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disorder; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akrama absence of serial order; disorder অক্রমিক a. without serial order; disorderly; unofficial. অক্রমিক জিজ্ঞাসা an unofficial reference. 79)
অগোছাল, অগোছালো
(p. 7) agōchāla, agōchālō of a disorderly kind; unsystematic, unmethodical; slovenly, careless, messy, irregular. 4)
(p. 24) anabashā lack of order, disorder; unsettled state, restlessness; (log.) a defect in argument caused by working back from one thing to another especially from effect to cause, a regress. 43)
(p. 26) anāsṛṣṭi outside the created world, unnatural; disorderly; queer, strange, bizarre. n. such a thing or incident or state. 85)
(p. 29) aniẏama lack of rule or system or discipline; irregularity; indiscipline; disorderliness; disorder; want of control or restraint. অনিয়ম করা v. to violate rule; to be given to irregularity; to behave fitfully or in a disorderly manner. অনিয়মিত a. uncontrolled; lacking in restraint or discipline; unregulated, unsystematized; irregular, unsystematic. 14)
(p. 56) abinyasta not laid or placed in an orderly manner; in disarray, ill-arranged, disarranged, confused. অবিন্যাস n. lack of order; disorder. 102)
(p. 63) abyabasha disordered; disorderly; lacking in arrangement; lacking in composure or decision; unsteady, fickle, hesitant. 2)
(p. 63) abyabashā disorder; want of arrangement; mismanagement. 3)
(p. 73) arājaka anarchical; divested of law and order, lawless; disorderly. ̃তা n. absence of government in a society; anarchy; lawlessness and disorder; political or social disorder; turmoil. 51)
(p. 79) alabaḍḍē (dial. & vul.) disorderly, ungainly, gawky; careless; dull-headed. 8)
(p. 90) asauṣṭhaba lack of grace or beauty; ungainliness, disorderliness, clumsiness; indecorousness, indecency. 30)
আধ, আধা
(p. 107) ādha, ādhā & a. half. আধকপালি, আধকপালে n. hemicrania, migraine, megrim. আধখেঁচড়া a. half-done; done perfunctorily; disordered; bungled. আধথালা a. half-plate. আধপাকা a. halfripe; partly ripe. আধপাগলা a. crack-brained, cranky, having a screw loose, mentally defective, crazy. n. one with a screw loose, a crack-brain, a crank. আধপেটা a. sufficient to satisfy only half the hunger; half-fed. adv. to the extent of being half-fed. আধপোড়া a. half-burned; half-roasted; halfbaked. আধবয়সী, আধবুড়ো a. middleaged. fem. আধবুড়ি । আধমনি a. containing half a maund (of things). আধমনি কৈলাস a gluttonous person, one who eats too much; one who is capable of eating too much. আধমরা a. half-dead; almost dead, more dead than alive. আধসিদ্ধ a. parboiled. আধসের n. (now obs.) half a seer. আধহাতি a. half a cubit long. 90)
(p. 118) āba-bān̐dhā untied, unfastened; (esp. of books etc.) unbound; (of hair) not done up; disorderly (আ-বাঁধা সংসার) 21)
(p. 126) āluthālu (of hair) unkempt, dishevelled, tousled; (of dress etc.) lacking in trimness, blowsy, disorderly. 72)
(p. 143) ucchṛṅkhala disorderly; not disciplined; self-willed, wayward; uncontrolled, unregulated; lawless, dissolute, wild; Bohemian. উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতা n. disorderliness; indiscipline; waywardness; want of control or regularity; lawlessness; dissoluteness; Bohemianism. 50)
(p. 149) utkrama an inverse or reverse order; a move against or departure from the order; an inverse course; inversion, reversion; infringement, violation; an exception; a going upwards; a going out; death. ̃ণ n. an inverse or reverse movement, inversion, reversion; reversion of order, disorder; a leaping over; death; (gr.) transposition (esp. disorderly transposition) of words within a sentence. 8)
(p. 150) udara the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (পর্বতোদরে) ̃পরায়ণ, ̃সর্বস্ব a. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; voracious, gluttonous. ̃পরায়ণতা n. gluttony, voracity. ̃পূর্তি n. filling the stomach with foodstuff. ̃সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a belly-god. ̃পীড়া n. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. ̃ভঙ্গ n. strong diarrhoea. ̃সাত্ a. eaten; swallowed; appropriated; consumed. উদরসাত্ করা v. to eat up. ̃স্হ a. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; lying in the belly or stomach. উদরস্হ করা v. to swallow. উদরস্হ থাকা v. to lie or remain in the belly or stomach; to be accepted by the stomach. উদরান্ন n. food; indispensable food; a living, livelihood. উদরান্ন জোগাড় করা, উদরান্নের সংস্হান করা to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. উদরাময় n. diarrhoea. উদরী n. dropsy. 95)
(p. 150) udbhrānta agitated; confused, embarrassed, perplexed; distracted; demented, maddened; mad; stupefied; loitering aimlessly or in a disorderly manner. ̃চিত্ত, ̃হৃদয় a. one whose mind or heart is agitated or embarrassed or distracted. ̃ভাবে adv. in a confused state; distractedly; wildly, in a bewildered manner. 92)
(p. 178) ēkaśā mixed up together or confusedly, in a state of confusion and disorder, in a muddle.
