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growth দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akāla an inauspicious time; hard times; an unusual time (অকালের বর্ষা); premature time (অকালপক্ব); inappropriate time; (loos.) scarcity, famine. ̃কুষ্মাণ্ড n. a gourd grown at an unusual time; (fig.) a useless or stupid person. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born at an unusual time; untimely or prematurely born. ̃জলদোদয় untimely gathering of clouds. ̃পক্ক a. (of fruits) prematurely ripened; (of persons) precocious, pert. ̃পক্কতা n. premature ripeness; precocity, pertness. ̃বর্ষণ n. untimely rain. ̃বার্ধক্য n. premature ageing. ̃বৃদ্ধ a. gone old prematurely. ̃বোধন n. (myth.) untimely awakening of Goddess Durga by Ramachandra; (fig.) any untimely performance. ̃মরণ, ̃মৃত্যু n. premature death. 41)
(p. 9) ajāta not yet born; unborn; existing without being born; (dial.) socially degraded, born illegitimately, bastard. ̃শত্রু a. one whose enemy is not yet born; having no enemy. ̃শ্মশ্রু a. one whose beard has not yet grown; beardless; (fig.) not yet grown to manhood; very young, minor. 92)
(p. 9) ati too; over; beyond; improperly; going beyond; excessively; beyond the compass or range (of), outside. a. very improper or unbecoming; excessive; excellent (অতি নাগর). n. an improper or excessive amount (কিছুরই অতি ভালো নয়) pfx. ex-, extra-, hyper-, out-, over-, super-, sur-, trans-, ultra-. ̃কথা n. exaggerated or useless talk; a myth. ̃কায় a. of immense size; gigantic. ̃কোমল a. too soft, too tender; very tender or soft. ̃চার n. quick passage (from one place to another); passage or forward movement of a planet from one zodiacal sign to another in a shorter period than usual. ̃চালাক a. over-clever, too clever by half; oversmart. ̃চালাকের গলায় দড়ি an over-clever person hangs himself; the fox must pay his skin to the furrier. ̃জন n. the majority. ̃তপ্ত a. superheated. ̃তর a. very much excessive. ̃দর্প n. excessive pride or vanity. ̃দর্পে হতা (বা হত) লন্কা (lit.) the fall of Lanka was caused by (King Ravana's) excessive vanity; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃নাটকীয় a. melodramatic; unnecessarily over-dramatic. ̃নাটকীয়তা n. melodrama. ̃দূর a. far-away; remote. n. a great distance. ̃দৈন্য n. utmost poverty. ̃নৈতিকতা n. puritanism, rigid adherence to moral principle or behaviour. ̃পাতক n. any of the most heinous sins, a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী n. a great sinner. ̃পান n. (habitual) overindulgence in intoxicating liquor, intemperance. ̃প্রজতা n. overpopulation. ̃প্রাকৃত a. supernatural; supernal. ̃বড় a. too big; too much. ̃বল a. extremely strong or mighty. ̃বাড় n. overgrowth; unnatural growth or development; excessive haughtiness or pride; extreme immoderation or excess. ̃বাড় বাড়া v. to grow extremely haughty or arrogant. অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে প়ড়ে যাবে (lit.) don't grow too high lest a storm makes you tumble down; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃বাদ n. exaggeration. ̃বুদ্ধি same as অতিচালাক । ̃বৃদ্ধ a. very old; decrepit. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. overgrowth. ̃বৃষ্টি n. excessive or heavy rainfall. ̃বেগনি, ̃বেগুনি a. ultraviolet. ̃ব্যয় n. extravagance. ̃ব্যস্ত a. (usu. dero.) very busy; very anxious; fussy. ̃ভক্তি n. excessive devotion or reverence (usu. insincere). অতিভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ too much courtesy, too much craft. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ভোজন n. over-eating, surfeit; gluttony. অতিভোজন করা v. to overeat; to gourmandize, to gormandise. ̃ভোজী a. voracious, gourmand. n. a gourmand, a glutton. ̃মন্দা n. (comm.) slump. ̃মাত্র, ̃মাত্রায় adv. beyond measure; extremely. ̃মান n. excessive vanity. ̃মানব n. a great man or a man of exceptional uqalities and powers, a superman; a greatly wise man. ̃মানবিক, ̃মানুষিক a. superhuman; supernal; spiritual; divine. ̃রঞ্জন n. exaggeration. ̃রঞ্জিত a. exaggerated. ̃রথ n. a great warrior capable of fighting innumerable enemies simultaneously. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. extra-territorial. ̃লোভ n. too much greed, overgreediness. 145)
