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গড্ডলিকা, গড্ডরিকা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গড্ডলিকা, গড্ডরিকা : (p. 293) gaḍḍalikā, gaḍḍarikā the ewe leading a flock, a bell-wether; a flock following a bell-wether. গড্ডলিকাপ্রবাহ n. (lit.) the movement of a flock of sheep blindly following the bell-wether; (fig.) a multitude of blind followers or their act of following en masse; a continuous flow. 16)


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(p. 293) gaḍ়ā3 to make (পিঠে গড়া); to shape, to mould, to model (পুতুল গড়া); to create; to build, to construct (বাড়ি গড়া); to form (দল গড়া); to found (স্কুল গড়া, রাজ্য গড়া); to bring up (ছেলে গড়া); to develop (দেশ গড়া). a. made; shaped, moulded, modelled; created; built, constructed; formed; founded; brought up; developed; made up, fabricated (গড়া সাক্ষী). 29)
(p. 314) gṛha a room, a chamber; a house; a home, an abode, a dwelling; (astrol.) any of the signs of the zodiac. ̃কপোত n. a tame pigeon. ̃কর্তা same as গৃহস্বামী । fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. housework, domestic work or chores. ̃কহল same as গৃহবিবাদ । ̃কোণ n. the inside of one's home; the corner of a house; household. ̃গোধিকা, ̃গোধা n. the lizard. ̃চ্ছিদ্র n. a secret defect or blemish of a family; a (secret) discord in a family; the weak point of a family. ̃চ্যুত a. ejected or displaced or ousted from one's homestead; homeless. গৃহচ্যুত করা v. to oust or evict one from one's homestead; to render one homeless. ̃জাত a. home-made; homegrown; stored in a house esp. in a dwelling-house. ̃তল n. the floor of a room. ̃ত্যাগ n. quitting a house or one's home; adoption of asceticism; renunciation of worldly life. গৃহত্যাগ করা v. to quit a house; to quit home; to adopt asceticism; to renounce worldly life. ̃ত্যাগী n. one who has quitted a house or home; one who has adopted asceticism. ̃দাহ n. arson; (fig.) complete destruction of one's family happiness and peace. ̃দেবতা n. a tutelar deity, a household god. ̃ধর্ম n. the family life, household duties. ̃পতি same as গৃহস্বামী । ̃পালিত a. domestic; (joc.) tame. ̃প্রবেশ n. the ceremony of first entrance into a newly-built house; house-warming. ̃প্রাঙ্গণ n. a courtyard. ̃বাটিকা n. a garden within the precincts of a dwelling-house; a garden-house. ̃বাসী a. leading the life of a family man; living in a dwelling-house or in a family. n. a family man; a male member of a family; an inmate of a dwelling-house. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. dissension in a family; dissension amongst the people of a state; civil dissension. ̃বিবাদ n. dissension in a family; family strife, family feud; vendetta; internal strife; civil dissension; civil strife, civil war. ̃ভেদী a. sowing dissension in a family or a party; betraying secrets of one's own family or party. গৃহভেদী বিভীষণ one who betrays the secrets of one's own family or party, a quisling, a fifth-columnist, a traitor (after the character of Bibhishana of the Ramayana). ̃মণি n. lamp; the lamp of a house. ̃মার্জন n. cleaning the house. গৃহমার্জন করা v. to scrub and clean the house. ̃মৃগ n. a domestic dog. ̃মেধী same as গৃহস্হ । ̃যুদ্ধ same as গৃহবিবাদ । গৃহলক্ষী n. a housewife whose suave and judicious dealings bring peace and prosperity to her family; (loos. & often facet.) a wife. ˜শত্রু n. an enemy of one's own family or party, a quisling. ̃শিক্ষক n. a private tutor; a guardian tutor. ̃শূন্য a. homeless. ̃সজ্জা n. fittings and furniture. ̃স্হ n. a family man; a middleclass man. a. of or in a house. ̃স্হধর্ম n. the practice of a householder (the second stage of life according to Hindu scriptures); family life. ̃স্হালি, । ̃স্হালী n. housework, domestic work; domestic science, domestic economy; household duties. ̃স্হাশ্রম same as ̃স্হধর্ম । ̃স্বামী n. the master of a house, a householder. fem. গৃহস্বামিনী the mistress of a house, a house-wife. ̃হারা, ̃হীন a. homeless, shelterless. 55)
(p. 327) glāsa a tumbler, a glass.
(p. 321) gōla1 (in football, hockey, water polo etc.) a goal; a goal-post. গোল করা, গোল দেওয়া v. to score a goal. ̃দাতা n. a scorer. ̃রক্ষক n. a goal-keeper, (coll.) a goalie. 80)
(p. 301) gāōẏā2 made of cowmilk (গাওয়া ঘি). 53)
(p. 301) gān̐ṭa a knot; a joint (esp. of bones); a knuckle; a knob; a node; a large bundle, a bale; a rim of the loincloth round one's waist where money is kept concealed. গাঁট কাটা v. (fig.) to cut the rim of one's loincloth and steal one's money, to pick one's pocket. ̃কাটা n. a cutpurse, a pickpocket. ̃ছড়া n. the Hindu custom of tying a corner of the bride's sari (শাড়ি) with a corner of the bridegroom's scarf at wedding. গাঁটছড়া বাঁধা v. (lit.) to tie a corner of the bride's sari (শাড়ি) with a corner of the bridegroom's scarf at wedding; (fig.) to marry; (fig.) to unite inseparably. ̃বন্দি a. baled, packed in a bale, made into a bale. গাঁট বাঁধা v. to tie up in a bale or in a large bundle. গাঁটে বাঁধা v. to keep (esp. money) concealed in the rim of one's loincloth. গাঁটের কড়ি (fig.) one's own money. 67)
(p. 293) gaḍ়2 genuflexion, genuflection. গড় করা v. to genuflect, to bow in salutation (to a person or deity). গড় হওয়া v. to genuflect. 18)
(p. 314) guna gunny. ̃চট n. sackcloth. ̃থলি n. a gunny-bag. ̃সুচ, (coll.) ̃ছুঁচ n. a packing-needle. 3)
(p. 306) gāchā1 a lampstick (cp. a candlestick); a lampstand. 9)
(p. 296) garāda a bar (as of a window). 85)
গ্রেপ্তার, গ্রেফতার
(p. 327) grēptāra, grēphatāra arrest, apprehension, seizure. a. arrested, apprehended, seized (গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া). গ্রেপ্তার করা v. to arrest, to apprehend, to seize. গ্রেপ্তারি, গ্রেফতারি a. empowering or directing to arrest. গ্রেপ্তারি পরওয়ানা a warrant of arrest. 35)
(p. 321) gōpāṣṭamī the eighth lunar day in the moonlit fortnight of the month of Kartika (কার্তিক) when Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) began to act as a cowboy. 34)
(p. 320) gōgṛha a cowhouse (usu. a large one), a byre. 12)
(p. 311) guṇādhāra (lit.) a repository of good qualities or parts; a man of qualities or parts. 45)
(p. 301) galija extremely dirty or filthy; full of stench; rotten; decomposed; abominable (গলিজ ব্যাপার). 34)
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