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settled দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 16) atiṣṭha unable to stay or keep steady; unsettled; restless; uneasy; irritated. (অতিষ্ঠ হওয়া).অতিষ্ঠ করা v. to make unsteady; to unsettle; to make restless or uneasy; to make unbearable; to annoy or irritate. 2)
(p. 20) adhiṣṭhita dwelling or living or staying; existent; present; settled; seated; present to guide and control; situated; holding (an office or a post); possessing, occupying; dwelt, inhabited; possessed, occupied. অধিষ্ঠিত হওয়া v. to live or dwell (in), to inhabit; to exist (in); to be present (in); to appear (in); to be present (in) to guide and control; to be seated or placed (in or upon); to be situated (in); to be established (in an office or a post); to be in possession or occupation of; (psy.) to inhere. 47)
(p. 24) anabashā lack of order, disorder; unsettled state, restlessness; (log.) a defect in argument caused by working back from one thing to another especially from effect to cause, a regress. 43)
(p. 24) anabashita restless; unsettled; fickle or unsteady; unstable; wavering. ̃চিত্ত a. of unsettled mind; unresolved in purpose; mentally wavering; changing one's mind every moment; fickleminded. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness. 44)
(p. 29) anirdiṣṭa not fixed or settled; uncertain; indefinite. অনির্দিষ্ট কালের জন্য sine die; for an indefinite period. 20)
(p. 29) anirdhārita not ascertained; unassessed; unfixed; not settled or decided. 22)
(p. 29) aniścita uncertain; indeterminate; unsettled; unfixed; indefinite; doubtful; dubious. ̃ভাবে adv. without certainty; indeterminately; settled or fixed condition; doubtful; hesitatingly. 30)
(p. 50) apratarkya that which cannot be settled by discussion or debate; beyond logic and reason; not to be disputed or called in question; undiscussable, undebatable. 21)
(p. 51) apratiṣṭha not settled or established; one who or that which is in an uncertain state or position; one who could not yet assert himself or come into the limelight; not renowned; obscure. অপ্রতিষ্ঠা n. uncertain state or position; obscurity. অপ্রতিষ্ঠিত same as অপ্রতিষ্ঠ and—(of institutions etc.) unfounded, unestablished. 8)
অবধারণ, অবধারণা
(p. 53) abadhāraṇa, abadhāraṇā determining, fixing or settling; determination, fixation, settlement; discernment; cognition. অবধারণ করা v. to determine, to fix, to settle, to appoint; to discern; to cognize. অবধারণীয় a. same as অবধার্য । 38)
(p. 53) abadhārita determined, fixed, settled, appointed; discerned; cognized; sure, certain, inevitable (জয় অবধারিত). 39)
(p. 53) abadhārya determinable, fixable; discernible; cognizable; determined, fixed, settled, appointed; discerned; cognized; sure, certain, inevitable. 40)
(p. 55) abadhūta2 determined, fixed, settled, appointed; discerned; cognized. 3)
(p. 63) abyabashita lacking in decision; unsteady, wavering; changeable, unsettled or unprincipled in action. ̃চিত্ত a. fickleminded. ̃চিত্ততা n. fickle-mindedness. 4)
(p. 107) āḍḍā a dwelling-place, a habitat; a haunt; a (fixed or permanent) meetingplace, a rendezvous; a place or institution for practising anything (গানের আ়ড্ডা); a club; a company of informal and friendly talkers, their meetingplace or talk; a place for assemblage, a station or stand (গাড়ির আ়ড্ডা). আড্ডা গাড়া v. to take up abode (usu. permanently) to settle. আড্ডা দেওয়া, আড্ডা মারা v. to join in an assembly of idle talkers; to indulge in informal and friendly talk with others. ̃ধারী n. the keeper or the chief person of a club; a regular clubgoer. ̃বাজ a. fond of indulging in idle talk with others or of haunting clubs where such talk is indulged in. 3)
(p. 115) āpōśa compromise. আপোশ করা v. to compromise, to strike out a compromise; to settle amicably. ̃রফা, ̃মীমাংসা n. amicable settlement, compromise. আপোশে adv. amicably; by arrangement. 60)
