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দিন১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দিন১ : (p. 499) dina1 a day (in all senses); the time of light from sunrise to sunset; twenty-four hours from one sunrise to the next; a sidereal day; (astr. & astrol.) a lunar day; daily working period or hours; a length of time, a period (দীর্ঘদিন); time of existence, duration of life (তার দিন ফুরিয়েছে); an age or a point of time (সেদিন আর নেই); time (আমার দিন কাটে না); an auspicious or favourable time (যদি দিন আসে). দিন কাটানো same as দিন যাপন করাদিন গোনা v. (fig.) to look forward to eagerly (esp. for a long time). ̃কর n. the sun. ̃কল n. present time or times (দিনকাল বড় খারাপ). ̃ক্ষণ n. (astrol.) suitability or auspiciousness of a day for doing something. ̃ক্ষণ n. a conjunction of three lunar days in one sidereal day. ̃ক্ষেপ, ̃ক্ষেপণ same as দিনযাপন̃গত a. pertaining to a day; daily, diurnal. দিনগত পাপক্ষয় (lit. but rare) sacramental and other purifications prescribed for the daily life; (pop. & dero.) the routine drudgery or monotonous toil of daily life. ˜দগ্ধা n. (astrol.) an inauspicious day for doing anything. দিন দিন adv. day by day; gradually; everyday, daily. ̃দুপুরে adv. in broad daylight. ̃নাথ ̃পতি n. the sun. ̃পঞ্জি n. day-to-day record of events, a diary. ̃পঞ্জিকার n. a diarist. ̃পত্রী n. a daily journal, a diary. ̃পাত same as দিনযাপন̃ভর adv. all day long, throughout the day. ̃মজুর n. a day-labourer. ̃মণি n. the sun. ̃মান n. the time of light from sunrise to sunset, daytime. দিন মাইনে n. daily wage. ̃যাপন n. spending a day. দিনযাপন করা v. to spend one's days, to pass one's time, to lead a life; to spend a day. ̃রাত n. day and night. adv. at all hours of the day and night, constantly, always. ̃লিপি n. a diary. ̃শেষ n. close or end of a day, the evening. দিনাতিপাত করা v. spend days. দিনে-ডাকাতি robbery in broad daylight; (fig.) an extremely daring villainy or misdeed. দিনকে রাত করা (fig.) to exaggerate beyond recognition; to tell a downright lie. দিনে দিনে day by day, gradually. দিনেদুপুরে more pop. var. of দিনদুপুরেদিনের আলো the light of the day, daylight. দিনের নাগাল পাওয়া to be in sight of better days. 15)


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(p. 505) duniẏā the earth, the world; the universe. ̃দার a. worldly; worldlyminded; self-seeking; having vested interest. ̃দারি n. worldliness; worldlymindedness; act of seeking self-interest; worldly life. 8)
(p. 500) dīpaka radiating; illuminating, illuminative; inflaming; enkindling; enlightening; inspiring, rousing, exciting, excitant; revealing, displaying, exhibiting; beautifying, embellishing. n. a lamp ('রঘুকুল দীপক'); a musical mode (দীপক রাগিণী). 27)
(p. 485) dā1 a heavy knife or chopper with a haft. দা-কাটা a. (chiefly of tobacco) chopped fine or minced with the aforesaid knife. দা-কুমড়ো সম্পর্ক relationship as between a chopper and a pumpkin; (fig.) deadly or inveterate enmity; implacable antagonism. 100)
(p. 492) dāgi bearing a darkish stain or spot of rottenness (দাগি আম); branded (দাগি লোক); previously convicted (দাগি আসামি). 19)
(p. 508) duścēṣṭā an attempt to accomplish an impossible task; a desperate attempt; an impossible or futile or unjustifiable attempt. দুশ্চেষ্টিত a. attempting to accomplish an impossible task; attempting desperately; making an impossible or futile or unjustifiable attempt. 59)
(p. 507) durjana wicked; villainous; roguish. দুর্জন ব্যক্তি n. a wicked person; a villain; a rogue. 25)
(p. 485) darśana seeing or noticing or viewing; observation; meeting, interview (দর্শনপ্রার্থী); a visit or visitation; seeing or visiting in order to pay homage (দেবদর্শন, তীর্থদর্শন, রাজদর্শন); knowledge or experience (ভূয়োদর্শন); an eye; sight, the faculty of seeing; vision, perception (দর্শনশক্তি); appearance (কুদর্শন); philosophy (দর্শনশাস্ত্র); science (জীবদর্শন); a mirror, a lookingglass. দর্শন করা v. to see, to behold, to notice, to espy, to view, to look at; to observe; to meet, to interview; to pay a visit; to visit; to see or visit in order to pay homage; to experience; to perceive. দর্শন দেওয়া v. to put in an appearance; to come into view; to grant an interview; to give audience; to meet. দর্শন পাওয়া v. to be granted an interview; to be given an interview; to be given an audience; to meet; to catch sight of. প্রথম দর্শনে at first sight. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of seeing. ̃দারি, ̃ডালি, ̃ডারি n. consideration of outward show or beauty. a. good-looking. দর্শনার্থী a. visitor, a caller. a. one who has come to visit. দর্শনী n. a fee or contribution paid on visiting a shrine etc.; a physician's fee; the price of a ticket of a cinema, theatre, circus, exhibition, match, athletic bout etc. দর্শনীয় a. worth seeing, good-looking; beautiful; conspicuous. দর্শনেন্দ্রিয় n. the sense of sight; the visual organ; an eye. 56)
(p. 485) daragā (Mus.) a mausoleum of a holy saint. 26)
(p. 485) dalila a deed; a document; an evidential document; a piece of evidence. 69)
(p. 522) druma a tree. ̃দল n. leaves of trees. 112)
(p. 522) dyulōka heaven; the region of heaven. 91)
(p. 508) durdharṣa difficult to vanquish or capture or conquer; difficult to bear or suffer; very powerful or turbulent. 2)
দম্পতি, দম্পতী
(p. 485) dampati, dampatī a husband and a wife, a male and a female creature, a couple. 10)
(p. 508) durlabha difficult to obtain or procure or attain; rare, scarce; extremely costly or dear. 46)
(p. 492) dātabya that which is to be or can be given; charitable (দাতব্য চিকিত্সালয় = a charitable dispensary, দাতব্য প্রতিষ্ঠান, দাতব্যখানা = a charitable institution, দাতব্য বিদ্যালয় = a free school). n. (coll.) charity, munificence (তোমার যে বড় দাতব্য). দাতব্য করা v. (coll.) to give (away) in charity. 23)
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