(p. 329) ghara a house, a building; a dwelling, a residence, an abode, a home; a shrine, a temple (ঠাকুরঘর); a room, a compartment, an apartment (পড়ার ঘর); one's own family (ঘরের লোক); a family (দুশো ঘরের বাস); descent, lineage (স্বঘর, হাঘর); a groove, a pocket (ছাপার টাইপের ঘর); a hole (বোতামের ঘর = a button-hole); (of machines etc.) a button, a reed (হারমোনিয়ামে 'সা'-এর ঘর); a rectangle or a square (ঘর কাটা); a place, a space, a side, a division, a column etc. (খরচের ঘর). ঘর আলো করা v. to beautify or edify a house (esp. with one's personal charm); to bring joy or glory or pride to a family. ̃করনা, ̃কন্না n. (usu. of a woman) housekeeping, household duties; domestic science; the life and duties of a housewife; housewifery. ঘরকরনা করা, ঘরকন্না করা v. (usu. of a woman) to keep a house for, to act as a housewife (সে শান্তিতে ঘরকন্না করছে); to perform household duties; to be a housewife. ঘর করা v. to build a house; to act as a wife or mistress to (স্বামী নিয়ে ঘর করা); to act as a housewife, to do housekeeping (সে দেওরদের ঘর করছে); to lead the life of a housewife (কীসের জন্য আর ঘর করা); (of men) to live as a householder, to live as a family man (স্ত্রীপুত্র নিয়ে ঘর করা). ঘর কাটা v. to divide into or draw separate spaces, columns, squares, rectangles etc. ̃কাটা a. divided into separate spaces, columns, squares, rectangles etc. ̃কুনো a. homekeeping, shy of company. n. a home-bird. ̃কুনোমি n. home-keeping nature. ঘর গড়া v. to build one's house or home, to set up one's residence; to establish one's family. ঘর ঘর adv. to or at every door, from door to door; to every family or house (বঙ্গের ঘর-ঘর). ̃ছাড়া a. one who has renounced hearth and home or has taken to asceticism (ঘরছাড়া সন্ন্যাসী); away from home, living abroad (ঘরছাড়া জীবন); revolting against the domestic life (ঘরছাড়া মন). ̃জামাই n. a man who lives in his father-in-law's family at the latter's cost. ̃জোড়া a. occupying the whole space of a room; crowding or over-crowding a room; making a family or house charming and delightful by one's presence (ঘরজোড়া নাতি-নাতনি). ঘর জ্বালানো v. to set fire to a house or dwelling, to commit arson; (fig.) to destroy the peace and happiness of a family; (fig.) to ruin a family. ̃জ্বালানে a. (fig.) one who or that which destroys the peace and happiness of a family; (fig.) one who or that which ruins a family. fem. ঘরজ্বালানি । ঘর তোলা v. to build a house or room (esp. a residential one). ঘর-পর n. one's own people and others. ঘরপাতা v. to settle down to a married life. ̃পোড়া a. one whose house or dwelling has been burnt down; that which burns down a house or dwelling. n. an appellation of Hanuman (হনুমান) who set fire to Lanka (লঙ্কা); an incendiary or saboteur. ঘরপোড়া গোরু সিঁদুরে মেঘ দেখে ডরায় a burnt child dreads the fire. ঘরপোড়া বুদ্ধি a thought or plan that harms oneself or one's own family or side. ̃পোষা a. domestic, tame. ̃বর n. one's husband and his house or family. ̃বসত n. act of dwelling or residing (ঘরবসত করা); a dwelling, a homestead; act of going to live with the husband permanently (generally said of childwives). ঘর বাঁধা v. to build a house or dwelling; to settle, to colonize. ̃বার করা v. to go out of doors and come indoors alternately and repeatedly (esp. in anxiety). ঘর ভাঙা v. to pull down or demolish a house or room (esp. a residential one); to cause internal strife through instigation; to cause to lose one's aristocracy through matrimonial alliance with an inferior family. ঘর ভাঙানো v. to cause to pull down or demolish a house or room; to cause internal strife through instigation; to cause to lose one's purity of blood through matrimonial alliance with an inferior family. ঘর-ভাঙানে a. one who or that which causes internal strife through instigation. fem. ঘরভাঙানি । ̃মুখো a. homeward; homing. ঘরসংসার. same as ঘরকরনা । ̃সন্ধান n. act of prying into a family or party to find out any of its weak points by means of which internal dissension may be caused. ̃সন্ধানী a. praying into a family or party to find out any of its weak points by means of which internal dissension may be caused. ঘরে আগুন দেওয়া same as ঘর জ্বালানো । ঘরে-পরে, ঘরে-বাইরে adv. out of doors and within; at home and abroad. ঘরের কথা the secret of a family or a party. ঘরের শত্রু one who is an enemy to his own family or party, one who betrays his own family or party. ঘরের শত্রু বিভীষণ one whose activities and behaviour do a lot of harm to the family; a quisling (see গৃহশত্রু বিভীষণ). 51)