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উত্পীড়ক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

উত্পীড়ক : (p. 150) utpīḍ়ka persecuting; oppressive; harassing; annoying, vexatious; pestering. n. a persecutor; an oppressor; one who or that which distresses or harasses or annoys or vexes or pesters. 15)


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উড়নচণ্ডী, উড়নচণ্ডে
(p. 147) uḍ়nacaṇḍī, uḍ়nacaṇḍē possessing the habit of a spendthrift, wasteful, extravagant, squandering. n. a spendthrift, an extravagant man, a squanderer. 13)
(p. 150) uttōlita raised, lifted, hauled, heaved. উত্তোলিত করা same as উত্তোলন করা । 74)
(p. 143) uṭa the camel.
(p. 168) upāṅga an accessory limb; a part of a limb; an excrescence; a text regarded as a part of or accessory of the Vedas; an epilogue or appendix. উপাঙ্গ-প্রদাহ n. appendicitis. 22)
(p. 150) uttarīẏa a scarf, a modesty scarf, (cp.) a stole. 59)
(p. 143) ucca (for. High.) high, tall; elevated (উচ্চ ভূমি); socially high (উচ্চ বংশ); noble, exalted (উচ্চ মন); dignified or pompous (উচ্চ চালচলন); upper (উচ্চ শ্রেণি); high-pitched, loud (উচ্চ স্বর); dear, costly (উচ্চ মূল্য); superior, senior (উচ্চ পদ, উচ্চ কর্মচারী). ̃কুলজাত a. born of a high family, highborn, nobly born. ̃তম a. super; highest; loftiest. ̃তর a. compar. higher; loftier. ̃তা n. height, altitude; tallness; elevation; state of being socially high; nobleness, exaltedness; loudness. ̃নাদ a. highsounding, making a loud noise; loud. n. a loud noise or sound. ̃নীচ a. & n. high and low. ˜পাত n. (astr.) the ascending node. ̃বাচ্য n. response; anything in favour or opposition; commenting. ̃বাচ্য না করা v. not to respond; not to say anything in favour or opposition; not to pass any comments; to keep quiet, to remain silent. ̃বিত্ত n. upper class. a. belonging to the upper class. উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় a high school. ̃বেতন n. high or handsome or fat or big salary. ̃ভাষী a. harsh-tongued; bragging. ̃মধ্যবিত্ত n. upper middleclass. ̃মূল্য n. high price. ̃রোল n. loud noise, clamour. ̃শিক্ষা n. high or higher education. ̃হার n. high rate. ̃হারে adv. at a high rate. ̃হাসি n. a loud laugh, a guffaw, laughter. ̃হৃদয় a. large-hearted, high-minded, magnanimous, generous. 27)
(p. 143) uccābhilāṣa ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাভিলাষী n. ambitious, aspiring. fem. উচ্চাভিলাষিণী । 35)
(p. 150) utsa a fountain, a spring; a cascade, a fall; a source. ̃কূপ n. an artesian well. ̃মুখ n. a fountain-head; a source. 25)
(p. 159) unmīlana opening of eyes; eye-opening; opening; unfolding; blooming; exposition, manifestation. উন্মীলন করা v. to open eyes; to open; to unfold; to expose, to manifest. 26)
(p. 157) udbhinna germinated or germinating; sprouted or sprouting; manifested or becoming manifest; grown up or growing up from under the surface of the ground. উদ্ভিন্ন হওয়া v. to germinate; to sprout; to become manifest; to grow up from under the surface of the ground. ̃যৌবনা a. fem. (of a girl) in the bloom of youth, in the first flush or glow of youth. 28)
(p. 157) udbhaba origination, origin; birth; act of coming into existence or being. a. originating (from); born (of or in) (উচ্চ কুলোদ্ভব). 20)
(p. 164) upaplaba a natural calamity or disaster; a danger; a pest; an insurrection or insurgence; a coup d'etat. 20)
(p. 163) upadraṣṭā same as উপদর্শক । 16)
উপগম, উপগমন
(p. 162) upagama, upagamana presence; arrival, approach, act of going near; a happening, an occurrence, an incident; attachment; sexual intercourse, mating; act of obtaining or attaining; what is obtained or attained; knowledge. উপগম্য a. approachable; worthy of being sexually united or mated; obtainable, attainable; knowable. 4)
(p. 148) uḍ়ukku flying; capable of or given to flying; very restless or impatient. উড়ুক্কু মাছ n. flying fish. 5)
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