(p. 17) adhastana lying or situated or placed under; born or grown on a lower stratum; lower; inferior; lower subordinate (অধস্তন কর্মচারী) । অধস্তন পুরুষ n. a later generation; posterity. 57)
(p. 20) adhibardhana overgrowth. 11)
(p. 30) anutpanna unborn; not grown or produced. 48)
(p. 30) anudgata not come or sprung or grown out of, not bulbed, not protuberated; not projecting. অনুদ্গম n. not growing or springing, lack or absence of springing or sprouting. 65)
(p. 30) anudbhinna (of bulbaceous plants) not come or grown out of the soil, not bulbed; unsprouted; unprotuberant; unprotuberated ̃পক্ষ a. unfledged. ̃যৌবনা a. fem. one who has not yet attained full lustre of youth, not yet grown to womanhood; adolescent. 74)
(p. 30) anudbhūta not grown or born; not issued or resulted (from); not (yet) appeared. 75)
(p. 46) apariṇata not fully grown-up or developed, immature; embryonic; young, tender, green, raw, verdant. ̃বয়স্ক a. tender-aged, young; under-age, minor. fem. ̃বয়স্কা । ̃বুদ্ধি a. one whose intelligence or judgement has not yet attained maturity; childish, puerile, frivolous. ̃বুদ্ধি যুবক a greenhorn, a callow youth. 25)
(p. 63) abhisyanda exudation, oozing; flow, stream (as of water); abundance, excess, overgrowth. অভিস্যন্দী a. exuding, oozing; flowing, streaming, running; (of eyes) weeping; overgrown. 141)
(p. 73) ayatna lack of care or effort or attention or interest or cordiality; carelessness; neglect; indifference; slight. অযত্ন করা v. to neglect; to treat with indifference or slight. ̃কৃত a. done without care or effort; done with ease or spontaneity. ̃জাত a. born or grown spontaneously. ̃পালিত, ̃লালিত a. reared in neglect. ̃বিন্যস্ত a. placed indecorously or haphazardly. ̃রক্ষিত a. kept or maintained in neglect. ̃লব্ধ a. earned or attained without effort. ̃শীল a. effortless; neglectful. ̃সম্ভূত a. same as ̃জাত । অযত্নে adv. carelessly; negligently. 7)
(p. 73) araṇya wood, forest, jungle. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. grown in the forest. ̃জাত দ্রব্য forest products. ̃পাল n. ranger. ̃বাসী a. living in a wood. n. such a person; a forester, a bushman. ̃ময়, ̃সংকুল a. woody. অরণ্যানী n. a vast or extensive forest. অরণ্যায়ন n. afforestation. অরণ্যে রোদন করা v. to cry in the wilderness, to cry in vain. 43)
আউশ, আউস
(p. 95) āuśa, āusa (chiefly of paddy) ripening in the rainy season or in autumn; (loos.) ripening or growing early. 15)
(p. 99) ākālika grown or ripened out of season, untimely; short-lived, transient. 16)
(p. 99) ākāśa the sky, the firmament; the heavens. আকাশকুসুম n. a visionary project, a day-dream; a fool's paradise. ̃কুসুম কল্পনা করা v. (fig.) to build castles in the air. ̃গঙ্গা n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃চর a. living or moving in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃চিত্র n. a picture or photograph of the sky or any part of it. ̃চুম্বী a. touching the sky; sky-scraping, skykissing; very lofty. ̃চুম্বী অট্টালিকা a skyscraper. ̃ছোঁয়া a. touching the sky; (fig.) very lofty. ̃জাত a. born or grown in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. ̃তার n. (radio.) an aerial. আকাশ থেকে পড়া n. v. (fig.) to drop from the blue; to be struck with amazement. ̃দীপ same as আকাশপ্রদীপ । ̃দুহিতা, ̃নন্দিনী n. an echo. ̃পট n. the canvas or the expanse of the sky. ̃পথ n. an air route; an