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অলি২ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অলি২ : (p. 79) ali2 a guardian; a custodian; a trustee. 17)


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(p. 9) anḍa egg; either of the two scrotal glands, a testicle; anything round or oval-shaped. ̃কোষ n. the scrotum. ̃কোষ বৃদ্ধি, ̃বৃদ্ধি n. the swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele. অণ্ডজ a. born of an egg, oviparous. n. an oviparous creature. ̃লালা n. the white of an egg; albumen. অণ্ডাকার, অণ্ডাকৃতি a. egg-shaped, oval; round. অণ্ডাশয় n. the ovary of any oviparous creature. 131)
(p. 87) asamakakṣa unequal (esp. in strength); no match for. 2)
(p. 2) agaṇita (ori.) uncounted; (loss.) countless, innumerable, numberless. 116)
(p. 89) asāmya dissimilarity, incongruity; difference; inequality; disunity; disagreement.
(p. 41) apakka unripe, immature; unboiled; not thoroughly boiled, parboiled; uncooked. ̃তা n. unripeness, immaturity, unboiled or parboiled or uncooked state. 44)
(p. 2) akṣa any of the three long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing; a die; a kind of seed used as bead; (geog.) the axis of the equator; (geog.) latitude; (astr.) the angular distance of any star or planet from the solar orbit, the orbit of a heavenly body; (astrol.) the shape of the zodiac; (zoo.) the secand vertebra of the neck; an axle; a sense-organ (অধোক্ষজ). ̃ক n. the collar-bone, the clavicle; a dice player. ̃কর্ণ n. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ক্রীড়া n. game of dice; diceplay. ̃দণ্ড n. (geog.) the axis of the equator, the minor axis. ̃ধুরা n. the front portion of a wheel, an axis; the pole of a cart. ̃ধূর্ত n. an expert or clever dice-player. ̃পাটি n. any of the long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing. ̃বাট n. dice-board; arena for wrestling; wrestling ground; gymnasium. ̃বিচলন n. (astr.) nutation. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ, ̃বেত্তা a. versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice-game. n. a lawyer; a diplomat; an expert dice-player. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃সমান্তরাল n. (geog.) the parallels of latitude. ̃মালা, ̃সূত্র n. a string of beads, a rosary. ̃শক্তি n. the Axis Powers in the World War II. 88)
(p. 85) asambṛta not covered, uncovered; divested of clothing, undressed; bare; one whose garments are about to fall off one's body. fem. অসংবৃতা । 7)
(p. 90) asbīkārya unacceptable; inadmissible. 80)
(p. 87) asamiẏā an Assamese; the Assamese language. a. of or about Assam or its people or their language; born or produced in Assam; Assamese. 14)
(p. 56) abashāna-dharmaghaṭa stay-in-strike. 41)
(p. 73) ayācya var. of অযাচনীয় । 14)
(p. 17) adhikaraṇa anything that holds or contains; a container; a place; a vehicle or medium; proximity; a court of justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); domination; possession or occupation; (gr.) the locative case. 64)
অভিগম, অভিগমন
(p. 63) abhigama, abhigamana going towards or forward or near; approaching, accession; approach; approaching for the purpose of sexual intercourse; sexual intercourse; going forward (after leaving one's seat) to receive a visitor; obtainment, receipt; approaching for shelter or refuge; a shelter or refuge. অভিগমন করা v. to go towards or forward or near; to approach; to approach for the purpose of sexual intercourse; to have sexual intercourse with; to (leave one's seat and) go forward to receive a visitor; to approach for shelters or refuge; to take shelter or refuge in. অভিগম্য a. approachable for the purpose of taking shelter or refuge in; accessible, approachable. অভিগম্যতা n. accessibility. 54)
(p. 83) aṣṭāṅga the eight limbs of the body (namely, two hands, the breast or bosom, the forehead, two eyes, the throat or speech, and the backbone; or alternatively, two great toes, two knees, two hands, the breast and the nose); the eight systems of yoga. a. having eight branches or departments (অষ্টাঙ্গ আয়ুর্বেদ). 19)
(p. 72) amūlapratyakṣa (psy.) hallucination. 7)
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