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words; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 2) akathana bad or abusive language; obscene words. a. unspeakable; indescribable. 6)
(p. 2) akāra the letter and the vowel sound অ; অকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with the letter অ. n. অ and other vowels. অকারাদিক্রমে adv. in the alphabetical order. অকারান্ত a. (of words) ending with the vowel sound অ. 37)
(p. 2) akṣara any of the letters of the alphabet; a syllable; (fig.) a symbolic letter. ̃জীবী, ̃জীবক n. a scribe; a copyist; a printer or compositor, a writer. ̃পরিচয় n. acquaintance with the alphabet; commencement of education; literacy; (fig.) elementary knowledge. ̃বিন্যাস n. the characteristic style of handwriting. ̃বৃত্ত n. (pros.) a system of versification in which the number of letters and not the sounds in a line is taken into account. ̃মালা n. the alphabet. ̃যোজক n. a compositor. অক্ষরীকরণ n. transliteration. অক্ষরে অক্ষরে to the letter, word for word. verbatim; (fig.) with strict exactitude, rigorously. 95)
(p. 7) agni fire; the fire-god; digestive power; hunger; burning; affliction (শোকাগ্নি). ̃কণা n. a spark. ̃কর্তা n.& a. one who performs the rite of singeing the mouth of the deceased at cremation. ˜কর্ম n. the rite of agnihotra (অগ্নিহোত্র); cremation of the dead. ̃কল্প a. fire-like; fiery; extremely hot; extremely severe or violent; terribly angry, furious. ̃কাণ্ড n. a great fire, a conflagration. ̃কুণ্ডু n. a pit in which a fire is made or a pit full of fire, a firepit; a furnace. ̃কোণ n. the south-east. ̃ক্রিয়া same as ̃কর্ম । ̃গর্ভ a. impregnated with fire, containing fire; fiery; impetuous (অগ্নিগর্ভ বক্তৃতা). ̃চূর্ণ, ̃চূর্ণক n. gun-powder, explosive substance. ̃জিতা n. fem. a woman who has passed successfully through an ordeal by fire. ̃তপ্ত a. heated with fire; as hot as fire. ̃তুল্য a. fire-like; fiery; furious. ̃দগ্ধ a. burnt; consumed by fire. ̃দাতা n. & a. one who sets fire to anything; one who singes the mouth of the dead at cremation. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. act of setting fire to; act of singeing the mouth of the dead at cremation. ̃দাহ n. a conflagration, combustion, the heat of fire. ̃দাহ্য a. combustible. ̃দীপক a. causing or promoting fire or hunger or digestion. ̃দীপ্ত a. illuminated or brightened with fire. ̃দেব, ̃দেবতা n. the god of fire, the firegod. ̃পক্ক a. cooked with fire; hardened in fire (অগ্নিপক্ক ইট). ̃পরীক্ষা n. an ordeal by fire (esp. the one which Sita of the Ramayana passed through); (fig.) a crucial test, an extremely dangerous or unsafe test (cp. baptism of fire). ̃প্রবেশ n. act of mounting or falling on a burning pyre. ̃প্রভ a. glowing as fire. ̃প্রভা n. glow of fire. ̃প্রস্তর n. flint. ̃বর্ণ a. red as fire; crimson. ̃বর্ধক a. promoting fire or hunger or digestion. ̃বাণ n. a fire-emitting mythical arrow. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. promotion or stimulation of appetite or digestion. ̃বৃষ্টি n. a shower of fire (esp. from the sky, instead of rain); a spell of scorching heat; discharge or firing of gun. ̃মন্ত্র n. any formula of words or spell that makes one determined to achieve an extremely difficult or dangerous end; the doctrine of revolution or terrorism. ̃মন্ত্রে দীক্ষা initiation in the cult of armed agitation or revolution. ̃ময় a. full of fire. ̃মান্দ্য n. loss of appetite; indigestion. ̃মূর্তি a. extremely angry or haughty, furious. n. furious appearance or state. ̃মূল্য a. extremely costly; unpurchasably dear. ̃যুগ n. the age or times of revolution. ̃শর্মা a. extremely angry, furious, livid with rage. n. a furious person, a spitfire. ̃শিখা n. the flame of fire, the flame. ̃শুদ্ধ a. purified by burning in fire; sanctified by undergoing rigorous penance. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification by burning in fire; sanctification by undergoing rigorous penance. ̃সংস্কার n. cremation by burning the dead. ̃সখ n. the wind. ̃সত্কার n. cremation by burning the dead. ̃সহ a. fire-proof. ̃সহ ইট fire-brick. ̃সহ মৃত্তিকা fire-clay. ̃সাত্ a. completely consumed by fire. ̃সেবন n. act of warming up oneself in the heat of fire. ̃স্ফুলিঙ্গ n. a spark. ̃হোত্র n. the Hindu rite of maintaining the sacred fire perpetually. ̃হোত্রী n. one who maintains the sacred fire perpetually and worships with it. 8)
