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বন্ধক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

বন্ধক : (p. 721) bandhaka pawning, mortgage, hypothecation; a pawn, a pledge. বন্ধক দেওয়া v. to pawn, to pledge, to mortgage, to hypothecate. বন্ধক রাখা v. to lend money taking something in pawn or mortgage. ̃গ্রহীতা n. a pawnbroker; a pawnee; a mortgagee. ̃দাতা n. a pawner; a mortgager. ̃পত্র n. same as বন্ধকি দলিলবন্ধকি a. of pawning or mortgage or hypothecation (বন্ধকি দলিল = a mortgage deed); carrying on pawnbroking (বন্ধকি দোকান = a pawnshop); pawned, mortgaged, hypothecated (বন্ধকি সম্পত্তি). বন্ধকি কারবার a pawnbroker's business. বল্ধকি দোকান a pawnshop. 7)


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(p. 773) bisadṛśa dissimilar; unequal; contradictory, contrary; hostile; incompatible; irrelevant; grotesque or odd (বিসদৃশ মূর্তি); unbecoming. 40)
(p. 794) byāpā to spread or extend far and wide; to pervade; to prevail over. 81)
(p. 773) bītaśaṅka freed from fear; dauntless, fearless.
(p. 742) bādaśā same as বাদশাহ । কুঁড়ের বাদশা a prince of idlers, an extremely lazy fellow. 4)
(p. 741) bādana act of playing on a musical instrument. 29)
(p. 792) baiṣamya dissimilarity; inequality; difference. ̃মূলক a. discriminatory, differential. বৈষম্যমূলক আচরণ differential or unfair treatment. 17)
(p. 721) bahu3 many, numerous; much, manifold, diverse; profuse, abundant; long; more than one, poly-, multi-. ̃কষ্টে adv. with great difficulty. ̃কাল n. a long time. বহুকাল ধরে for a long time. for long. বহুকাল পরে after a long time. বহু কাল পূর্বে long ago. ̃কালব্যাপী a. long continued or long-lasting; very old. ̃কেলে a. very old, antique. ̃কেশর a. (bot.) polyandrous. ̃কোষ্ঠ a. (bot.) multilocular. ̃ক্ষণ n. a long while, a long time. ̃গর্ভপত্রী a. (bot.) polycarpellary. ̃গুচ্ছ a. (bot.) polyadelphous. ̃গুণ a. multiplied many times; many times over; many more, much more. ̃জাতিক a. multinational. ̃জ্ঞ a. polymathic, having varied or vast experience. বহুজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath; a man of varied or vast experience. ̃তর a. many more; too many; too much; diverse, various; manifold; many, numerous; much, profuse. ̃তল a. multi-storeyed. ̃তলক n. (geom.) a polyhedron. ̃তা same as বহুত্ব । ̃ত্ব n. numerousness; muchness; profusion, abundance; excessiveness; diversity. ̃ত্র adv. at or in many or diverse places. ̃দর্শিতা n. varied or wide or vast experience. ̃দর্শী a. having seen much; having varied experience or vast experience. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দূর a. very far, far-away, far-off, distant. adv. very far, far off, far away, at a great distance. n. a great distance, a far cry. ̃দূরবর্তী a. far-off, remote. ̃ধা adv. in many and diverse modes or methods or ways or directions or parts; diversely; many times. ̃পতিত্ব n. polyandry. ̃পত্মীক a. having many wives, ploygamous. ̃পদ a. (alg.) polynomial; (zoo.) polypod. পদ প্রাণী a ploypod, a multiped. ̃বহুপার্শ্বীয় a. (bot.) multiparous; multilateral. ̃প্রসবিনী a. fem. bearing many children; prolific; fertile. প্রান্তীয় a. parietal. ̃ফলকপত্র n. (bot.) a compound leaf. ̃বচন see বচন । ̃বর্ষজীবী a. (bot.) perennial; (of man) long-lived. ̃বল্লভ n. one beloved of many women; Krishna. (কৃষ্ণ). fem. ̃বল্লভা a woman beloved of many men; a flirt; a prostitute. ̃বিধ a. of many and diverse sorts. ̃বিবাহ polygamy. ̃বিবাহকারী a. polygamous. n. a polygamist. ̃বিবাহকারিণী a. polyandrous. n. a