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খতরা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

খতরা : (p. 271) khatarā fright, fear; danger; difficulty; a hitch. 58)


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(p. 285) khōn̐ṭā2 a small pillar of wood or bamboo, a pale, a stake; a peg, a wedge. খোঁটার জোর strong or large backing or support. খোঁটার বেড়া n. a paling, a palisade. 57)
(p. 271) khaḍ়kh়ḍ়i a venetian blind. 41)
(p. 289) khōśa delightful, pleasant (খোশখবর); happy, cheerful (খোশমেজাজ); done by one's own self, voluntary. ̃কবালা n. (law) a deed of conveyance executed voluntarily by the proprietor himself. ̃খবর n. glad tidings; agreeable or pleasing news. ̃খেয়াল n. a fad, a crotchet; a caprice, a whim. ̃খোরাক n. dainty food, delicate dishes, table delicacies. ̃খোরাকি a. fond of dainty food; accustomed to taking dainty food. ̃গল্প n. a pleasant chat; an amusing tale or story. ̃নবিশ n. a calligrapher; a good writer. ̃নাম n. reputation; fame; goodwill. ̃পোশাক n. fine dress; fancy dress. ̃পোশাকি a. fond of fine dress; foppish. বু same as বু । ̃মেজাজ n. cheerful or merry or selfcomplacent mood. 14)
(p. 274) khaẏarā2 a species of very small fish. 19)
(p. 274) khāi2 (pr. & 1st. per.) eat. □ n. eating (খাই-খরচ); desire for food, appetite (যতই খাক, ওর খাই মেটে না ।) খাই-খরচ see খরচ । খাই-খাই n. constant or strong desire for food. খাই-খাই করা v. to feel or express a strong desire for food; to be extremely hungry; to feel strong hunger constantly; to be insatiably hungry. খাই-খালাসি a. usufructuary. খাইখালাসি সম্পত্তি n. property in usufructuary mortgage. খাইয়ে a. able to eat much, voracious, gourmand, gluttonous; given to or fond of eating well, fond of choice dishes. খাইয়ে লোক a gourmand, a glutton; a gourmet, an epicure; a belly-god, a voracious eater. 55)
(p. 271) khaka expressing the sound of a cough or a hawking sound. খক করা v. to make this sound; to cough or hawk. খকখক int. expressing the sound of coughing or hawking or laughing with such a sound continuously. খকখক করা v. to cough or hawk continuously. খকখক করে তোলা v. to hawk up or out. খকখকানি n. a fit of loud and continued coughing or hawking or laughter. খকখকে a. (of cough) attended with a hawking noise. 8)
খুনখারাব, খুনখারাবি, খুনখারাপি
(p. 280) khunakhārāba, khunakhārābi, khunakhārāpi a bloody affray or riot; an extensive bloodshed. 81)
(p. 271) khaṇḍita that which has been cut or cleft; cloven (খণ্ডিত খুর); sliced; broken, divided, separated; severed; refuted; freed from, vindicated, absolved; reversed, annulled, rescinded; cut short (খণ্ডিত আলোচনা, খণ্ডিত জীবন); imcomplete, obstructed, frustrated; partial (খণ্ডিত দৃষ্টি). খণ্ডিত করা v. to cut or cleave; to slice; to break, to divide, to separate; to sever; to refute; to free from, to vindicate, to absolve; to reverse, to annul, to rescind; to cut short, to impede completion (of), to obstruct, to frustrate. খণ্ডিত বর্তনী open circuit. খণ্ডিতব্য a. that which should be cut or cleft apart; refutable. খণ্ডিতা n. fem. (poetics) a heroine angered and made jealous at the sight of marks of cohabitation with another on the person of her lover. খণ্ডিতাংশ n. broken or sliced part. খণ্ডীকরণ n. dividing, slicing, cleaving. খণ্ডীকৃত a. divided, sliced, cleft. 53)
(p. 271) khaṭa expressing the sound made by striking on or at something hard (as of knocking the door or of striking or stamping the hoof on stony ground). খটখট, খটাখট int. expressing repetition of this sound; thorough dryness. খটখট করা v. to strike noisily and repeatedly on or at something hard; to look hard and dry (রোদে খটখট করা). খটখটে a. thoroughly hard and dry. 26)
(p. 280) khārābi harm; ruin, utter ruin, disaster; villainy, wickedness. 18)
(p. 274) khararā alt. spell. of খড়রা । 29)
(p. 271) khañjanā of খঞ্জন । 22)
(p. 288) khōẏāri tiredness or depression that strikes in when drunkenness is over. খোয়ারি ভাঙা v. to drink a little in order to remove post-drunken depression. 21)
(p. 271) khaṭbārūḍh় mounted or lying on a cot; lazy; foolish; wicked. 36)
(p. 289) khōrāsāni of Khorasan (খোরাসান). n. a native of Khorasan. 4)
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