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ভালোবাসা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভালোবাসা : (p. 813) bhālōbāsā to love, to be amorous towards; to have attachment or affection or fondness for; to like. n. love; attachment; amity, friendliness; friendship; affection; reverence; devotion; fondness; liking. 38)


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(p. 810) bhātuẏā subsisting chiefly on rice, riceeating; (fig.) feeble, cowardly. 29)
(p. 823) bhēda piercing; cleavage, split; difference; dissimilarity; disagreement, dissension; hostility; disunity; estrangement; antagonism, quarrel; separation; differentiation, discrimination; penetration (ব্যূহভেদ); disintegration; exposition, expounding, deciphering (অর্থভেদ); change, alteration (বুদ্ধিভেদ); a kind, a sort (রূপভেদ); looseness of bowels, diarrhoea. ভেদ করা v. to pierce, to cleave, to split; to differentiate, to discriminate; to penetrate; to expose, to expound, to decipher. ভেদ জন্মানো v. to sow dissension or discord; to disintegrate; to estrange. ̃ক a. one who or that which pierces or cleaves or splits or disintegrates or differentiates or discriminates or penetrates. ̃জ্ঞান n. perception of difference; discrimination; partiality. ̃ন piercing; cleaving; splitting; penetration. ̃নীয় a. capable of being pierced or cleft or split or penetrated, pregnable, vulnerable. ̃নীতি n. the policy of discrimination. ̃বমি n. diarrhoea attended with vomitting; cholera. ̃বুদ্ধি same as ̃জ্ঞান । ভেদাভেদ n. discriminatory treatment; discrimination; sense of meum and tuum (mine and thine). ভেদিত a. pierced; cleaved, split. ভেদী same as ভেদক । ভেদ্য same as ভেদনীয় । 12)
(p. 826) bhramara the hornet; the bumble-bee; the bee. fem. ভ্রমরী । ̃কৃষ্ণ a. as (beautifully) black as the bumble-bee; glossy and deep black. ̃গুঞ্জন n. the humming or buzzing of bumble-bees or bees. 23)
(p. 802) bhabī (ori. fem. but now also masc.) a pertinacious person. ভবী ভোলবার নয় (fig.) a pertinacious person will not give up his or her pursuit. 59)
(p. 823) bhairaba a manifestation of Shiva (শিব); an Indian musical mode. a. terrible or tremendous. ভৈরবী n. fem. one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a famale ascetic worshipping Shiva (শিব); an Indian musical mode; a turbulent woman, (cp.) a termagant, (cp.) an Amazon. ভৈরবীচক্র n. a Tantrist drinking party. 22)
(p. 816) bhikṣuṇī a Buddhist mendicant nun; a mendicant nun; a beggar-woman. 15)
(p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়4 a store, a storeroom, a storehouse. ভাঁড়ে ভবানী utter emptiness in store, a completely exhausted store; (fig.) utter indigence. 23)
(p. 826) bhrātṛ (used as a pfx.) a brother. ̃ঘাতক n. a fratricide. ̃ঘাতী a. fratricidal. ̃জায়া n. a brother's wife, a sister-in-law. ̃ত্ব n. the state of being a brother; fraternity, brotherhood. ̃দ্বিতীয়া n. the second lunar day of the bright fortnight in the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) when is held the Hindu ceremony of marking brother's foreheads by their sisters with sandalwood-paste. ̃প্রেম n. fraternal or brotherly love. ̃বত্ a. & adv. like a brother. ˜বত্সল a. affectionate towards one's brothers, full of fraternal love. fem. ̃বত্সলা । ̃বধ n. fratricide. ̃বধূ same as ̃জায়া । ̃ভাব n. brotherly feeling, brotherliness. ̃স্নেহ n. brotherly love. ̃হত্যা n. fratricide. ̃হত্যাকারী a. fratricidal. n. a fratricide. 31)