polyandrist. ̃বিস্তীর্ন a. spread over a wide or large area, far-flung. ̃বীজপত্রী (bot.) a. polycotyledon. ̃ব্যয়সাধ্য a. very expensive or costly. ̃ব্যয়ে adv. at a great cost or expense. ̃ব্রীহি n. (gr.) mode of forming compound words (a compound word formed by this mode gives a meaning which neither of the constituent words implies). ̃ভর্তৃক a. having many husbands. ̃ভাগ, ̃ভাগ্য, a. very fortunate. n. a great fortune. ̃ভাষিতা n. speaking many languages; garrulity, talkativeness. ̃ভাষী a. speaking many languages, polyglottic; garrulous, talkative. বহুভাষী ব্যক্তি a polyglot; a garrulous or talkative person. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) polygonal; (bio.) polypous. n. a polygon; a polyp. ̃ভুজক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) a polygon. ̃ভ্রূণবীজতা n. (bot.) polyembryony. ̃ভ্রূণবীজী a. (bot.) polyembryonic. ̃মত a. highly esteemed; greatly honoured. ̃মান n. high esteem; great honour. ̃মানাস্পদ a. highly esteemed or revered. ̃মুখ a. multifaced; multifarious; multiplex (বহুমুখ টেলিগ্রাফ); (of a school or co-operative society) multipurpose. fem. ̃মুখী । ̃মূত্র n. diabetes. ̃মূত্রগত a.diabetic. ̃মূত্রপীড়িত a. diabetic. ̃মূর্তি a. multiform. মূল্য a.very costly; very precious. ̃যৌগিক a. (bot.) decompound. ̃রাশিক n. (arith.) the double rule of three. ̃রূপ1 a. diverse. multifarious. ̃রূপ2, বহুরূপী a. assuming different forms; polymorphic, multiform. n. the chameleon; an itinerant showman who amuses people by assuming various forms. fem. a. ̃রূপিনী । ̃রূপতা a. polymorphism. ̃শ adv. many times, many a time and oft; in a great measure, to a great extent. ̃শাখ a. having many branches. ̃শাস্ত্রজ্ঞ a. polymathic. ̃বহুশাস্ত্রজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি a polymath. ̃শিরাল a. (bot.) multicostate. ̃শ্রুত a. profoundly or vastly learned, erudite, well-versed in many disciplines. ̃স্বামিক a. having to serve many masters; having many owners. 224)
(p. 786) bēttā (used as a sfx.) versed in. 13)
(p. 717) badānya generous, bountiful, munificent, liberal, charitable. ̃তা n. generosity, bounty, munificence, liberality, charity. 35)
(p. 748) bāhinī1 of বাহী । 49)
(p. 738) bājē inferior or trashy (বাজে মাল); insignificant, contemptible, worthless, good-for-nothing (বাজে লোক); false, unsubstantial, idle (বাজে কথা); useless, unnecessary (বাজে খাটুনি); undesirable, unwanted (বাজে ঝামেলা); extra or incidental (বাজে খরচ, বাজে আদায়). ̃মার্কা a. of inferior make or brand; inferior; insignificant. 32)
(p. 721) barṣā the rainy season, the rains; rain; rainfall. v. poet. form of বর্ষণ করা (see বর্ষণ). ̃কালীন a. happening during the rainy season; rainy. ̃গম n. the break of the monsoon. ̃তি1 n. an umbrella; a raincoat, a mackintosh, a waterproof. ̃তি2 a. grown in the rainy season. n. a room on the roof. বর্ষাত্যয় n. termination of rain or of the rainy season, autumn. ̃ধৌত a. washed by rain. ̃বসান n. same as বর্ষাত্যয় । 121)
(p. 790) baibāhika matrimonial; nuptial. n. the father-in-law or an uncle-in-law of a son or daughter. fem. n. বৈবাহিকী. (loos. & pop.) বৈবাহিকা the mother-in-law or aunt-in-law of a son or daughter. 54)
(p. 792) bōmā a bomb. বোমা ছোঁড়া, বোমা ছুঁড়ে মারা, বোমা মারা v. to bomb. ̃প্রতিরোধী a. bombproof. ̃বর্ষণ n. bombing. বোমাবর্ষণ করা v. to bomb. ̃রু a. employed in bombing. বোমারু বিমান n. bomber.
(p. 721) bāḥ denoting: an exclamation in praise, wonder, taunt, disgust etc., ah, (cp. bah). 253)
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