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জুড়ানো১, জোড়ানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

জুড়ানো১, জোড়ানো : (p. 400) juḍ়ānō1, jōḍ়ānō to cause to join or add or affix or attach or cement or yoke or harness or begin; to join or add or affix. 138)


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(p. 390) jarimānā a money penalty, a fine, a mulct. জরিমানা করা v. to impose a fine, to fine, to mulct. 55)
(p. 399) jānapada of a human settlement; produced in or dwelling in a village or country, rural, rustic. 6)
(p. 396) -jādā son (শাহজাদা = the son of a king). fem. -জাদি daughter.
(p. 400) jāẏagira a piece of land assigned by the State to a person with power to administer, a jagir (cp. a feoff). জায়গির দেওয়া v. to assign a jagir. ̃দার n. a holder of a jagir, a jagirdar (cp. a feoffee). 11)
(p. 386) jagāti a tax-collector; an obstacle. 2)
(p. 410) jyōtiṣmattā luminosity, brightness. 52)
(p. 396) jān̐kā to be filled with splendour; to sit or settle firmly upon (জেঁকে বসা); to be flourishing; to hold or seize fast. 27)
(p. 410) jbālāmālinī a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). 34)
(p. 410) jbālānē irritating, annoying, pestering; vexatious; smarting, mortifying; one who or that which burns or sets fire to; (fig.) quarrelsome, factious (ঘরজ্বালানে). 32)
(p. 385) jagajhampa a war-drum; a kettle-drum. 15)
(p. 399) jābaḍ়ā wet or drenched like জাব; thoroughly wet or drenched; disorderly, messy; thick and ugly; smudgy. জাবড়ানো v. to wet or drench thoroughly; to make a mess of; (dial.) to hug, to clasp. a. thoroughly wet or drenched; messy; clasped. 24)
জুমা, জুম্মা
(p. 400) jumā, jummā (Mus.) Friday, the weekly day of prayer. জুম্মাবার Friday. 148)
(p. 386) jaṭa matted hair; a tangle, a complication; entanglement; confusion; an aerial or hanging root of a tree; (psy.) complex. জট পাকা, জট বাঁধা v. to get matted, to mat; to become complicated, to tangle; to form into a tangle or complex. জট পাকানো, জট বাঁধানো v. to cause to get matted, to mat; to complicate, to tangle; to give rise to a tangle; to involve or to get involved. 15)
(p. 390) jaripa measurement of an area of land, land-survey. জরিপ করা v. to measure or survey land. জরিপ-আমিন n. a land-surveyor. ̃কারী a. surveying (land). n. a land-surveyor. 54)
(p. 386) jaḍ়3 inanimate; insensate; perceptible by the senses; worldly, earthly; material (জড়বাদ); inactive, inert; stupid, imbecile; ignorant. n. an imbecile; something inanimate or insensate (জড়ের তিন অবস্হা). ̃ক্রিয় a. sluggish. ̃জগত্ n. the inanimate world; the physical world; the material world. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. inanimateness, insensateness; state of being perceptible by the senses; worldliness, earthliness; materiality; inactivity, intertia; uneasiness (শরীরের জড়তা); stupidity, imbecility; ignorance; sluggishness. ̃পদার্থ n. any inanimate substance; inanimate matter; (fig.) an extremely inactive or immobile person, a person bereft of all sensation. ̃পিণ্ড n. a mass of anything insensate, a conglomerated mass of things. ̃পুত্তলি n. a puppet; (fig.) a person rendered inactive or a person without any freedom of action. ̃বাদ n. materialism. ̃বাদী a. materialistic. n. a materialist. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. physical or natural science. ̃বুদ্ধি a. imbecile, fatuous, oafish. ̃ভরত n. (myth.) King Bharata who lost his salvation because of his over-attachment to a sawn and when reborn he remembered the incidents of his former life and so refrained from speaking and all voluntary activities; (fig.) an imbecile or inactive person, a clodhopper. a. imbecile or inactive. ̃সড় a. cowering or cowered. জড়সড় হওয়া v. to flinch or shrink as through fear or shyness. 25)
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