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গ্লান এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গ্লান : (p. 327) glāna wearied, tired; exhausted, fatigued; unhealthy; filthy, dirty; disreputed, disreputable, shameful; upbraided, slandered, accused (falsely); mortified. ̃যান n. an ambulance car. 38)


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গাহ, গাহন১
(p. 308) gāha, gāhana1 act of bathing by dipping the whole body in the water of a pond, river, sea etc.; immersion. গাহন করা v. to bathe. 36)
(p. 321) gōpana hiding, concealment; secrecy. a. hidden, concealed, confidential, private, secret, unrevealed, mysterious. গোপন করা v. to hide, to conceal; to keep secret; to keep back (সত্য গোপন করা) গোপন থাকা v. to remain hidden or concealed or unrevealed; to remain secret. গোপন রাখা v. to keep secret or unrevealed; to keep one's own or another's counsel. গোপন আলোচনা a confidential conference; a close-door conference, a conference in camera. গোপন কথা a secret; a mystery; a confidential matter or report; a private or confidential talk; a close-door conference, a conference in camera. ̃তা n. secrecy; privacy. গোপনীয় a. that which should be kept secret or kept back; confidential, private; secret. গোপনে adv. secretly; privately, confidentially; in concealment. গোপনে থাকা v. to be in hiding or concealment; to hide; to be in secret. গোপনে রাখা v. to keep hidden or concealed; to hide; to keep in hiding. 27)
(p. 293) gaḍ়imasi wilful or habitual delay, procrastination, dilatoriness. গড়িমসি করা v. to delay wilfully or habitually, to procrastinate, dilly-dally; to be dilatory. 35)
(p. 327) grāmya of or relating to a village; born or produced in a village; found or available in a village; living in a village; rural; rustic; (esp. of words and speech) vulgar. ̃তা n. rusticity; (esp. of words and speech) vulgarity. ̃ধর্ম n. sexual intercourse (esp.) with one's wife. ̃মৃগ n. a (village) dog. 26)
(p. 301) gardabha the ass; (in reproof or taunts) an utter fool. fem. গর্দভী । গর্দভ রাগিণী n. (ridi.) the intolerably harsh voice of a bad singer. 7)
(p. 314) gōn̐ḍ় a roundish exterior protuberance of the umbilical cord; a tumorous growth. 106)
(p. 327) grahaṇa1 taking or receiving (ভিক্ষাগ্রহণ); holding (হস্তগ্রহণ); assuming (ছদ্মবেশ গ্রহণ); adoption (সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ); reception (অতিথিকে সাদরে গ্রহণ); acceptance (নিমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ); comprehension, realization (রচনার অর্থগ্রহণ); drinking or eating (জলগ্রহণ, অন্নগ্রহণ); taking in (শ্বাসগ্রহণ); act of inhaling (গন্ধগ্রহণ). গ্রহণ করা v. to take, to receive; to hold; to assume; to adopt; to accept; to comprehend, to realize; to drink or eat; to take in; to inhale. ̃ক্ষম a. receptive. ̃ক্ষমতা, ̃শক্তি n. receptive power or capacity. 6)
(p. 311) guṇāntara another quality or property, a different quality or virtue. 48)
(p. 301) gāōẏā3 to sing; to chant; to sing in praise; to praise. a. that has been sung (গাওয়া গান). ̃নো v. to cause to sing. 54)
(p. 293) gajānō to sprout; to originate; to evolve; to grow. a. sprouted; originated; evolved, grown. 3)
(p. 321) gōlālō roundish. 96)
(p. 314) gula1 powder of burnt tobacco (this is applied to teeth and the gum or used as a dentifrice); a kind of small balls prepared by mixing and drying cowdung, mud and coal-powder together (used as fuel). গুল দেওয়া v. to make small balls of cowdung, mud and coal-powder mixed together and dry them in the sun; to apply powder of burnt tobacco (to one's teeth and gum). 32)
গলদা, গলদা-চিংড়ি
(p. 301) galadā, galadā-ciṇḍ়i the lobster. 28)
(p. 311) guṇāṅka (phys.) a coefficient. 42)
(p. 321) gōẏēndā a spy, a sleuth; a detective. ̃কাহিনি n. a detective story. ̃গিরি n. espionage, spying. গোয়েন্দা পুলিস n. the detective police. 70)
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