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যদবধি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

যদবধি : (p. 888) yadabadhi up to which time, till when; from which time, since when.


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(p. 896) yōṭaka union; combination; combination or agreement for matrimonial purposes (রাজযোটক); a pair; one of a pair. যোটক মেলা v. to be found agreeable or to combine well for matrimonial purpose; to be supplied with a pair, to be paired. 20)
(p. 896) yōgya worthy, fit, deserving; becoming (রাজার যোগ্য); proper, right; condign (যোগ্য শাস্তি); merited (যোগ্য পুরস্কার); eligible; competent, able, efficient. fem. যোগ্যা । পাঠযোগ্য a. readable, worth reading. ̃তা n. worthiness, fitness; worth merit; eligibility; competency, ability. যোগ্যতানুসারে adv. in order of merit. যোগ্যতাপত্র n. a certificate of competency. 15)
যূথিকা, যূথী
(p. 895) yūthikā, yūthī a kind of jasmine. 5)
(p. 890) yācā2 to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison. ̃ই n. act of determining or estimating the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison, test to find the quality (of). ̃নো v. to cause to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison; to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison. 17)
(p. 896) yōga union; mixture, blending; relation; connection, association; contact; cooperation, concert (একযোগে); act of joining with; yoga (যোগে বসা); an expedient or means; a medium (ডাকযোগে); a vehicle or a route (বিমানযোগে, শূন্যযোগে); a path or method for spiritual attainments (ভক্তিযোগ); a time (রজনীযোগে); (astr. & astrol.) a conjunction of stars and planets (বিষ্কুম্ভযোগ); (astrol.) an auspicious time (বিবাহের যোগ); (astrol.) a probability of occurrence (মৃত্যুযোগ); a remedy, a medicine (মুষ্টিযোগ); food, repast (জলযোগ); facility or chance (লাভের যোগ); application or employment (মনোযোগ); (math.) addition; (math.) the plus sign. যোগ করা v. to unite; to mix, to blend; to practise yoga; to add. যোগ দেওয়া v. to unite; to associate with; to participate; to report as for duty; to take up an employment, to join; to add. ̃ক্রিয়া n. (alg.) componendo. ̃ক্ষেম n. attainment or acquisition of unattained things and preservation of what is attained. ̃দান n. participation, taking part; attending. যোগদান করা v. to be associated with; to side with, to join (with); to take part in, to participate; to report for duty; to take up an employment, to join. ̃নিদ্রা n. self-absorbed trance of a divine person (বিষ্ণুর যোগনিদ্রা); a yogic trance (যোগনিদ্রামগ্ন তপস্বী). ̃ফল n. (arith.) result of addition, sum; (phys.) summation. ̃বল n. spiritual power derived from yogic practice or meditation. ̃বাহী a. uniting; connecting; acting as a medium; helping to maintain contact; (chem.) catalytic. ̃ব্যায়াম n. yoga; yogic exercise for physical and mental health. ̃ভঙ্গ n. break or interruption of yogic meditation; a failing in yogic practice or meditation. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. interrupted or foiled in yogic practice or meditation; lured away or fallen from spiritual heights attained by means of yoga. ̃মায়া n. (Hindu theol.) the allprevading illusory energy of godhead; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃মার্গ n. the yogic path of spiritual attainments or salvation. ̃রূঢ় a. (gr.) formed by compounding two or more words and implying a special meaning (যোগরূঢ় শব্দ). ̃শাস্ত্র n. the yogic scriptures; a book on yogic practice. ̃সাজশ n. undesirable or unfair or criminal collaboration; a conspiracy. ̃সাজশে adv. in collusion with. ̃সাধন n. unification; mixture; blending; joining; practice of yoga. ̃সাধনা n. practice of yoga. ̃সিদ্ধ a. successful in acquiring spiritual attainments or salvation through yogic practice; attained through yogic practice. ̃সিদ্ধি n. success in yogic practice; spiritual or other attainments or salvation obtained through yogic practice. ̃সূত্র n. connexion; correlation. 4)
(p. 889) yadu (myth.) a king of ancient India. ̃কুলপতি, ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the chief of the Yadavas (যাদব). ̃বংশ n. Yadava (যাদব) clan founded by King Yadu (যদু). ̃মধু n. pl. (also sing.) (dero.) men in the street, Tom Dick or Harry. 3)
(p. 896) yōgākarṣaṇa molecular attraction; cohesion; gravity. 5)
(p. 887) yajña a Vedic sacrifice; a religious sacrifice, an oblation, a sacrifice; a burntoffering; (fig.) a great and pompous affair or ceremony. ̃কর্ম n. sacrificial rite. ̃কুণ্ড n. a pit in which the sacrificial fire is made. ̃ডুমুর n. a variety of large figs. ̃ধূম n. the smoke of sacrificial fire. ̃পশু n. a sacrificial beast, a victim. ̃পাত্র, ̃স্হালী n. a sacrificial vessel. ̃বেদি n. a sacrificial altar, an altar. ̃ভূমি, ̃শালা, ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান n. a place of sacrifice. ̃সূত্র same as উপবীত । যজ্ঞাগ্নি, যজ্ঞানল n. the sacrificial fire. যজ্ঞীয় a. sacrificial. যজ্ঞেশ্বর n. the lord of religious sacrifices; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). যজ্ঞোপবীত same as উপবীত । 12)
(p. 896) yōginī (myth.) any one of the sixty-four female attendants of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a female ascetic or yogi; a woman who practises ardently (কর্মযোগিনী); (astr. & astrol.) a particular conjunction of stars (পশ্চিমে যোগিনী). 11)
(p. 890) yāna a vehicle, a conveyance, a carriage (অশ্বযান); a way, a route (পিতৃযান); a way of worship (হীনযান). ̃বাহন n. transport, conveyance. ̃শালা n. garage. 31)
(p. 896) yauktika reasonable; logical, advisable. ̃তা n. resonableness; logicality; advisability. 28)
(p. 887) yata as many or as much (যত এলো তত গেল); all whatsoever (যত নষ্টের গোড়া); the more, the more (যত দেখবে তত মজবে). ̃ই emphatic form of যত । ̃কাল adv. & con. as long (as), so long. ˜কিছু pro. & a. whatever, whatsoever. ˜ক্ষণ same as ̃কাল । যতক্ষণ না until, till. ̃খানি adv. & con. as much (as); as long (as); as far (as); as many (as). ̃গুলি, ̃গুলো adv. & con. as many (as). ˜টা same as ̃খানি । ̃দিন adv. & con. as many days (as); as long (as); so long. ̃দূর adv. & con. as far (as). ˜বার adv. & con. as many times (as); as often (as). যত নষ্টের গোড়া the root of all evils or mischiefs. যত বড় মুখ নয় তত বড়ো কথা (fig.) an audacious utterance or remark.
(p. 887) yat2 what; whatever, whatsoever; all whatever. ̃কালে adv. & con. at the time when; when, whilst. ̃কিঞ্চিত্, ̃সামান্য a. (also pro.) (the little) whatever; the little; (only) a little. ̃পরোনাস্তি a. extreme, utmost. 14)
(p. 890) yā2 what, which, that (যা গেছে তা যাক). যা-কিছু pro. whatever; something; everything. যা থাকে বরাতে come what may. যা-হোক however; anything (যা হোক একটা কিছু). 12)
যিশু, জিশু
(p. 890) yiśu, jiśu Jesus (Christ). 50)
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