(p. 820) bhūta one of a class of supernatural beings who attend on Shiva (শিব), (cp.) genii; a ghost; an evil spirit; a bogey; a goblin; a spectre, an apparition; a creature (সর্বভূত); any one of the five constituent elements (namely, earth, water, heat, air and space). a. past, gone by; (as sfx.) reduced to (প্রস্তরীভূত). n. the past (ভূত-ভবিষ্যত্). ভূত ছাড়ানো, ভূত ছাড়া, ভূত তাড়ানো v. to exorcise. ভূত দেখা v. to see an apparition; (fig.) to be frightened suddenly. ভূত নামানো same as ভূত ছাড়ানো, and (as by spiritualists) to call up ghosts in order to obtain messages from them. ভূতে ধরা, ভূতে পাওয়া v. to be possessed by an evil spirit, to be possessed. ভূতের ওঝা an exorciser. ভূতের নাচ devil's dance; (fig.) devil of a mess, the devil and all. ভূতের বাপের শ্রাদ্ধ (fig.) great and gross waste or extravagance. ভূতের বেগার, ভূতের বোঝা (fig.) profitless toil or venture. ভূতের রোজা an exorciser. ঘাড়ে ভূত চাপা (fig.) to be seized with an evil influence or company or practice or intention; to be possessed; to be obsessed. সরষের মধ্যে ভূত (fig.) virus in the antidote. ̃কাল n. days gone by, the past; (gr.) the past tense. ̃গ্রস্ত a. possessed by an evil spirit, possessed; (fig.) working or moving mechanically as if possessed; dazed. fem. ̃গ্রস্তা । ̃তত্ত্ব n. demonology. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. proficient or versed in demonology. ̃নাথ n. Shiva (শিব). ̃পক্ষ n. the dark lunar fortnight. ̃পূর্ব a. former, erstwhile, previous, late, (arch.) whilom. ̃প্রেত n. evil spirits collectively, ghosts and spirits collectively. ̃বলি same as ভূতযজ্ঞ । ̃ভবিষ্যত্ n. the past and the future. ̃ভাবন n. the creator and protector of all living beings; Shiva (শিব). ̃ভোজন. n. (often joc.) same as ̃যজ্ঞ । ̃যজ্ঞ n. the ceremonial feeding of all living beings by a householder. ̃যোনি n. existence in the shape of a ghost after one's death. ভূতযোনি প্রাপ্ত হওয়া to become a ghost after one's death. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the elemental or mortal body. ̃সঞ্চার n. inhabitation of a ghost. ভূতসঞ্চার হওয়া v. to be inhabited or possessed by a ghost or devil or evil spirit. ভূতাত্মা n. the elemental body; the human body; Brahma (ব্রহ্মা) or Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ভূতাবিষ্ট same as ভূতগ্রস্হ । ভূতাবেশ n. possession by a ghost or evil spirit. 5)