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কুফল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

কুফল : (p. 243) kuphala a bad result or consequence or effect; harmful effect. 5)


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(p. 261) kyāmērā a camera. 25)
(p. 231) kālamāhātmya influence of the age or time; the distinctive quality of an age. 21)
(p. 243) kulakṣaṇa an inauspicious sign or mark; a bad omen. a. having an inauspicious sign or mark (esp. on one's person); illomened. fem. কুলক্ষণা । কুলক্ষণ দেখানো v. to forebode or presage ill. 70)
(p. 192) kacalānō to wring, to squeeze; to rub; (rare.) to higgle. 34)
(p. 226) kābuli of Kabul or Afghanistan. n. a native of Kabul or Afghanistan, an Afghan. ̃ওয়ালা n. same as কাবুলি (n.). 5)
(p. 261) kauśala dexterity, skill, artistry; an artifice, a device, an expedient; a trick, a deceptive artifice or make-believe, a stratagem. কৌশল করা v. to devise means; to devise; to play a trick (with or upon); to deceive cleverly or artfully. কৌশলে, ̃ক্রমে adv. artfully; tactfully; by means of a trick or a stratagem, craftily. কৌশলী a. dexterous, skilful; crafty, wily, artful, tricky. 7)
(p. 220) kāṭarā a wooden room or stall; a small wooden enclosure, a box, a dock (সাক্ষীর কাটরা); a mart, a market-place. 24)
(p. 194) kanṭrōla control; a shop or place where controlled or specified goods are sold at a scheduled price (কনট্রোলে যাওয়া). 123)
(p. 251) kṛṣṇa (myth.) an incarnation of God Vishnu or Narayana (নারায়ণ), Krishna who was one of the chief characters of the Mahabharata. a. black or deepblue or dark-complexioned (কৃষ্ণকায়, কৃষ্ণমেঘ); dark, gloomy (কৃষ্ণরাত্রি). কৃষ্ণ পাওয়া v. (usu. sarcas.) to have access to the eternal and celestial company of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) after one's death; to die. ̃কলি n. a flower-plant; its flower. ̃কায় a. dark-complexioned. ̃চন্দন n. the white Sandalwood, Santalum album. ̃চূড়া n. a flowering shrub; its red-coloured flower. ̃জীরে, ̃জীরক n. the black cummin. ̃তা n. blackness. ̃তিথি n. any of the lunar days of the dark fortnight. ̃পক্ষ n. the dark fortnight. ̃পক্ষীয় a. of the dark fortnight. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. access to the eternal and celestial company of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); death. ̃বর্ণ a. black, dark-coloured. n. black or dark colour. ̃বর্ত্মা n. fire; (myth. & astro.) the dragon's head, the ascending node. ˜ভক্ত a. devoted to Lord Krishna. n. a devotee of Lord Krishna. ̃মুগ n. a black variety of pigeon-pulse. ̃যাত্রা n. any of the openair dramatic performances enacting the life and activities of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃লোহিত a. & n. purple. ˜লৌহ n. a magnet. ̃সর্প n. a venomous black snake, the krait. ̃সার, ̃শার n. the antelope. ̃সারথি n. Arjuna (অর্জুন) of whom Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) is the charioteer as told in the Mahabharata. ̃সীস n. graphite, black lead. কৃষ্ণা a. fem. dark complexioned. n. a name of Draupadi (দ্রৌপদী) of the Mahabharata. কৃষ্ণাঙ্গ n. the black-skinned; the black people. a. black-skinned. opp. শ্বেতাঙ্গ । কৃষ্ণাগুরু same as কৃষ্ণচন্দন । কৃষ্ণাজিন n. skin of an antelope. কৃষ্ণাভ a. blackish; bluish; darkish. কৃষ্ণাষ্টমী n. the birth-day of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); the eighth lunar day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র). 19)
(p. 262) krīḍ়māna engaged in playing or in exhibiting a show. 30)
করপাল, করবাল
(p. 204) karapāla, karabāla a sword, a scimitar. 37)
(p. 217) kām̐sā bell metal. কাঁসারি n. a brazier. 15)
(p. 206) karṇikā an ornament for the ear, an earring; a seed-vessel of lotus; a stalk, a stem; a pen. 30)
(p. 194) kaḍ়i1 a snail-like gastropod resembling a miniature conch, a cowrie; a cowrie-shell (formerly) used as a coin of the smallest denomination; a coin of the smallest denomination (cp. a stiver); money. কানাকড়ি a coin of the smallest denomination which is useless as a medium of exchange; (fig.) of no value, quite ineffective. 49)
(p. 208) kalama3 a pen. কলম কাটা, কলম বাড়া v. to mend a pen. কলম চালানো v. to wield a pen; to write. ̃দান, ̃দানি n. a small tray or stand for keeping pens, a pencase, a pen-stand. কলম পেশা v. (dero.) to work as a clerk. কলমপেশা n. clerkship; quill-driving, pen-pushing. a. clerical. ̃বাজ n. (dero.) an expert writer. ̃বাজি n. (dero.) useless writing. কলমের এক খোঁচায় with a stroke of the pen. 55)
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