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কুকুর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

কুকুর : (p. 238) kukura the dog. fem. কুকুরী the bitch. ̃কুণ্ডলী n. the manner of lying down in a coil as a dog. ̃কুণ্ডলী হওয়া v. to crouch or lie like a dog. ̃ছানা n. the puppy (of a dog), the pup. কুকুরে-গোঁ n. doggedness. কুকুরে-দাঁত n. the canine tooth (of a human being). কুকুরের ঘর বা বাসা a. kennel. যেমন কুকুর তেমনি মুগুর (fig.) the right whip for the right dog, condign punishment. 13)


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(p. 208) kaṣṭa grief, sorrow; trouble, difficulty; pain, suffering; labour, hard effort, toil (কষ্টার্জিত); hardship; want, privation. কষ্ট করা v. to labour hard, to endeavour laboriously, to toil; to take trouble, to take pains; to undergo hardships; to suffer. কষ্ট দেওয়া v. to give trouble, to put to difficulty; to put to inconvenience; to oppress, to cause suffering (to), to distress; to pain; to grieve. কষ্ট পাওয়া v. to get into trouble, to be in difficulty; to suffer (from); to be oppressed or distressed; to feel pain; to grieve (for, at); to be moved with pity or sympathy. ̃কর a. difficult, hard; troublesome; laborious, toilsome; painful; distressing; oppressive, vexatious. ̃কল্পনা n. a far-fetched or forced or laboured concept or thought. ̃কল্পিত a. far-fetched, forced. ̃দায়ক same as কষ্টকর । ̃ভোগ n. suffering. কষ্টভোগ করা v. to suffer. ̃সহ, ̃সহিষ্ণু a. painstaking; able to undergo hardships, inured to hardships. ̃সাধ্য same as কষ্টকর । 112)
(p. 192) kaṃsāri (myth.) the slayer of the notorious king Kamsa (কংস); an appellation of Krishna (ক়ৃষ্ণ). 12)
(p. 251) kṛṣṭa ploughed, tilled, cultivated; attracted. কৃষ্টি n. ploughing, tillage, cultivation; culture. 18)
(p. 203) kamiśanāra designation of several high public officials (such as, the Divisional Commissioner, the Food Commissioner etc.); a member of a municipal board, a commissioner. 25)
কালে ভদ্রে
(p. 232) kālē bhadrē rarely; seldom, once in a while, once in a blue moon; occasionally, now and then. 29)
(p. 234) kiẏat a small amount or number of, a little, a few. ̃কাল n. a short while. 35)
কাকলি, কাকলী
(p. 217) kākali, kākalī a low sweet and indistinct murmur or chirping. 18)
(p. 240) kunikā a unit of dry measure of rice, pigeon-pulses etc.; a vessel for measuring this amount. 53)
(p. 226) kāmarāṅā an edible sour fruit, averrhoa carambola. 16)
(p. 262) klōma (anat.) the gall-bladder; the kidney; the lung. ̃নালিকা n. (anat.) the wind-pipe. ̃শাখা n. (anat.) the bronchus. 59)
(p. 208) kalpa2 one of the principal and most ancient Hindu scriptures forming a part of the Vedic literature (also কল্পসূত্র); one whole day of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা) amounting to 432, years (কল্পান্তে); universal annihilation; a scriptural direction (নবম্যাদি কল্প); a ritual rule or a holy time (কল্পারম্ভ); object, aim (রক্ষাকল্পে); resolution (দৃঢ়কল্প); a side or party (মুখ্যকল্প). ̃তরু, ̃দ্রুম, ̃বৃক্ষ n. a (mythological) wishing-tree; (fig.) an extremely liberal and generous person. ̃লতা n. a paradisiacal creeper. ̃লোক n. a fancied land where everything is good and available, a dreamland, a Utopia, Elysium. কল্পান্ত n. end or termination of one whole day of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); universal annihilation. কল্পান্তর n. another whole day and night of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). কল্পান্তস্হায়ী a. everlasting, eternal. কল্পারম্ভ n. beginning or commencement of a day of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); commencement of a holy tide. 87)
(p. 256) kōm̐stā a scrubbing brush. 16)
(p. 194) kaṇṭhi a necklace of the twigs of holy basil worn by Vaishnavas. কণ্ঠি ছেঁড়া to cast out a person from the Vaishnava sect. ̃ধারণ n. initiation into Vaishnavism; act of wearing the holy basil-necklace. ̃ধারী a. wearing a holy basil-necklace. n. a Vaishnava. ̃বদল n. the Vaishnava system of marriage in which the bridegroom and the bride exchange the holy basil-necklaces. 73)
(p. 192) kakṣāntara another room. 19)
(p. 216) kān̐cakalā a species of plantain which is chiefly used in its green state; (joc.) nothing. আদায় কাঁচকলায় adv. & a. at loggerheads with, at daggers drawn. 3)
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