা); a bank or shore; outskirts (গ্রামের কিনারা, শহরের কিনারা, বাড়ির কিনারা); arrangements; remedy, measure, redress, removal, reparation (দুঃখের কিনারা, বিপদের কিনারা); solution (সমস্যার কিনারা); trace (হারানো টাকার কিনারা); solution or discovery or detection by investigation (চুরির কিনারা); decision, settlement (মোকদ্দমার কিনারা). কিনারা করা v. to arrange for; to make arrangements for the provision of; to remedy, to redress, to remove, to repair; to solve; to trace; to solve or discover or detect by investigation; to decide; to settle. নদীর কিনারা riverside, river-bank. পথের কিনারা roadside. মনের কিনারা depth of one's mind. সমুদ্রের কিনারা seaside, sea shore, coast. 24)
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