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সাঁজাল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সাঁজাল : (p. 999) sān̐jāla fumigation by burning hay etc. in order to expel or repel mosquitoes. 40)


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সমগুণ, সমগুণসম্পন্ন
(p. 980) samaguṇa, samaguṇasampanna of like virtue or quality or character. সমগুণশ্রেঢ়ী n. (math.) geometrical progression. 83)
(p. 999) sān̐ṭā to fix or attach esp. tightly; to hold firmly, to grip (সেঁটে ধরা); (facet.) to gormandize, to gorge oneself with. ̃নো v. to eat voraciously, to gorge oneself with, to eat greedily. 43)
(p. 967) saṃyōjaka one who or that which joins or attaches or admixes or unites or amalgamates or adds; (gr.) copulative. সংযোজক অব্যয় (gr.) a copulative conjunction. 23)
(p. 963) saṅkaṭa a crucial danger; a great difficulty; a very knotty problem; a critical situation, a tight corner; a crux; great intricacy; a very narrow path, a gorge (usu. গিরিসংকট). ̃কাল n. a critical time; hard times; a crisis. সংকটাপন্ন a. greatly endangered; faced with a great difficulty. সংকটাবস্হা n. a critical situation, a tight corner. 13)
(p. 963) saṅkalpa a resolve, a determination; a (strong) desire; a solemn vow to do something (taken esp. on the eve of a religious worship); resolution. সংকল্প করা v. to resolve; to determine, to make up one's mind; to take a solemn vow to do something (esp. on the eve of a religious ceremony the purpose for which it is intended). সংকল্প-বিকল্প n. desire and doubt; certainty and uncertainty; hesitation. ̃সাধনা করা v. to fulfil a resolve; to attain a desire; to give effect to a resolution. সংকল্পিত a. determined, resolved; purposed intended; passed or adopted as a resolution. 19)
স্রবণ, স্রব
(p. 1043) srabaṇa, sraba exudation; oozing; flowing out; a spring, a fountain. 8)
(p. 1025) sēbī (used as a sfx.) one who serves or waits upon or nurses or worships; one who eats or drinks or smokes, addicted or habituated to; one who enjoys. 28)
(p. 1015) sukhanbēṣaṇa search or quest for comfort or happiness, an endeavour to be comfortable or happy. 9)
(p. 1038) sbādhyāẏa study of the Vedas; studies. স্বাধ্যায়ী n. a student of the Vedas; a student. 33)
(p. 1012) siddhārtha one who has realized one's end. n. the name of Gautama Buddha. 25)
(p. 967) saṃśraba relation, connection, concern; association, company. সংস্রব এড়ানো v. to avoid the company of. সংস্রব থাকা v. to have connection with. সংস্রব রাখা v. to associate with; to keep connection with. সংস্রবে আসা v. to come in contact with. সংস্রবে থাকা v. to have connection with; to associate with. ̃হীন a. having no connection or concern with; having nothing to do with. 58)
(p. 1032) shula fat, corpulent, bulky; flat, broad, snub; thick; coarse; dull; plain; not fine or subtle, naive, gross; approximate, rough; ordinary or banal or vulgar. ̃কথা n. the broad meaning; the substance; the long and the short (of it). ̃কায় a. heavy-bodied, hefty, corpulent, bulky, fat. ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an obtuse angle. ̃কোণী a. obtuse-angled. ̃চর্ম a. thick-skinned; insensitive, unfeeling. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. fatness, corpulence, bulkiness; flatness, broadness; thickness; coarseness, dullness; plainness; naivety, grossness. ̃দৃষ্টি n. superficial observation; plain or superficial looks, plain eyes. ̃দেহ n. the material or gross body. the mortal frame. ̃বুদ্ধি a. dull-headed, thick-headed, dull-witted. ̃বুদ্ধি ব্যক্তি a dullard. ̃মান n. (geom.) rough approximation. ̃শরীর same as স্হূলদেহ । স্হূলাঙ্গ a. corpulent. স্হূলোদর a. pot-bellied, abdominous. 15)
(p. 967) sakōpē angrily. 75)
(p. 990) sayatna careful, meticulous; diligent; cordial (সযত্ন অভ্যর্থনা). সযত্নে adv. carefully, meticulously, with care diligently: cordially. 72)
(p. 1014) sukāni an oriental steersman or quartermaster of a steamer, seacunny. 17)
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