ethereal route. আকাশ পাতাল adv. everywhere; from heaven to the underworld; including everything. a. in a large degree, maximum, extreme (আকাশপাতাল প্রভেদ). আকাশ পাতাল ভাবা to be worried with numberless puzzling thoughts crowding pell-mell into one's mind. আকাশ পাতাল ভেবে না পাওয়া to be at a loss to think out. ̃প্রদীপ n. a light suspended from the top of a pole set up every evening by the Hindus during the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) in reverence to their deceased forefathers or gods. ̃প্রান্ত n. the border of the sky; the skyline; the horizon. ̃বাণী n. a celestial voice; a supernatural or divine voice from the sky; an oracle; radio broadcast; radio. ̃বিহার n. flying in the sky. ̃বৃত্তি n. the practice of somehow making both ends meet, casual subsistence; the state of having no ostensible means of living; fending for oneself in a resourceless condition. ̃ভ্রমণ same as আকাশবিহার । ̃মণ্ডল n. the (whole) expanse of the heavens, the sky, the firmament, the celestial sphere; the atmosphere. ̃যান n. an aircraft, an aeroplane, an airship; a balloon. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. of or in the sky, ethereal, aerial; heavenly, celestial; divine. আকাশে তোলা v. fig. to extol in disingenuous advertisement, to puff; to flatter with praise. 17)
(p. 123) āraṇya of or relating to a forest or forests; wild; sylvan; born or grown or living in forests. ̃ক a. wild; forestgrown; living in forests; sylvan. n. concluding section of the Brahmanas (ব্রাহ্মণ) which are parts of the Vedas; a person (esp. a saint of ancient India) living in forests; a forester, a forestdweller. 33)
(p. 126) āśbina the sixth month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of September to the middle of October). আশ্বিনে a. of or grown or produced in Aswin (আশ্বিন), occurring in Aswin (আশ্বিনে ঝড়). 125)
(p. 126) āṣāḍh় the third month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of June to the middle of July); (poet. & fig.) the monsoon. আষাঢ়ে a. of or in or during the month or Ashara (আষাঢ়); produced or growing or occurring in Ashara (আষাঢ়); false, fantastic. আষাঢ়ে গল্প a queer or fantastic tale, a cockand-bull story. 134)
(p. 143) ucakkā in the state of growing up or attaining maturity, adolescent (উচক্কা বয়স); sudden (উচক্কা ভয়). adv. suddenly. 23)
(p. 147) uṭhati rise, growth, development, flourish, increase. a. rising, growing, developing, flourishing, thriving, increasing. উঠতি অবস্হা flourishing stage. উঠতি পড়তি n. rise and fall; (comm.) boom and slump, fluctuation. উঠতি বয়স adolescence. উঠতির মুখ the first stage or beginning of rise or flourish or prosperity. 5)
(p. 147) uṭhanta rising; growing. উঠন্ত মুলো পত্তনে চেনা যায় (fig.) morning shows the day. 7)
উড়ি, উড়িধান
(p. 148) uḍ়i, uḍ়idhāna paddy grown in uncultivated land from seeds driven by wind. 3)
(p. 150) utthita one who has got up; risen; raised; rising; rising out (of); grown; produced; born; elevated; flourished; risen in rebellion; opposing. উত্থিত হওয়া v. to get up; to rise; to rise out (of); to grow; to be produced; to be born; to be elevated; to flourish; to rise in rebellion, to revolt; to stand in opposition, to oppose. উত্থিতি n. getting up; rising; rising out (of) or growing or being produced or being born; state of being elevated, elevation; flourish; rising in rebellion; standing in opposition. 82)
(p. 149) utpanna born; created; grown; made; produced; originated; sprung (from). উত্পন্ন হওয়া v. to be born; to be created; to grow; to be made; to be produced; to originate; to result (from). ̃দ্রব্য n. produce, product. মোট উত্পন্ন দ্রব্য total produce, output. ̃মতি a. having presence of mind, ready-witted. ̃মতিত্ব n. ready-wittedness. 22)
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