(p. 9) ajanta (gr. of words) ending with a vowel sound. cf. opp. হলন্ত ending with a consonant sound. 82)
অধ্যাহার, অধ্যাহরণ
(p. 22) adhyāhāra, adhyāharaṇa (gr.) act of making a word or words elliptic; (gr.) an ellipsis; quotation. অধ্যাহার্য a. that which can be or should be omitted. 27)
(p. 30) anukāra imitation; making similar (to). অনুকার শব্দ n. an onomatopoeic word, an onomatopoeia. অনুকারী a. imitating, mimicking; imitative; making similar; similar; following after. n. an imitator, a mimic; a follower. 15)
(p. 30) anukta unspoken, untold, unuttered, unpronounced; not mentioned; not expressed, understood. ̃কর্তা n. (gr.) subject having third case-ending in the passive voice. ̃পূরণ n. act of supplying word or words in blank spaces, act of filling up gaps. 20)
(p. 30) anukrama serial order; sequence; systematic succession; a programme. ̃ণ n. going or coming after, following; recurrence, repetition. ̃ণিকা, ̃ণী n. (of a book) a preface, a foreword, a list of contents. অনুক্রমিক a. following the serial order; sequential. অনুক্রমে adv. in regular order of; sequentially, seriatim. 21)
(p. 34) anubandha start; outset; (of a question, point, motion etc.) moving or raising, introduction; relation; resolution; endeavour, effort, attempt; context, contextual connection; request; occasion; correlation; (gr.) any of the letters (esp. of suffixes) which are lost or dropped when added to words. অনুবন্ধী a. related, connected; (gr.) syntactically connected; inseparable; (geom.) conjugate; consequential; relevant. 8)
(p. 41) antya last, ultimate; final; extreme; inferior, base, low; remaining; born of a Shudra (শূদ্র) family. ̃জ a. low-born; base; mean. n. a low-born person; a low caste, a depressed class; one of the Shudra (শূদ্র) or the Chandala (চণ্ডাল) community. ̃বর্ণ n. the last letter of a word. 10)
(p. 41) anbaẏa succession; (gr.) sequence, syntax, word-order; family; relation; order, serial order; agreement, concord. অন্বয়ী a. related, connected; relating, connecting, agreeing, concordant. 19)
(p. 41) apabhraṃśa corrupted or incorrect form of a word; vulgar dialects descended from a classical language, incorrectness; corruption; perversion; vulgarization. 94)
(p. 48) apaśabda a grammatically incorrect word; a corrupt word; an obscene or vulgar word; a cant phrase; vulgar speech. 6)
(p. 53) abadya unspeakable, unutterable; unfit for utterance; disgraceful, base; (of words, expression etc.) in bad taste, vulgar. 35)
(p. 56) abācya unutterable, unspeakable; inexplicable; obscene, indecent. n. anything unutterable or unspeakable or inexplicable; obscene or indecent words; rude or vulgar speech. 58)
(p. 63) abyaẏa not expendable; inexhaustible; undecaying; imperishable; immortal; changeless, unchanging. n. the Absolute Being, God; (gr.) an indeclinable word (i. e. a preposition, conjunction or interjection). অব্যয়ীভাব n. (gr.) a system of forming a compound word by adding a noun to an indeclinable word. 10)
(p. 63) abhighāta a stroke, a blow, a hit, a hitting or striking back, a return blow; (gr.) a mark of emphasis on words. অভিঘাতী a. one who or that which strikes or hits or kills. n. a striker, an assailant; a killer; an enemy, an adversary, an antagonist. 58)
(p. 63) abhidhā an appellation, a name; a title; (gr.) the primary meaning of a word; (log.) the denotation of a word. ̃বৃত্তি n. the primary meaning or property of a word. 69)
(p. 63) abhidhēẏa one who or that which is to be named as; appellative; naming; (log.) denotative. n. an appellation, a name, a title; (gr.) the primary meaning of a word; (log.) the denotation of a word; the meaning (of a word) to be established or proved or verified. 71)
