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নত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

নত : (p. 550) nata stooping, bent; bowed down, genuflected; directed downwards (নত দৃষ্টি); low, depressed (নত স্হান); lowered (উঁচু মাথা নত হওয়া); inclined; humble, meek (নতকন্ঠে); yielding, submissive (বিজয়ীর কাছে নত). নত করা v. to stoop, to bend; to bow; to cause to genuflect; to direct downwards; to lower; to incline; to humble, to cause to yield or submit. নত হওয়া v. to stoop, to bend; to bow down, to genuflect; to be directed downwards; to incline; to become humble; to yield or submit (to). ̃জানু a. knelt down, genuflected. ̃তল n. (geom.) the plane of inclination. ̃নাস, ̃নাসিক a. flat-nosed, snubnosed, snub-nose. ̃মস্তক, ̃শির a. having one's head bowed esp. in obeisance; stooping forward; having the head hanging down; (fig.) downcast or submissive or defeated or discomfited. ̃মুখ a. having one's face turned downwards, looking down; (fig.) abashed. fem. ̃মুখী । 50)


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(p. 570) nikuñja an arbour, a bower (also নিকুঞ্জকানন,নিকুঞ্জবন). 8)
(p. 550) nandinī a daughter; a mythological wishing-cow. a. fem. delightsome, giving delight; pleasing, charming.
(p. 563) nārāca a kind of arrow made of iron, an iron-shaft. 60)
(p. 591) nistāra rescue, deliverance; release; acquittal (অভিযোগ থেকে নিস্তার); exemption (খাজনার দায় থেকে নিস্তার); beatitude, salvation. নিস্তার করা v. to rescue, to deliver, to succour; to let one have one's salvation. নিস্তার দেওয়া v. to set free; to release; to acquit; to exempt. নিস্তার পাওয়া v. to be rescued or delivered or set free or released or acquitted or exempted; to have one's salvation. ̃কর্তা n. a rescuer, a deliverer; one who lets another enjoy salvation, a saviour. নিস্তারিণী fem. one who accords salvation; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). 39)
(p. 550) nacēt otherwise, else. 24)
(p. 555) naẏa2 a political or sociological or theological or moral principle; politics; sociology; theology; ethics. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in politics, sociology, theology or ethics. n. such a person. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge of politics, sociology, theology or ethics. ̃শাস্ত্র n. politics, sociology, theology and ethics collectively or separately. 48)
(p. 587) niṣāda1 one of an uncivilized race of ancient India chiefly living on hunting; a swineherd or a fisherman or a fowler (by caste). 67)
(p. 550) nagna without clothes, unclad, nude, naked (নগ্নদেহ); uncovered, bare (নগ্নপদ, নগ্নশির); without spectacles, naked (নগ্নচক্ষু); without ornaments, bare (নগ্ন বাহু); clear, cloudless (নগ্ন আকাশ); unsheathed, naked (নগ্ন তরবারি = naked steel); obvious or unvarnished or plain or simple (নগ্ন সত্য). fem. নগ্না । নগ্ন সত্য naked truth, stark reality. ̃ক a. without clothes, naked, nude. n. one of a class of Buddhist friars moving naked or very insufficiently clothed. ̃তা n. nakedness, nudity; bareness; obviousness. নগ্নিকা a. fem. without clothes, naked, nude. n. fem. a girl whose menses have not yet started; an infant girl. নগ্নীকরণ n. act of making naked, denudation; uncovering. নগ্নীকৃত a. made naked, denuded; uncovered. নগ্নীভবন n. act of becoming naked, denudation; act of becoming uncovered. 23)
(p. 561) nāṭā dwarfish, small in height, short. 37)
(p. 577) niyōktā an employer. 26)
(p. 581) nirākāṅkṣā absence of desire; contentment. 9)
(p. 570) nikṛṣṭa inferior; hateful, vile; low, mean. ̃তা n. inferiority; vileness; lowness, meanness. 12)
(p. 591) niṣpādana accomplishment, execution, performance. নিষ্পাদন করা v. to accomplish, to execute, to perform. নিষ্পাদনীয় same as নিষ্পাদ্য ।. 15)
(p. 570) nikuci (vul.) ruin, destruction. নিকুচি করা v. to ruin, to destroy, (sl.) to do up. 7)
(p. 549) nui the ninth day of a month. a. (of the days of a month) ninth (নউই বৈশাখ). 8)
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