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যুগ্ম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

যুগ্ম : (p. 894) yugma a pair, a couple. a. joint (যুগ্মসম্পাদক); (math.) even (যুগ্ম সংখ্যা). 4)


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(p. 887) yata as many or as much (যত এলো তত গেল); all whatsoever (যত নষ্টের গোড়া); the more, the more (যত দেখবে তত মজবে). ̃ই emphatic form of যত । ̃কাল adv. & con. as long (as), so long. ˜কিছু pro. & a. whatever, whatsoever. ˜ক্ষণ same as ̃কাল । যতক্ষণ না until, till. ̃খানি adv. & con. as much (as); as long (as); as far (as); as many (as). ̃গুলি, ̃গুলো adv. & con. as many (as). ˜টা same as ̃খানি । ̃দিন adv. & con. as many days (as); as long (as); so long. ̃দূর adv. & con. as far (as). ˜বার adv. & con. as many times (as); as often (as). যত নষ্টের গোড়া the root of all evils or mischiefs. যত বড় মুখ নয় তত বড়ো কথা (fig.) an audacious utterance or remark.
(p. 887) yakhana when; whilst; whereas; because, as, since. ̃ই adv. & con. whenever, as soon (as), no sooner (than). ˜কার a. of a particular or specified time. যখনকার যা তখনকার তা (fig.) every work has its own time, everything must be done in its own proper time. ̃তখন adv. in time or out of time; in season or out of season; (much too) frequently (and often vexatiously); at any hour or time. যখন যেমন তখন তেমন suitable for the occasion; seasonable, (cp.) do in Rome as the Romans do. 9)
(p. 896) yōgāsīna seated in yogic meditation. fem. যোগাসীনা । 10)
(p. 888) yathārtha right; correct; accurate; exact; genuine; authentic; true; actual; proper. 8)
যাচন২, যাচনা
(p. 890) yācana2, yācanā act of asking (for), prayer, petition; begging; solicitation; volunteering. যাচনা করা v. to ask or pray (for); to beg; to solicit; to volunteer, to offer. যাচিত a. asked or prayed for; begged; solicited. 16)
(p. 887) yakṣiṇī of যক্ষ । 7)
(p. 889) yabē when. 20)
(p. 888) yathēṣṭa as much or as many as one desires. a. enough, sufficient; abundant; profuse. 9)
যিশু, জিশু
(p. 890) yiśu, jiśu Jesus (Christ). 50)
(p. 890) yātrā going; setting out on a journey; commencement of a journey (যাত্রা শুভ); a solemn ceremony performed on the eve of a journey in order to make the journey favourable (usu. যাত্রানুষ্ঠান); movement, a journey or voyage or flight; leaving, departure (ট্রেনের যাত্রার সময়); (chiefly in Christ.) exodus; passing, career (জীবনযাত্রা); maintenance (সংসারযাত্রা); a religious ceremony, a festival (দোলযাত্রা); an open-air (usu. rural) opera or dramatic performance (যাত্রাগান); a time, an occasion. (এ যাত্রা বেঁচে গেলাম). যাত্রা করা v. to set out on a journey, to set out for; to start on a journey; to leave, to depart; to perform a solemn ceremony on the eve of a journey to make the journey favourable; to act in an oper-air opera; to stage an open-air opera or drama. যাত্রার অধিকারী n. the proprietor (who is also the manager and chief director) of an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার দল an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার প্রাক্কালে on the eve of departure. এ যাত্রা on this occasion, this time. ̃গান n. an open-air opera or drama; an open-air opera performance; a song contained in an open-air opera. ̃পুস্তক n. (Christ.) the Exodus. যাত্রিণী fem. of যাত্রী । যাত্রীবাহী a. carrying passengers. যাত্রীবাহী জাহাজ a passengership. যাত্রী a. carrying or transporting passengers (যাত্রীনৌকা). n. a goer; a traveller, a passenger. 26)
(p. 890) yuktākṣara (gr.) a compound or conjunct letter. 53)
(p. 890) yājñika one who performs a religious sacrifice; a priest; a ritualist. a. sacrificial, ritual. 23)
(p. 890) yāthāyathya correctness; propriety; exactness, exactitude. 27)
(p. 894) yuddha a war, a battle, a fight; an engagement, an encounter, a combat; a tournament, a contest; struggle (অনেক যুদ্ধ করে সনেটটি লিখেছি). যুদ্ধ করা v. to fight, to battle, to war; to wage war; to encounter, to combat; to contend; to struggle, to strive hard. যুদ্ধে নামা v. to join the war; to declare war. এলোমেলো যুদ্ধ a skirmish. হাতাহাতি যুদ্ধ a battleroyal. ̃ঋণ n. a war-debt or war-loan. ̃কালীন a. wartime. ̃কুশল a. skilled in warfare; warlike, military, martial. ̃কৌশল n. military tactics; art of warfare; strategics. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a battlefield. ̃জয় n. victory in war, victory. ̃জয়ী a. victorious in war, victorious. যুদ্ধজয়ী ব্যক্তি n. a victor in war, a victor, a victorious person. ̃জাহাজ n. warship, a man-of-war, a battleship. ̃নাদ n. a war-cry. যুদ্ধং দেহি ভাব bellicosity, militancy; pugnacity. ̃নিপুণ same as ̃কুশল । ̃নীতি n. rules and regulations of war; tactics of war; war policy. ̃পটু same as ̃কুশল । ̃প্রিয় a. bellicose. warlike. ̃বন্দি n. prisoner of war. ̃বাজ a. bellicose; encouraging war. যুদ্ধবাজ ব্যক্তি n. a warmonger, (cp.) a hawk. ̃বিগ্রহ n. hostilities and warfare. ̃বিদ্যা n. art of warfare; military tactics, strategics. ̃বিধ্বস্ত a. wartorn. ̃বিভাগ n. the War Department, the Defence Department; the War Office. ̃বিরতি n. truce, armistice, the cessation or stopping of fighting for a time, cease fire. ̃বিশারদ same as ̃কুশল । ̃যাত্রা n. a military expedition; a going out to war. ̃রীতি same as ̃নীতি । ̃শান্তি, ̃শেষ n. end or cessation of war or hostilities, peace, armistice. ̃সজ্জা n. equipage for war; armament; a military dress, (cp.) a battledress. ̃সাধ n. desire to fight. ̃স্হল n. a battlefield. যুদ্ধাবসান same as ̃শান্তি । যুদ্ধার্থ adv. for war. to fight. যুদ্ধার্থী a. desirous of fighting; on the point of fighting; militant. যুদ্ধোদ্যম n. preparation for war. যুদ্ধোন্মত্ত a. warneurotic; frenziedly fighting. যুদ্ধোন্মাদ a. crazy for war; bellicose; war-neurotic. n. craze for war, (cp.) bellicosity; war-neurosis. যুদ্ধোন্মুখ a. ready for war, on the war-path. যুদ্ধোপকরণ n. war materials, requisites for war; arms and amunition. 9)
(p. 896) yauna vaginal; biogenetic; sexual (যৌনসংগম); venereal (যৌনব্যাধি) । কর্মী n. a sex worker. তা n. sexuality. ̃ক্ষমতা n. sexual power. ̃দুর্বলতা n. sexual debility; impotence. ̃রোগ n. sexual disease; syphilis or gonorrhoea. ̃সংগম n. sexual union, copulation, sexual intercourse. 33)
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