এলিয়ে দেওয়া
(p. 183) ēliẏē dēōẏā to make dishevelled or disorderly. 107)
(p. 183) ēlō dishevelled, ruffed (এলো চুল); hanging loosely (এলো খোঁপা); incoherent or irrelevant, haphazard (এলো কথা); unrestrained (এলো রাশ); disorderly (এলো বাতাস). ̃কেশী n. fem. a woman with unkempt hair; an appellation of Goddess Kali (কালী). ̃থেলো. a. untied, untrimmed; unkempt, undressed; dishevelled. ̃পাতাড়ি, ̃ধাবাড়ি a. without measure; unrestrained; unsystematic; haphazard; disorderly; continuous. adv. without measure; without restraint; unsystematically; haphazardly; in a disorderly manner; continuously. এলোপাতাড়ি মার a beating or drubbing without measure, a thrashing. এলোপাতাড়ি লড়াই a scuffle, a confused fight. ̃মেলো a. dishevelled, ruffled; incoherent or irrelevant; disorderly; desultory. এলোমেলো বলা v. to talk incoherently or irrelevantly. 110)
(p. 262) krama one of a series, a grade, order, sequence; procedure, a method, a form; a rule, a law, a directive; a syllabus (পাঠক্রম); succession (পর্যায়ক্রমে); a step or pace; course (কালক্রমে); a dilution (esp. of a Homoeopathic medicine). ক্রমণ n. act of pacing; act of walking, ambulation; act of going. ̃নিম্ন a. sloping downwards; declining or decreasing gradually; gradually lower or inferior. ̃নিম্নতা n. downward slope, declivity; gradual decline or decrease or descent; gradual lowness or inferiority. ̃পরিবর্তন n. gradual change. ̃পর্যায় n. grade or gradation. ̃বর্ধন n. gradual increase or development. ̃বর্ধমান a. increasing or developing gradually. ̃বর্ধিত a. increased or developed gradually. ̃বিকাশ n. gradual development, evolution. ̃বৃদ্ধি same as ক্রমবর্ধন । ̃ভঙ্গ n. break of continuity or serial order; disorder, confusion, jumble. ̃মাণ a. pacing or ambulating in a leisurely manner. ̃শ adv. gradually; seriatim. ̃সূক্ষ্ণ a. getting gradually thinner or subtler; tapering. ̃হ্রাসমান a. gradually decreasing or declining or waning; on the wave. ক্রমে ক্রমে same as ক্রমশ । 9)
(p. 293) gaḍ়baḍ় confusion, disorder, mess, muddle, disarray. 26)
(p. 296) ganḍagōla tumult, uproar; disturbance; disorder; complication; difficulty; hitch. গন্ডগোল করা v. to make a noise; to kick up a row; to create disorder. 24)
(p. 374) chakaḍ়ā-nakaḍ়ā utter disregard or neglect, utter disorder; utter waste or wastefulness. a. lying at sixes and sevens, lying pell-mell; utterly neglected or wasted. ছকড়া-নকড়া করা v. to waste by utter disregard or neglect; to waste utterly; to throw at sixes and sevens. 6)
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