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উখা১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

উখা১ : (p. 143) ukhā1 a dixie or cooking-pail usually with a concave bottom; an oven. 18)


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(p. 168) ulasā to be delighted or gladdened. 104)
(p. 162) upajībya acceptable as a livelihood or profession or trade; acceptable as a means to satisfy one's demand; to be depended on. n. livelihood; a profession; a trade; a means to satisfy one's demand; a shelter; a prop; leit-motif, basic idea (কবিতার উপজীব্য). 29)
(p. 168) ulu1 a sound made by Hindu women. by moving their tongues within their mouths on any festive occasion. (also উলু উলু, উলুধ্বনি) । 106)
(p. 168) upādhāna a pillow. 27)
(p. 165) upalakṣaṇa a presage; an omen; an ominous sign; a prelude; state of being at the point of commencement; an incidental (as opposed to an essential) characteristic or feature. 36)
উত্সার, উত্সারণ
(p. 150) utsāra, utsāraṇa removal; act of throwing up or driving upwards. উত্সারণীয় a. that which or one who is to be or can be removed; that which is to be or can be thrown up or driven upwards. 34)
(p. 143) ugarānō to disgorge, to belch out, to eruct, to vomit, to spew; (fig.) to be compelled to confess or give back. n. disgorgement, belching out, eructation, vomiting or spewing. a. disgorged, belched out, eructed, vomited, spewed. চোরাই মাল উগরানো to be compelled to give back stolen goods. পরীক্ষার খাতায় উগরানো to write down mechanically in an answer-paper what has been crammed. পেটের কথা উগরানো to be compelled to give out or confess secrets. 21)
(p. 143) un̐cu high, elevated, tall, lofty; exalted, noble (উঁচু মন); loud; rough (উঁচু কথা). উঁচু করা v. to raise; to elevate. উঁচানো v. to raise, to elevate. n. raising. a. raised. উঁচু-নিচু a. high and low; undulating, uneven. 8)
(p. 165) uparyupari one after another; one upon another. a. coming or occurring one after another; placed one upon another; consecutive (উপর্যুপরি তিন দিন). 33)
(p. 167) upalipta besmeared, bedaubed; anointed; plastered; (bot. & bio.) accreted. 4)
(p. 164) upapādya that which is to be or can be decided or solved or accomplished or executed or proved or justified or demonstrated. n. (geom.) a proposition to be proved, a theorem. এটিই উপপাদ্য বিষয় quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.). 16)
(p. 150) udaẏa dawn; rise (সূর্যোদয়) sunrise (উদয়াস্ত); flourishing; (first) appearance or coming into view (মেঘোদয়); a debut; coming into existence; stirring, first sensation (ক্ষুধার উদয়); dawning (আশার উদয়); awakening (জাতির উদয়) ̃কাল. n. the time of sunrise. ̃গিরি, উদয়াচল n. (myth.) a mountain from the top of which the sun rises every morning; a hill in Orissa. উদয়াস্ত n. the time from sunrise to sunset; the whole day; sunrise and sunset; (fig.) rise and fall. adv. from sunrise to sunset; all day long. উদয়োন্মুখ a. on the point of rising; on the point of flourishing. 94)
(p. 143) ujira a minister of state esp. the prime minister (usu. in Muslim rule). উজিরি, উজিরালি n. office of the prime minister; premiership. রাজাউজির মারা v. to try to establish one's importance by fabricating stories about one's familiarity with big persons. 66)
(p. 157) udyāna a garden; a grove; a greenhouse; a park. ̃পাল, ̃পালক n. a keeper or caretaker of a garden, a gardener; a horticulturist. ̃পালন n. gardening; horticulture. ̃বাটি, ̃বাটিকা n. a gardenhouse; a villa. ̃বিদ্যা n. horticulture; gardening. ̃বীথি n. a garden-path. ̃রক্ষক n. one who looks after a garden, a gardener. ̃সম্মেলন n. a garden party. 34)
(p. 168) upādhi a title; an academic degree or appellation given to the recipient of a degree; a designation; a surname; a quality or property that distinguishes an individual from the class, a denotation. ̃ক, ̃ধারী a. titled; a degreeholder. ̃পত্র n. a diploma, an academic certificate. 28)
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