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গাড্ডা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গাড্ডা : (p. 306) gāḍḍā a pit, a hole; (fig.) trouble, difficulty or distress; (coll. and inf.) failure esp. in an examination (গাড্ডা মারা). 16)


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(p. 321) gōlapātā a leaf of a small tree akin to the fanpalm (these leaves are used in thatching, Nipa fruticans). 86)
(p. 301) gān̐thana act of stringing (as a garland); composition (ছন্দে গাঁথন); construction; act of laying (bricks, stones etc. for constructing a building). 71)
(p. 296) gatara body; health; physical strength or ability. ̃খাকি, ̃খাগি a. fem. (abusively) physically strong yet averse to work; extremely lazy. masc. ̃খেকো, ̃খেগো । গতর খাটানো v. to undergo physical toil; to work as a manual labourer. 4)
(p. 314) gēn̐ṭē nodose, knotty (গেঁটে বাঁশ, গেঁটে লাঠি); of or in or occurring in knuckles (গেঁটে বাত = gout). 71)
(p. 306) gāḍ়ā to plant, to drive in (খুঁটি গাড়া); to spread firmly, to strike (শিকড় গাড়া); to establish, to set up (আস্তানা গাড়া); to fold (হাঁটু গাড়া). শিক়ড় গাড়া v. to strike root; (fig.) to settle down firmly or permanently. হাঁটু গাড়া v. to kneel down. 18)
গুছানো, গোছানো
(p. 311) guchānō, gōchānō to set in due order, to arrange properly; to provide for or to supply (ভাত-কাপড় গুছানো); to manage (কাজ গুছানো). a. set in due order, properly arranged; economically managed; managed with domestic economy; orderly; thrifty. গোছানে a. orderly; thrifty; having capacity for managing one's own affairs. গোছালো same as গোছানো (a.). 8)
(p. 321) gōbhāgāḍ় a place for depositing the carcasses of cows; (fig.) a filthy place. 55)
(p. 314) gairēẏa red ochre; any object produced or grown in or on a mountain. 99)
(p. 321) gōtama a sage who wrote a famous treatise on logic; Gautama Buddha. 11)
(p. 314) gōn̐ḍ়ā1 having a roundish exterior protuberance of the umbilical cord; roundish. 107)
(p. 306) gāna a song; a lyric; a poem; a musical play; an opera (esp. an open-air one); sweet note. (পাখির গান). ̃বাজনা n. music; musical soiree; entertainment with music. ওস্তাদি গান classical song. চুটকি গান a light tripping song with a dancing rhythm. গানের দল n. a musical party; a party of professional singers. 42)
(p. 314) gūḍh় secret, hidden, concealed, surreptitious (গূঢ় অভিসন্ধি); unknown, unrevealed, deep (গূঢ় তত্ত্ব); invisible, inaccessible, incomprehensible (গূঢ় মায়া); intricate (গূঢ় ব্যাপার); profound (গূঢ় বুদ্ধি, গূঢ় অর্থ); mysterious, occult, esoteric (গূঢ় বিদ্যা); lonely. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. secrecy, concealment; invisibility, inaccessibility, incomprehensibility; intricacy; profundity; mysteriousness; loneliness. ̃পথ n. a secret path or route; a lonely path. ̃পাদ n. the tortoise. ̃পুরুষ n. a spy, a secret emissary. ̃মার্গ n. a secret path; a secret tunnel. ̃সাক্ষী n. a witness employed by the plaintiff or by the accuser to overhear what the defendant or the accused has to say. গূঢ়ার্থ n. the inner meaning; underlying implication. 51)
(p. 296) gaẏaraha (in law) and the rest, and others, etcetera, et al. 69)
(p. 314) guhā a cave; a mountain-cave; a den (সিংহের গুহা); (fig.) the inmost region or recess (মনের গুহায়) ̃বাসী a. one who or that which lives in a cave or den, cave-dwelling; troglodyte. গুহাবাসী প্রাণী a troglodyte. গুহাবাসী লোক a caveman. ̃শয় a. dwelling in a cave. n. the lion, the tiger and similar beasts that sleep in caves. 48)
(p. 311) guḍ়guḍ়i a hubble-bubble. 31)
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