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যত্১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

যত্১ : (p. 887) yat1 an Indian musical measure. 13)


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(p. 890) yā2 what, which, that (যা গেছে তা যাক). যা-কিছু pro. whatever; something; everything. যা থাকে বরাতে come what may. যা-হোক however; anything (যা হোক একটা কিছু). 12)
(p. 894) yudhiṣṭhira capable of retaining mental calm during war. n. Yudhishthira, the eldest son of Pandu (পাণ্ডু). 10)
(p. 896) yōni the female genital passage, the vagina; a place of origin, a source (কমলাযোনি); birth or racial origin (দেবযোনি). 26)
(p. 895) yuyutsu desirous of fighting or war, bellicose; pugnacious. 3)
(p. 895) yēna & con. as, like; as if; so that; that (প্রার্থনা করি যেন সুখী হও); taking care that (টাকা হারায় না যেন); accepting that or supposing that (তাই যেন হল); I am failing to recollect just now (কী যেন নাম). কী যেন তাকে বল what do you call him or her. কী যেন তার নাম what's his (or her or its) name. যেন-তেন প্রকারে, যেন-তেন প্রকারেণ somehow; by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul; negligently or perfunctorily. 12)
(p. 890) yuga a period of twelve years; any one of the four mythological aeons or ages (namely সত্য, ত্রেতা, দ্বাপর and কলি); an aeon; an age; an era; an epoch; times (যুগের হাওয়া); (fig.) a great length of time (চুল বাঁধতেই এক যুগ গেল); a yoke; a pair (পদযুগ); a unit of lineal measure equal to four cubits. ̃ক্ষয় same as যুগান্ত । ̃ধর্ম n. the spirit of the times or age, zeitgeist; the trend of the times or age; (loos.) characteristics of the age or times. ̃ধর্মপালন n. adopting or following the trends of the age. ̃ন্ধর n. the pole to which a yoke is fixed; (fig.) the person who represents the spirit of an age. ̃প্রবর্তক n. the maker of an age or epoch. ̃সন্ধি n. transition of an age. ̃সন্ধিকাল n. the transition period. ̃সন্ধিকালীন a. transitional. যুগান্ত n. the end of an age; a universal dissolution causing the world to be created anew; a great radical revolution bringing in a new era. যুগান্তকারী a. epoch-making. যুগান্তর n. a different age; a new age; an epoch-making revolution. যুগাবতার n. the divine incarnation of the age; an epoch-making divine incarnation; the greatest teacher or preceptor of the age. যুগোপযোগী a. fitting the age or times; suitable to or befitting the age; obedient to the age or times; time-befitting. 55)
(p. 890) yuktākṣara (gr.) a compound or conjunct letter. 53)
(p. 889) yabanī of যবন । 17)
(p. 890) yama2 the Hindu God of death (cp. Pluto.); (fig.) death (যম ঘনানো); an annihilator, a destroyer, an antidote (ম্যালেরিয়ার যম). যমে ধরা v. to die; to be at death's door, to be in the jaws of death; to be seized with a ruinous intention; to undertake a death-dealing venture. যমের অরুচি even repugnant to Yama (যম) or death; an utterly repugnant person. যমের বা়ড়ি same as যমালয় । ̃জয়ী a. one who has conquered death; immortal; deathless. ̃জাঙ্গাল n. the Milky Way, the Galaxy. ̃দণ্ড n. the sceptre of Yama যম; Death's rod; (fig.) death-like mortification. ̃দূত n. a messenger of Yama যম; a summoner of death; (fig.) a person of horrible or forbidding appearance, a messenger carrying a horrible message. ̃দ্বার n. the court of Yama (যম); death's door, gates of death or hell; (fig.) death. যমদ্বারে (যমের দুয়ারে) যাওয়া v. to die, to meet one's death; to be killed. ̃দ্বিতীয়া same as ভ্রাতৃদ্বিতীয়া (see ভ্রাতৃ). ̃নী n. fem. the wife of Yama (যম). ̃পুকুর n. a vow observed by unmarried Hindu girls. ̃পুরী same as যমালয় । ̃যন্ত্রণা n. deathagony; (fig.) deathly or terrible affliction. ̃রাজ n. King Yama (যম) the lord of death. 2)
(p. 896) yōginī (myth.) any one of the sixty-four female attendants of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a female ascetic or yogi; a woman who practises ardently (কর্মযোগিনী); (astr. & astrol.) a particular conjunction of stars (পশ্চিমে যোগিনী). 11)
(p. 889) yama1 restraint, continence; concentration of the mind in service of or in meditation on God.
(p. 890) yamaka twin-born, twin; (bot.) connate. n. a twin, twins; a connate leaf; (rhet.) analogue, pun. 3)
(p. 887) yakhana when; whilst; whereas; because, as, since. ̃ই adv. & con. whenever, as soon (as), no sooner (than). ˜কার a. of a particular or specified time. যখনকার যা তখনকার তা (fig.) every work has its own time, everything must be done in its own proper time. ̃তখন adv. in time or out of time; in season or out of season; (much too) frequently (and often vexatiously); at any hour or time. যখন যেমন তখন তেমন suitable for the occasion; seasonable, (cp.) do in Rome as the Romans do. 9)
(p. 895) yē & con. who, which, that. □ con. that (বলছি যে আজ বাড়ি যাব). a. that which (যে ছোকড়া, যে বিষয়). int. expressing doubt or uncertainty (কী যে হবে); cause (বেলা যে গেল, বাড়ি চলো); interrogation or inquiry (খেললি না যে); reproof (মিথ্যা বললি যে); drawing of attention or attachment of importance (দুঃখে বুক ফাটে যে); amazement (অত পড়ে ফেল করল যে) ; disgust (আবার বৃষ্টি এলো যে); warning (ছুটে চলো-ট্রেন ছাড়ল যে); acceptance (যে আজ্ঞা). যে অবধি since when; up to which time, till when. যে আজ্ঞা all right, sir; as you please, sir; that's right, sir. যে কটি all the small number that, the few. যে কারণে for which reason, wherefore, why. যে কালে whilst, when. যে কে সেই pro. & a. as before, the same. যে কেউ whoever; anybody; any one. যে কোনোজন, যে কোনোটি any one. যে কোনো স্হানে anywhere; anywhere and everywhere; everywhere. যেটুকু pro. a. & con. all the small amount or degree or extent that, the little. যে দিন the day which or when; which day. যে পর্যন্ত up to which; up to which time; till. যে যে all who; all which. যে সে pro. any man in the street, Tom Dick or Harry; anybody whoever; anybody and everybody; anybody; everybody. a. ordinary, commonplace, humdrum. 8)
(p. 889) yabanikā a screen, a curtain; a drop-curtain, a drop-scene, a drop. যবনিকা উত্তোলন করা v. to draw the curtain; to raise the drop; (fig.) to reveal, to disclose. ̃পতন, ̃পাত n. drop of a curtain between the acts or at the end of a play; (fig.) termination or shelving (of an affair). যবনিকার অন্তরালে behind the curtain, in camera. 16)
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