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ভায়রা, ভায়রাভাই এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভায়রা, ভায়রাভাই : (p. 813) bhāẏarā, bhāẏarābhāi the husband of one's wife's sister, a brother-in-law. 17)


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(p. 823) bhōktabya edible, eatable; enjoyable; (facet.) sufferable. 31)
(p. 808) bhāgya fate, fortune, luck, destiny; chance; good fortune, good luck. ̃ক্রমে adv. fortunately, luckily; by chance. ̃গণনা n. fortune-telling. ভাগ্যগণনা করা v. to foretell or tell one's fortune. ̃গণনাকারী n. a fortune-teller, an astrologer. ̃গুণে adv. by dint of one's good fortune; (often ironically) as one's fate would have it; because of one's ill fate. ̃চক্র n. the wheel of fortune; everchangeful fortune. ̃দেবতা n. the god or goddess of fortune or destiny, Destiny, (cp.) the Fates. fem. ̃দেবী । ̃দোষে adv. through bad luck, unfortunately, as ill luck would have it. ̃নিয়ন্তা same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃পরীক্ষা n. a trial of luck. ভাগ্য পরীক্ষা করা v. to try one's luck. ̃পুরুষ same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃ফল n. one's destiny; astrological reading of one's fortune. ̃বতী fem. of ̃বান । ̃বন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃বল n. strength of one's good fortune; fortune's favour. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. ̃বান a. fortunate, lucky. ̃বিড়ম্বনা n. bad or ill luck; misfortune; reverses of fate. ̃বিধাতা n. the divine ordainer of fortune or destiny, Destiny. fem. ̃বিধাত্রী । ̃বিপর্যয় n. reverses of fortune; reversal of fortune; misfortune. ̃মন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃লিখন, ̃লিপি n. one's foreordained fortune (esp. as supposed to have been written on one's forehead by the god of destiny). ̃হীন a. unfortunate, luckless, ill-fated, unlucky. fem. ̃হীনা । ভাগ্যি n. dial. corrup. of ভাগ্য । int. expressing: it is fortunate that, luckily (ভাগ্যি তুমি এলে). ভাগ্যিস int. same as ভাগ্যি (int.). ভাগ্যোদয় n. dawning of one's good fortune. 42)
(p. 816) bhikṣuka a beggar, a mendicant, a beggarman, an alms-man; a humble petitioner. ̃রমনী n. an alms-woman, a beggarwoman. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. the beggardom. 14)
(p. 823) bhōgā1 cheating or swindling; deceiving or hoaxing. ভোগা দেওয়া v. to cheat, to swindle; to deceive, to hoax. 35)
(p. 813) bhābuka capable of or given to thinking or imagining, thoughtful or imaginative; capable of appreciation, appreciative; capable of forming original concepts, conceptive. ̃তা n. thoughtfulness; contemplativeness; imaginativeness; appreciativeness. 5)
ভাতুড়িয়া, ভাতুড়ে
(p. 810) bhātuḍ়iẏā, bhātuḍ়ē dependant on others for maintenance. 28)
(p. 819) bhuḍ়bhuḍ় denoting: noise of effervescence. ভুড়ভুড় করা v. to effervesce. ভুড়ভুড়ানি, ভুড়ভুড়ি n. effervescence. 4)
(p. 808) bhāgī1 (poet.) fortunate. n. (poet.) fortune. 37)
(p. 825) bhōgī one who enjoys; one who suffers or sustains; one who possesses and uses something as one's own; one who enjoys sensual or earthly pleasures; one nourished with milk and honey. 5)
(p. 813) bhāśura an elder brother or counsinbrother of one's husband, a brother-in-law. ̃ঝি n. a daughter of such a brother-in-law. ̃পো n. a son of an aforesaid brother-in-law. 39)
ভূপ, ভূপতি, ভূপাল
(p. 820) bhūpa, bhūpati, bhūpāla a king. 9)
(p. 826) bhōlānātha (fig.) an utterly forgetful person; Shiva (শিব). 5)
(p. 823) bhōn̐daḍ় the otter, the civet-cat. 26)
(p. 802) bharasā reliance, confidence, trust; faith; a prop, support; a shelter, a refuge; hope, expectation; strength or dependence (কোন ভরসার চাকরি ছাড়লে). ভরসা করা v. to rely on; to hope, to expect; to depend on. ভরসা থাকা v. to have reliance on or confidence; to have a hope, to have expectation. ভরসা দেওয়া v. to promise support or help; to encourage; to assure. 78)
(p. 816) bhita foundation, base; plinth; a wall; direction, side, a point of the compass (চারিভিতে). 22)
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