(p. 72) amṛta nectar, ambrosia, amrita; extremely sweet or delicious or invigorating food; a god (অমৃতের পুত্র); the abode of gods, heaven. a. nectarlike; extremely sweet or delicious or invigorating; ambrosial; immortal. ̃কল্প a. nectarlike, nectarine; ambrosial. ̃কুণ্ড n. the spring or well of nectar; a container of life-giving or invigorating element. ̃কুম্ভ n. the pitcher containing nectar. ̃তুল্য a. same as ̃কল্প । ̃ধারা n. a stream of nectar; an ambrosial stream. ̃নিস্যন্দী, ̃নিষ্যন্দী a. exuding or oozing nectar. ̃ফল n. the mango. ̃বর্ষী a. that which showers nectar. ̃বল্লী n. a medicinal plant. ̃বিন্দু n. a drop of nectar. ̃ভাষী a. one whose words are as sweet or delicious or invigorating as nectar; fair-spoken. ̃ময় a. full of nectar; extremely sweet or delicious or invigorating. ̃লোক n. the abode of the immortals, heaven. ̃স্রাবী a. same as ̃নিস্যন্দী । 9)
(p. 72) amla the sour taste; anything tasting sour; (path.) acidity caused by indigestion, waterbrash, heart-burn; (chem.) an acid. a. sour. ̃তা n. acidity; sourness. ̃পিত্ত n. acidity caused by biliary disturbance, acidity of the stomach, acidosis. ̃ফল, ̃বীজ n. the tamarind. ̃মধুর a. possessing a mixed taste of sour and sweet; (rhet. of words) sweet but acid and biting, sweet sounding but caustic. ̃মতি n. acidimetry. ̃রস n. the sour taste. 27)
(p. 75) artha1 meaning, import, significance; interpretation. অর্থ করা v. to give the meaning of; to interpret; to explain, to expound. ̃গৌরব n. weight or weightiness of significance; richness of import. ̃পূর্ণ a. meaningful, significant; signifying. ̃প্রদ a. conveying meaning; signifying. ̃বহ a. bearing some meaning, significant; suggestive. ̃বিচার n. consideration or determination of meaning. ̃বিদ a. conversant with the meaning of words; one who has insight into reality. n. such a person; a metaphysician, a philosopher. ̃বোধ n. realization of meaning. ̃ভেদ n. difference in interpretations; different interpretations; interpretation or explanation ('কৃপার শাস্ত্রের অর্থভেদ'). শূন্য a. meaningless, nonsense. অর্থশূন্য দৃষ্টি n. vacant look. ̃সংগতি n. consistency in meanings; appropriateness of meaning. ̃হানি n. misinterpretation; meaninglessness. ̃হীন a. same as অর্থশূন্য । 31)
(p. 80) aluka not subject to elision. n. absence of elision. ̃সমাস n. (gr.) a compound of words in which the first word does not drop its case-ending. 2)
(p. 80) alpa small in number or amount; a few; a little, a bit; short; of short duration, short-lived (অল্পজীবী); (gr.) unaspirated (অল্পপ্রাণ); illiberal, narrow (অল্পমতি); delicate (অল্পতনু); less than what is necessary or usual, insufficient, inadequate, scanty, poor. pro. a small number of persons or things. ̃ই adv. only a few, a little; but little; rarely, scarcely, seldom; insufficiently. অল্প অল্প করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; by degrees; gradually; slowly. ̃কাল, ̃ক্ষণ n. a short time, a short while. ̃কাল পরে, ̃কাল মধ্যে adv. shortly after, in a short time; before long. ̃চেতা a. narrow-minded; illiberal. ̃জীবী a. short lived. ̃জ্ঞ a. imperfectly educated, not knowledgeable; not erudite. ̃তম a. minimum. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. smallness in number or quantity; shortness; shortness of duration; illiberality, narrowness; insufficiency, inadequacy, shortage. ̃দর্শী a. lacking in foresight, short-sighted; imprudent; lacking in experience, inexperienced; narrow in outlook. ̃দর্শিতা n. want of foresight, short-sightedness; imprudence; want of experience,; narrowness of outlook. ̃ধী a. dull-witted, unintelligent. ̃প্রাণ a. short-lived; narrow-minded, illiberal, mean-minded; (gr.) unaspirated. ̃বয়সী, ̃বয়স্ক a. of tender age, young, minor. ̃বিদ্য a. possessing but a little learning; imperfectly educated. ̃বিদ্যা n. a little learning; imperfect education. অল্পবিদ্যা ভয়ংকরী a little learning is a dangerous thing. ̃বিস্তর adv. & a. more or less. ˜বুদ্ধি same as অল্পধী । ̃ভাষী a. of few words; reserved in speech; taciturn; reticent. ̃ভাষীতা n. taciturnity; reticence. ̃মতি a. meanminded. ̃মাত্র a. just a little. ̃মাত্রা n. a small dose or quantity. ̃মূল্য a. cheap. ̃মূল্যে adv. at a low price, cheaply. ̃শ adv. same as অল্প অল্প করে । ̃সংখ্যক a. a few, small in number. ̃স্বল্প a. a little, a bit; a few; not much or many; not frequent; temperate; moderate. 9)
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