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জুজ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

জুজ : (p. 400) juja (in book-binding) a form of a book. ̃সেলাই n. a method of bookbinding in which each format is sewn separately. 132)


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(p. 396) jalābarta a whirlpool, an eddy. 2)
(p. 410) jbalānō to kindle or ignite. 25)
(p. 389) janaprabāda a scandal; ill-repute. 3)
(p. 390) jamajamāṭa full of grandeur, attractiveness and crowd; in full swing; in full glory; (of celebration, soire etc.) at its height. 20)
(p. 389) janaika a certain, some, one. fem. জনৈকা । 15)
(p. 388) jana a person, a man (শতজন); a labourer (জন খাটানো); the common people, the masses, demos (জননেতা). in comp. a person, a head (দশজন, দুজন). জনকল্যাণ n. welfare of the people, masses etc. জন খাটা v. to work as a labourer. জন খাটানো v. to supervise labourers at work, to requisition the service of a labourer. ̃গণ same as ̃সাধারণ । ̃গণনা n. census. ̃গণেশ n. the presiding god of the common people or the proletariat. জনগণের দাবি public demand. ̃গোষ্ঠী n. a clan; a tribe. ̃তা n. an assembly or crowd of persons; a mob; the rabble; (pol.) the proletariat. অবৈধ জনতা an unlawful assembly. ̃নায়ক, ̃নেতা n. a leader of the people; a demagogue. ̃পদ n. any human habitation with distinct boundary lines such as a village or a town, a settlement, a township. ̃পদবধূ n. a prostitute, a whore. জনপালন কৃত্যক civil service. ̃প্রবাদ n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃প্রাণী n. a single person or creature. ̃প্রিয় a. popular. ̃প্রিয়তা n. popularity. ̃বল same as লোকবল । ̃বসতি n. human habitation, habitation. ̃বহুল a. populous, numerously inhabited, thickly populated, congested, crowded. ̃বিরল a. sparsely inhabited or populated; almost desolate. ̃মজুর n. a labourer (chiefly a temporarily hired one). ̃মত n. popular opinion or verdict, public opinion. ̃মানব n. (even) a single human being. ̃মানবহীন a. desolate, totally desolate; lonely, deserted. ̃মুখী a. aimed at the benefit of the people. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃রব n. hearsay; a rumour. ̃লোক n. (myth.) the fifth of the seven heavens which is the abode of pious people after their death. ̃শূন্য a. desolate. ̃শ্রুতি n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃সংখ্যা n. population. ̃সংঘ n. a people's society; a society for public welfare, a social service or welfare institution. ̃সংভরণ n. civil supply. ̃সভা n. mass meeting, public meeting. ̃সমক্ষে adv. publicly, before everybody's eyes, openly. ̃সমষ্টি n. same as জনগণ and জনসাধারণ । ̃সমাজ n. the human society. ̃সমাবেশ n. a gathering (of people, crowds etc.), an assembly, an assemblage of people. ̃সমুদ্র n. (lit.) a sea of people; a great multitude of people, a vast concourse of people. ̃সাধারণ n. the common people; the masses; the public; (pol.) the proletariat. ̃স্বাস্হ্য n. public health. ̃স্রোত n. a stream of people. ̃হিতকর a. beneficial to the public, doing good to the people; philanthropic. ̃হীন a. desolate. জনে জনে one after another; one by one; individually; severally. 5)
(p. 390) jaladhi the sea; the ocean. 63)
(p. 390) jarada yellow. 44)
(p. 390) jalasā a majlis or assembly for musical demonstration, a musical soiree. 65)
(p. 396) jātyandha born blind. 69)
(p. 390) jaẏōtsaba victory celebration. 38)
(p. 389) janitā2 father, a progenitor, a begetter; a producer; a cause. 11)
(p. 410) jñāpita that which has been informed or intimated or indicated or expressed or signified or announced or notified or apprised or communicated or circulated or made known. 12)
(p. 396) ja the thigh. 24)
(p. 400) jāri2 instituted, introduced, enforced, passed (নিয়ম বা আইন জারি); served (সমন জারি). n. institution, introduction, enforcement, enactment; act of serving, service. জারি করা v. to institute, to introduce, to enforce, to enact, to pass; to serve. ̃জোরি, ̃জুরি n. tactics and pressure (জারিজুরি খাটানো). 25)
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