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ধড়া এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ধড়া : (p. 529) dhaḍ়ā loincloth. ̃চূড়া n. loincloth and head-dress (esp. as worn by Krishna); (sarcas. or hum.) official dress (esp. one in European or English style). 9)


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ধুস্তুর, ধুস্তূর
(p. 543) dhustura, dhustūra the thorn-apple, the datura. ধুস্তুরী, ধুস্তূরী a. daturic, atropinic. 25)
(p. 540) -dhāra1 (used as a sfx.) holding or gripping (কর্ণধার). 13)
(p. 529) dhanādhāra a treasury; a treasure-chest. 16)
ধর্মোপদেশক, ধর্মোপদেষ্টা
(p. 532) dharmōpadēśaka, dharmōpadēṣṭā imparting religious instruction; sermonizing. n. a religious instructor; a semonizer. 42)
(p. 532) dharmōpāsanā religious worship or prayer. ধর্মোপাসনা করা v. to observe religious rites; to pray. 44)
(p. 532) dhāṅara a sweeper (by caste or trade). 66)
(p. 531) dhanu a bow; a linear measure equivalent to four cubits; an arc or arch; anything arch-shaped (রামধনু); (astrol.) the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius. ̃ক n. bow; a bow-like device for carding and cleaning cotton, (cp.) a cottongin; a bow of a violin or any other musical instrument. ধনুকধারী n. a bowman, an archer. ধনুকাকার, ধনুকাকৃতি a. bow-shaped, arched. ̃র্গুণ n. a bowstring. ধনুর্গুণ আরোপণ করা to string a bow. অদ্য ভক্ষ্যঃ ধনুর্গুণঃ state of having nothing to eat (this day); utter poverty. ̃র্ধর n. an archer, a bowman; (sarcas. & hum.) a very capable or efficient man (গণিতশাস্ত্রে ধনুর্ধর). ˜ধারী n. an archer, a bowman. ̃র্বন্ধনী n. (math. print, etc.), braces, the second bracket. ̃র্বাণ n. bow and arrow. ̃র্বিদ্যা n. the art and science of archery; archery. ̃র্বেদ n. an ancient treatise on archery written by Viswamitra (বিশ্বামিত্র). the sage; any treatise on archery; the art and science of archery. ̃র্ভঙ্গ n. act of splitting a bow into two. ধনুর্ভঙ্গ পণ n. (fig.) an irrevocable or unalterable determination or resolve, a grim or inflexible resolution. ̃ষ্কোটি n. an end or tip of a bow; a Hindu holy place in South India. ̃ষ্টঙ্কার ̃ষ্টংকার n. the twang of a bow; (med.) tetanus, convulsion, spasm; lock-jaw. 2)
(p. 545) dhauti washing and cleaning; a method of cleaning entrails or intestines with water (a practice in হঠযোগ). 26)
(p. 532) dharmārjana acquisition of virtue or piety. ধর্মার্জন করা v. to acquire virtue or piety. 31)
(p. 543) dhumaḍ়i a corpulent (and usu. lazy) woman. 17)
(p. 540) dhāriṇī of ধারী2 । n. fem. the earth. 27)
(p. 532) dharmiṣṭha profoundly pious or virtuous or righteous. fem. ধর্মিষ্ঠা । 35)
(p. 532) dharatāi that which is generally known to be true, that which is taken for granted; fixed, ascertained. 5)
(p. 545) dhyāna meditation; absorbing religious meditation; recollection; remembrance. ধ্যান করা v. to meditate (upon); to be absorbed in religious meditation; to recollect; to remember. ̃গম্ভীর a. grave and silent on account of absorption in meditation; consecrated or sanctified with holy meditation; solemnly absorbed in (spiritual) meditation ('ধ্যানগম্ভীর ঐ যে ভূধর'). ̃গম্য, ̃গোচর a. comprehensible or cognizable or attainable (only) through (deep) meditation. ̃জ্ঞান n. meditation and cognition, thought and feeling; (loos.) sole occupation or absorption. ̃তত্পর a. given to meditation; capable of being absorbed in meditation. ̃ধারণা n. meditation and impression, thought and perception; idea; impression. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. meditative. ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption or break of meditation (esp. a spiritual one). ̃মগ্ন a. absorbed or engrossed in meditation. ̃রত, ̃স্হ a. engaged in meditation. 41)
(p. 540) dhāmāra an Indian musical measure or mode. 12)
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