(p. 823) bhōga enjoying, enjoyment; suffering or sustaining; sufferance; act of possessing and using as one's own, appropriation; sensual or earthly pleasures; an object of enjoyment or an article of food; food-offering made to a deity; an affliction, a trouble (দুঃখ ভোগ). ভোগ করা v. to enjoy; to suffer or sustain; to suffer from; to possess and use as one's own; to enjoy sensual or earthly pleasures. ভোগ দেওয়া v. to make food and entertainments to a deity, to offer foodoffering. ̃তৃষ্ণা n. thirst for sensual or earthly pleasures. ̃দেহ n. the subtle body to which a mortal being is reduced after death to enjoy or suffer the consequences of its earthly activities. ̃বাসনা same as ̃লালসা । ̃বিলাস n. sensual or earthly pleasures and luxury, (cp.) milk and honey. ̃বিলাসী a. enjoying sensual or earthly pleasures and luxury. ̃লালসা n. craving for sensual or earthly pleasures. ̃স্বত্ব n. occupancy right. ̃সুখ same as ̃বিলাস । 33)
ভবিষ্যদ্বাক্য, ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী
(p. 802) bhabiṣyadbākya, bhabiṣyadbāṇī a prediction; a prophecy. ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা to predict; to prophesy. 58)
(p. 802) bhaba essence, existence, ease; birth, origination; attainment; the material or mundane world, the earth, the universe; God; Shiva (শিব); weal, welfare. ̃কারণ n. the Creator, the First Cause, God. ̃কারা n. the world conceived as a prison for created beings, the prison of earth. ̃ঘুরে a. (lit.) roving all over the world, leading a wandering life; vagabond. n. a vagabond. ̃ঘুরেমি n. vagabondism, vagabondage. ̃তারণ a. delivering from earthly life; giving salvation. ̃তারিণী a. fem. of ̃তারণ । n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ধব n. the Lord of the universe, God. ̃পার n. deliverance from the earthly life. ̃পারাবার same as ভবার্ণব । ̃বন্ধন n. the bondage or bond of earthly life; earthly attachment (and also responsibilities). ̃ভয় n. the fears of mortal existence. ̃ভয়তারণ, ̃ভয়বারণ a. & n. (one) who delivers or protects from the evils of earthly life. ˜ভার n. the burden of the world (esp. as borne by God); the burden of earthly life (as borne by mortals). ̃লীলা n. one's activities upon the earth, activities of one's mortal life. ভাবলীলা সাঙ্গ করা v. to die. ̃লোক, ̃সংসার n. the world; earthly life. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগর, ̃সিন্ধু same as ভবার্ণব । ভবের খেলা same as ভবলীলা । 47)
(p. 810) bhātāra (sl.) a husband. ̃পুত n. (sl.) husband and son. 25)
(p. 810) bhābānuga natural, following the dictates of one's nature or thought. 46)
(p. 802) bhakta devoted (to); worshipping; reverent; worshipful; devout; strongly attached or addicted (to), fond or enamoured (of) (কবিতার ভক্ত, সুরার ভক্ত); having profound admiration for, admirer of (রবীন্দ্রভক্ত); yielding to the control or authority of, submissive or docile (শক্তের ভক্ত); obedient (to) (পিতৃভক্ত); faithfully following or pursuing (জিশুর ভক্ত, নীতির ভক্ত). n. a devotee; a votary, a worshipper; a devout person; one having strong attachment or addiction; a fan; an obedient person; a faithful follower or observer. ̃প্রাণ a. having a devout heart. ̃বত্সল a. graciously affectionate to votaries or devout persons or followers. ̃বিটেল n. one simulating devoutness, a sanctimonious person. ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ, ভক্তাগ্রগণ্য a. best or foremost amongst votaries or devout persons. ভক্তাধীন a. graciously obedient to votaries or devout persons (that is, always fulfilling their desires). 4)
ভর্ত্ সিত
(p. 802) bhart sita scolded, rebuked; reproached; reprimanded; censured. fem. ভর্ত্ সিতা । 86)
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