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উচ্ছ্বাস এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

উচ্ছ্বাস : (p. 143) ucchbāsa strong emotion or passion; an emotional or passionate outburst; great delight; a bursting forth; manifestation; a swelling; breathing; breath; a chapter of a book. উচ্ছ্বাসিত a. swollen, swelled; welled up; swelling; overflowed; overflowing; filled to the brim, overfull; seized with emotion; impassioned; bursting forth; opened; manifested. 57)


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(p. 165) upalakṣaṇa a presage; an omen; an ominous sign; a prelude; state of being at the point of commencement; an incidental (as opposed to an essential) characteristic or feature. 36)
(p. 168) uśula requited; avengement; realisation (of a claim, bill, dues etc.). উশুল করা v. to avenge (a wrong); to realize (a claim or a bill or dues). 123)
(p. 150) udara the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (পর্বতোদরে) ̃পরায়ণ, ̃সর্বস্ব a. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; voracious, gluttonous. ̃পরায়ণতা n. gluttony, voracity. ̃পূর্তি n. filling the stomach with foodstuff. ̃সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a belly-god. ̃পীড়া n. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. ̃ভঙ্গ n. strong diarrhoea. ̃সাত্ a. eaten; swallowed; appropriated; consumed. উদরসাত্ করা v. to eat up. ̃স্হ a. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; lying in the belly or stomach. উদরস্হ করা v. to swallow. উদরস্হ থাকা v. to lie or remain in the belly or stomach; to be accepted by the stomach. উদরান্ন n. food; indispensable food; a living, livelihood. উদরান্ন জোগাড় করা, উদরান্নের সংস্হান করা to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. উদরাময় n. diarrhoea. উদরী n. dropsy. 95)
(p. 167) upaskāra materials; positing of some new quality; care; cleansing; (gr.) introduction of words in order to complete the sense of an incomplete sentence.
(p. 168) uśakhuśa expression of or expressing restlessness or fidgetiness. উশখুশ করা v. to become restless with eagerness or inquisitiveness; to fidget. উশখুশানি n. fidgetiness, fidgets. 121)
(p. 168) upāẏa-upakaraṇa ways and means. 36)
(p. 168) umēda hope, desire; expectation. উমেদার a. cherishing a hope, desirous, expectant. n. a candidate (for a job etc.). উমেদারি n. soliciting for a job etc.; offering oneself as a candidate; candidature. 81)
(p. 149) utkhanana digging. উত্খনিত a. dug up. 14)
(p. 163) upadhā (gr.) the penultimate letter of a word; a trick; a means; a test or testing of courtiers' honesty. 19)
(p. 150) utpīḍ়ka persecuting; oppressive; harassing; annoying, vexatious; pestering. n. a persecutor; an oppressor; one who or that which distresses or harasses or annoys or vexes or pesters. 15)
(p. 164) upapādya that which is to be or can be decided or solved or accomplished or executed or proved or justified or demonstrated. n. (geom.) a proposition to be proved, a theorem. এটিই উপপাদ্য বিষয় quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.). 16)
(p. 165) upara the top of anything; the upper portion of anything; surface; roof; overhead space. a. upper; upward; extra. prep. up, on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards. ̃আলা, ̃ওয়ালা a. superior. n. a superior officer; a boss; (fig.) God. উপর-উপর a. superficial, cursory; shallow, not deep; consecutive (উপর-উপর তিন দিন). adv. superficially or cursorily. ̃কার a. of or on the top or surface; upper. ̃চড়া a. disposed to kick up a row, quarrelsome; aggressive, intruding, obtrusive; assaulting on person. ̃চড়াও adv. coming forward to quarrel or assault (esp. without provocation), aggressively, obtrusively. ̃চাল n. (in chess.) a move suggested by a non-playing spectator; a counter-move; (fig.) an action to foil another. ̃চালাক a. superficially (and usu. officiously) cunning, act of parading one's cunning (esp. precociously). ̃তলা n. a higher or upper storey of a building; (fig.) the higher or wealthier or nobler stratum of the society, the upper class. ̃তলায় adv. upstairs; to or in the upper class. ̃তলার a. of or in the upper storey; (fig.) of the upper class. ̃তলার লোক n. the high-ups; man of the upper class. ̃পড়া a. officious, obtrusive, intruding; aggressive. ̃পিঠ n. the opposite face of a thing; antipodes. 21)
(p. 163) upadaṃśa syphillis. 6)
(p. 163) upanīta brought; ushered; arrived; attained; (of Brahmins, Kshatriyas or Vaishyas) invested with the holy thread. উপনীত হওয়া v. to be brought or ushered; to arrive, to attain; to be invested with the holy thread.
(p. 159) unnētā one who raises or lifts or elevates; one who causes to flourish or prosper; one who ameliorates or improves; one who causes to advance or progress; one who uplifts. 17)
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