(p. 118) ābāda cultivation, tillage; cultivated land; land developed for agriculture; a human habitation; a settlement. আবাদি a. arable; fit for or developed for cultivation; cultivated. 23)
(p. 126) āryābarta upper or northern India where the ancient Aryans settled. 17)
(p. 136) iti end, termination, conclusion; completion; settlement; all this; such and such-like. adv. (chiefly used at the end of a correspondence) this is all (that the writer has got to say or write), here ends. ইতি করা v. to put an end to, to complete, to finish, to conclude; to settle up. ̃উতি adv. on this side and that, in this direction and that; on all sides, in all directions. ̃কর্তব্য, ̃কর্তব্যতা, ̃কর্তব্য জ্ঞান n. the decision that this is the right thing to do, decision about what is to be done. ̃কর্তব্যবিমূঢ়তা n. nonplus, bewilderment, confusion, quandary. ̃পূর্বে inc. but pop. form of ইতঃপূর্বে । ̃মধ্যে inc. but pop. form of ইতোমধ্যে । 38)
(p. 183) ēsapāra-ōsapāra a final decision or settlement (usu. ending in some loss); either good or bad consequence; either (complete) success or (utter) failure; either this or that. 116)
(p. 191) aupanibēśika colonial; settling in or settling up a colony, colonizing. n. a settler or an inhabitant of a colony. 15)
(p. 192) kaṅgrēsa an assembly of delegates, specialists etc. for discussion or settlement of problems; a congress; the legislature of the United States and some other American-type republics, the Congress; the Indian National Congress party, the Congress. কংগ্রেসি a. of or belonging to or following the Indian National Congress. n. a Congressman, a Congress worker. 7)
(p. 216) kān̐cā unripe, green (কাঁচা ফল); uncooked (কাঁচা মাংস); imperfectly boiled; raw (কাঁচা মাল); unburned (কাঁচা ইট); made of mud, not brick-built, cutcha (কাঁচা গাঁথনি); unmetalled (কাঁচা রাস্তা); tender, fresh, verdant (কাঁচা ঘাস); young (কাঁচা বয়স); immature (কাঁচা বুদ্ধি); unpractised (কাঁচা লেখা); faulty, defective, unskilful, unwise, bungling (কাঁচা কাজ); inexpert, unskilled (কাঁচা লোক); deficient, weak (অঙ্কে কাঁচা); uncertain, provisional, unreliable (কাঁচা রসিদ, কাঁচা কথা); primary, rough (কাঁচা খাতা); not fast, liable to fade or run (কাঁচা রং); pure, unadulterated (কাঁচা সোনা); black, not grey (কাঁচা চুল); untanned, raw (কাঁচা চামড়া); undried, unsunned, unseasoned (কাঁচা কাঠ); not according to or below the standard (কাঁচা ওজন); easy or cash (কাঁচা টাকা); not deep or sound, in the primary stage (কাঁচা ঘুম); that which has not yet been moved to the right place (কাঁচা ঘুঁটি). ̃গোল্লা n. a soft drop or round sweetmeat made of posset. ̃টে n. not thoroughly ripe or mature; rawish. ̃নো v. to undo (all that has been done); to undo all progress; to unsettle a settled thing (design, plan, scheme, work etc.); to send back to the original stage. ̃পাকা a. (of hair) partly black and partly grey, greying. ̃মাথা a greehorn's head; (fig.) immature judgment or intellect. ̃মাল raw material (for production of industrial goods); greengrocery (কাঁচামালের ব্যাপারী = greengrocer.) ̃মিঠে a. sweet in the unripe state (কাঁচামিঠে আম). 6)
(p. 226) kābilanāmā marriage settlement for a wife. 3)
(p. 234) kinārā border; edge (চোখের কিনারা); a bank or shore; outskirts (গ্রামের কিনারা, শহরের কিনারা, বাড়ির কিনারা); arrangements; remedy, measure, redress, removal, reparation (দুঃখের কিনারা, বিপদের কিনারা); solution (সমস্যার কিনারা); trace (হারানো টাকার কিনারা); solution or discovery or detection by investigation (চুরির কিনারা); decision, settlement (মোকদ্দমার কিনারা). কিনারা করা v. to arrange for; to make arrangements for the provision of; to remedy, to redress, to remove, to repair; to solve; to trace; to solve or discover or detect by investigation; to decide; to settle. নদীর কিনারা riverside, river-bank. পথের কিনারা roadside. মনের কিনারা depth of one's mind. সমুদ্রের কিনারা seaside, sea shore, coast. 24)
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