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(p. 2) akṣi the eye. ̃কাচ n. lens. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গত a. lying within the range of vision; visible. ̃গোলক n. the eyeball. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা, ̃কূট n. the pupil of the eye, the apple of the eye. ̃পক্ষ্ম n. eyelash, cilium. ̃পট n. the retina. ̃পটল n. cataract of the eye. ̃পুট n. the eyelid. ̃বিকূর্ণন n. casting of a sidelong glance; squinting. ̃বিভ্রম n. optical illusion. ̃শালাক্য n. ophthalmic surgery. 98)
(p. 9) anḍa egg; either of the two scrotal glands, a testicle; anything round or oval-shaped. ̃কোষ n. the scrotum. ̃কোষ বৃদ্ধি, ̃বৃদ্ধি n. the swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele. অণ্ডজ a. born of an egg, oviparous. n. an oviparous creature. ̃লালা n. the white of an egg; albumen. অণ্ডাকার, অণ্ডাকৃতি a. egg-shaped, oval; round. অণ্ডাশয় n. the ovary of any oviparous creature. 131)
(p. 38) antḥsrābī endocrine. অন্তঃস্রাবী গ্রন্হি endocrine gland (also অন্তর্গ্রন্হি). 49)
(p. 48) apāṅga the outer corner of the eye; squint. ̃দৃষ্টি n. a glance from the outer corner of the eye; a side-glance; a stolen glance; an ogling or leering glance. 29)
(p. 90) ahṛṣṭa not pleased or glad, not delighted or happy. 103)
(p. 106) āḍ়ṣa5 squint, oblique (আড় চোখ); half (আড়পাগলা). আড় ভাঙা v. to straighten. আড় হওয়া v. to lie down obliquely; to recline. ̃চোখে চাহনি, ̃চাহনি sidelong look or glance. ̃বাঁশি n. a kind of flute usu. made of bamboo or reed. ̃ভাবে adv. crosswise; obliquely. ̃মোড়া, আড়ামোড়া n. straightening or stretching one's body and removing inertia or lethargy or weariness. 13)
(p. 107) ātaśikāca flint-glass, burning-glass. 16)
(p. 114) ānanda joy, delight; happiness; gladness, cheerfulness; pleasure; merriment. আনন্দ করা v. to rejoice; to make merry. ̃কর a. delightful; pleasant; gladdening. ̃কানন n. a delightful woodland or grove; a pleasure-grove. ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক a. causing joy; delightful; pleasant. ̃ন n. producing joy, delight etc. ̃বিহ্বল a. beside oneself with joy, overwhelmed with joy. ̃ময় a. full of joy, joyful; delightful; happy; cheerful; pleasant; merry. ̃ময়ী a. fem. of আনন্দময় । n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃লহরী n. a wave of delight; a musical instrument with one string held in one hand and played with a plectrum by the other. 2)
(p. 114) ānandita delighted; happy; glad; pleased; merry. আনন্দিত করা v. to delight; to gladden. আনন্দিত হওয়া v. to be delighted or pleased; to be happy. 4)
(p. 115) ābakhōrā a large drinking-glass or tall cup, a tumbler. 76)
(p. 118) ābhā glow; shine; lustre, glaze; beam; flash; tinge. ̃ময় a. full of glow, glowing; beaming; shining. 53)
(p. 122) āmōda delight; joy; gladness; merriment, amusement; festivity; fun; (rare) far-reaching fragrance, extremely sweet fragrance. ̃আহ্লাদ n. pl. rejoicings. আমোদআহ্লাদ করা v. to rejoice. আমোদ করা v. to express delight or joy; to make merry; to indulge in or enjoy amusement; to be festive; to make fun; to poke fun (at); to fill with fragrance. ̃জনক a. delightful; merry; amusing; funny. ̃ন n. amusing, amusement, recreation; perfuming. ̃প্রমোদ n. pl. amusements, recreations. আমোদপ্রমোদ করা v. to indulge in amusements. ̃প্রিয় see আমুদে । আমোদিত a. delighted; perfumed, scented. আমোদী a. delighted; jolly, sportive; sweet-scented. fem. আমোদিনী । 23)
(p. 123) āraśi a mirror, a looking glass; a speculum.
(p. 126) ālōkana seeing; casting a glance; observation; showing, demonstration. আলোকনীয় a. worth seeing; sightly. 84)
(p. 133) āhlāda delight, gladness, joy, coddling; indulgence. আহ্লাদ করা v. to express delight; to rejoice; to coddle, to fondle. আহ্লাদ দেওয়া v. to give indulgence. আহ্লাদিত a. delight, gladdened. আহ্লাদি a. fem. one who is spoilt by coddling and over-indulgence; one who likes to be coddled and indulged and feigns innocence. n. such a girl or woman. masc. আহ্লাদে । আহ্লাদে আটখানা beside oneself with joy. আহ্লাদে মাথায় চড়া to become impudent as a result of over-indulgence.
(p. 123) āẏanā a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum. 10)
(p. 136) iṃlyānḍa England. ইংল্যান্ডীয় a. of England; English. 9)
(p. 136) iṅgabaṅga (of the Bengali language as used by Bengali Anglomaniacs) having a ridiculous mixture of English and Bengali words, phrases, sentences etc.; (of the Bengali society or the people of Bengal) having a ridiculous mixture of what is English and what is Bengali in style, manner, language etc.; (of the people of Bengal) one who has visited England and has become an Anglomaniac. 19)
(p. 143) un̐ki a peep; a prying; a furtive glance. ̃ঝুঁকি n. (frequent or repeated) peeping and prying. উঁকিঝুঁকি মারা v. to peep and pry (frequently or repeatedly), to look and peer about inquisitively. উঁকি দেওয়া, উঁকি মারা v. to peep; to look shyly or furtively or surreptitiously; to begin to appear; to put in first appearance shyly or furtively. 6)
(p. 162) upacakṣu spectacles; glasses. 10)
(p. 164) upanētra spectacles, eyeglasses. 4)
(p. 168) uraja either of the two mammary glands in a woman, the female breast. 84)
(p. 168) urōja born of or produced from the breast. n. either of the two mammary glands in women, the female breast. 90)
(p. 168) ulasa (poet.) delight, joy; gladness; hilarity; merriment. 103)
(p. 168) ulasā to be delighted or gladdened. 104)
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