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ধুনচি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ধুনচি : (p. 543) dhunaci an incense burner, an incenser, a censer, a thurible. 4)


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(p. 532) dhābaka one who runs or flies; one who cleanses or washes; used in cleaning or washing (ধাবক পদার্থ); carrying a message or letter. n. a washerman; a runner; a flier; a courier, a postal runner, a messenger.
(p. 543) dhundula a kitchen-vegetable cylindrical and tapering at both ends. 11)
(p. 532) dhāḍ়i a dam of beasts (ধাড়ি ও বাচ্চা); (chiefly hum.) a mother of many children. n. (usu. masc.) (dero.) a leader or ringleader (চোরের ধাড়ি); (dero.) a grown-up person or child (ধাড়ির বায়নাও সবই নাকি?). a. grownup. (ধাড়ি ছেলে); inveterate (ধাড়ি শয়তান). 67)
(p. 540) dhāraṇīẏa capable of being or fit to be held or caught or assumed or worn or put on or borne or carried or placed or retained in the mind or accepted or retained or restrained. 19)
(p. 540) dhābita running; flying; fleeting; in flight; washed. ধাবিত করা v. to cause to run or fly; to wash. ধাবিত হওয়া v. to run or fly; to rush hastily, to take to one's heels; to wash or be washed. 6)
ধুচনি, ধুচুনি
(p. 542) dhucani, dhucuni a wicker-basket for washing rice, fish etc. ধুচনি-টুপি, ধুচুনি-টুপি n. a straw-hat shaped like a wicker-basket. 17)
ধাপধাড়া গোবিন্দপুর
(p. 532) dhāpadhāḍ়ā gōbindapura (facet. or dero.) an obscure, contemptible and remote place, an out-of-the-way place. 86)
(p. 531) dhanēśa the lord or god of wealth; an appellation of Kuvera (কুবের), (cp.) Plutus, Mammon; a beautiful long-billed bird, the hornbill. a. very rich or wealthy, affluent, opulent. 4)
ধুস্তুর, ধুস্তূর
(p. 543) dhustura, dhustūra the thorn-apple, the datura. ধুস্তুরী, ধুস্তূরী a. daturic, atropinic. 25)
(p. 529) dh the nineteenth letter of the Bengali alphabet. 2)
(p. 545) dhauta washed; cleansed or scrubbed or scoured with water; washed and bleached; inundated. ধৌত করা v. to wash, to clean. 25)
(p. 532) dharmādharma virtue and vice, piety and sin; right and wrong. ̃বিচারশূন্য a. not discriminating between right and wrong, regardless of right and wrong; (loos.) unscrupulous. 19)
(p. 545) dhbanyātmaka (rhet.) onomatopoeic. 37)
(p. 545) dhabja a flag, a banner, a standard, an ensign; the penis. ̃ক n. a flag, a standard. a. (bot.) vexillary. ̃দন্ড n. a flag-staff. ̃পট n. the bunting of a flag. ̃-বজ্রাঙ্কুশ n. three marks resembling a flag, a thunder and a goad imprinted on the sole of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); (astrol.) a birth-mark indicating the chance of becoming a king. ̃বাহক n. a standardbearer; (mil.) an ensign. ̃বাহী a. carrying a flag or standard. ̃ভঙ্গ n. (of males) loss of sexual power, impotence, impotency. n. an impotent person. 32)
(p. 532) dhāta mettle, temperament, disposition, spirit, nature (লোকের ধাত বুঝে চলা); (physiol.) any of the four fluids of the body, humour (সর্দির ধাত); pulse (ধাত ছেড়ে যাওয়া); semen, seed (ধাতের রোগ). ধাত ছেড়ে যাওয়া failing of pulse, stopping of heart beats; to be in a state of collapse. ধাতের রোগ spermatorrhoea; (loos.) gonorrhoea. ̃সহ a. in accordance or agreement with bodily condition or constitution or temperament or nature. ̃স্হ a. one who is enjoying or has regained one's mental calm, in a state of composure; one who is in his humour; one who has come round or recovered; acclimatized, accustomed. 68)
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