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সগর্ব এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সগর্ব : (p. 967) sagarba proud, haughty. সগর্বে adv. proudly, haughtily. 86)


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সমবেদী, সমব্যথী
(p. 985) samabēdī, samabyathī sympathetic; commiserative; compassionate. সমবেদী কম্পন a. sympathetic vibration. 3)
(p. 1007) sāẏa2 termination. a. ended. সায় করা v. to end, to finish ('সে গান তোমার করো সায়'). 30)
(p. 1022) suṣama well-proportioned; well-balanced, balanced; beautiful. সুষম খাদ্য balanced diet. 2)
(p. 1038) sbarūpa nature; the natural or normal state or form; real or true nature or condition; similar or equal condition or form. a. like, similar. ̃চিন্তা n. meditation about oneself, introspection. ̃নির্ণয় n. determination of real character or nature; ascertainment of true form or state. ̃লক্ষণ n. a characteristic. স্বরূপত, স্বরূপে adv. really, truly. 12)
(p. 974) sadguru a good teacher, preceptor or instructor; a good religious preceptor. 39)
(p. 974) sadbyaẏa proper use (সময়ের সদ্ব্যয়); proper or useful spending (টাকার সদ্ব্যয়). সদ্ব্যয় করা v. to use properly; to spend properly or usefully. 77)
স্হায়িতা, স্হায়িত্ব
(p. 1032) shāẏitā, shāẏitba durability; permanence; unchangeability, fixity; perpetuity; immobility; stability. 9)
(p. 999) sāija size. 22)
(p. 1035) sphuliṅga a spark. স্ফুলিঙ্গ ছড়ানো v. to emit sparks, to spark. স্ফুলিঙ্গ-মোক্ষণ n. spark-discharge. স্ফুলিঙ্গান্তর n. a sparkgap. 8)
(p. 1007) sāẏāhna the evening; evenfall. ̃কাল same as সায়ংকাল । ̃কৃত্য same as সায়ংকৃত্য । 38)
(p. 967) saṃsparśa close touch or contact; connection, concern; association. সংস্পর্শে আসা v. to come in contact with; to get in touch with. সংস্পর্শে থাকা v. to associate with; to have connection with. 56)
(p. 985) samabhāba same or similar state of mind; same or similar state or condition or manner; similarity or sameness; equability. সমভাবাপন্ন a. having the same or similar state of mind; of the same or similar state or condition; similar or same; equable. সমভাবাপন্ন জলবায়ু equable climate. সমভাবে adv. in the same or similar way or manner; unchangingly; uniformly. 4)
(p. 974) satī (myth.) Sati, the daughter of Daksha and wife of Shiva (শিব); a wife intently devoted to her husband, a chaste or faithful wife; a widow who burns herself on her husband's pyre, a suttee, a sati. a. fem. (of a wife) intently devoted to one's husband, chaste. ̃ত্ব n. intent devotion of a wife to her husband, the chastity or faithfulness of a wife. সতীত্বনাশ n. violation of chastity; rape. সতীত্বনাশ করা v. to rape. সতীত্বরক্ষা করা v. preserve one's chastity. ̃দাহ n. the practice of widows burning themselves on their husbands' pyres, suttee, sati. ̃পনা n. (sarcas.) a show or affectation of chastity demonstrated by a wife; (sarcas.) pride of chastity or honesty (usu. false or overdone). ̃লক্ষী n. a very chaste and pleasing wife who brings fortune to her husband. ̃সাধ্বী n. a perfectly chaste wife. ̃সাবিত্রী a. a wife as chaste and devoted as Sabitri (সাবিত্রী). 25)
(p. 1038) sbādhyāẏa study of the Vedas; studies. স্বাধ্যায়ী n. a student of the Vedas; a student. 33)
(p. 985) samarpaṇa act of giving away; dedication; act of making over; act of committing to the charge or custody of; surrender. সমর্পণ করা v. to give away; to dedicate; to give; to make over; to commit to the charge or custody of; to yield up, to surrender. ̃কারী a giver; a dedicator; one who makes over; one who commits to the charge or custody or; a yielder; a surrenderer. সমর্পণীয় a. that which can be or should be dedicated or made over or surrendered or committed to the charge (of). fem. ̃কারিণী । 25)
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