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সুধা১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সুধা১ : (p. 1017) sudhā1 nectar, ambrosia; moonlight; lime. সুধা ঢালা v. to pour nectar; (fig.) to sweeten, to please, to flatter, to console. সুধাংশু, ̃কর n. the moon. ̃ধবল a. white as moonlight. ̃ধবলিত a. treated with a lime-wash, whitewashed. ̃পাত্র n. a container or receptacle of nectar; a cup or goblet for drinking nectar, an ambrosial cup. ̃বর্ষণ বা ̃বৃষ্টি করা v. to shower or rain or sprinkle nectar; (of the moon) to scatter moonlight; (fig.) to please, to flatter, to console. ̃বর্ষী a. showering nectar; (fig.) pleasing or flattering or consoling. ̃ভান্ড same as ̃পাত্র̃ময় a. full of nectar; ambrosial, nectared; (fig.) very sweet or pleasing or flattering or consoling; (fig.— of a person) very well-behaved and charming. fem. ̃ময়ী̃মাখা a. filled with or soaked in nectar, nectarine; delicious; very sweet. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সিন্ধু n. (myth.) the sea of nectar, the ambrosial sea. ̃সিক্ত a. soaked with nectar; (fig.) very sweet or pleasant. 11)


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(p. 980) saparibārē with one's family, en famille. 20)
(p. 1007) sāri2 a row, a line; a range; a column; a series ̃বন্দি a. arranged in a row or line, aligned, alined; arrayed. সারি-সারি adv. in rows, in lines; serially. 58)
(p. 963) sannamana compression. 63)
(p. 963) saṅkṣipta summarized, condensed; shortened, abridged; abbreviated; curtailed; reduced; brief, short. সংক্ষিপ্ত করা same as সংক্ষেপ করা । সংক্ষিপ্ত বিচার n. a summary trial. ̃সার n. a summary, an abstract, a précis, a synopsis. 33)
(p. 1027) skhalita fallen; shed; detached, come off; loosened; slipped off; slipped; stumbled; guilty of a lapse, mistaken; erred; erring; gone astray; aberrated; stuttering or mumbling; uttered unguardedly and unintentionally. স্খলিত হওয়া v. to fall; to be shed; to come off, to get detached, to get loose, to loosen; to slip off; to lose one's footing, to slip; to stumble; to go astray, to aberrate; to be uttered unguardedly and unintentionally; to slip from one's mouth. ̃কন্ঠ a. stuttering or mumbling. ̃চরণ a. stumbled; stumbling. স্খলিতা a. fem. of স্খলিত । n. a fallen woman. 58)
(p. 1038) sbīkārya acknowledgeable, admissible; to be recognized or admitted; fit to be confessed or owned; acceptable. n. (geom.) a postulate. ̃রূপে adv. admittedly. 42)
(p. 990) sampādikā of সম্পাদক । 28)
(p. 980) samajhānō to understand; to appreciate; to feel; to deliberate; (loos.) to sympathize (with) or have consideration (for); (loos.) to be careful or cautious (সমঝে চলা); to make one understand or appreciate or feel; (sarcas.) to warn or scold or chastise. 90)
(p. 974) sadātmā good-souled, honest, virtuous, righteous. 55)
(p. 999) sām̐pi the roundish part at the front of the stocks into which the neck of a beast is put for immolation; a ferrule. 48)
স্পন্দ, স্পন্দন
(p. 1032) spanda, spandana beating or throbbing (esp. at regular intervals), pulsation, palpitation; a beat; quivering; shaking or tremor (esp. mild); (mech.) vibration. নাড়ির স্পন্দন pulsebeat. নেত্রস্পন্দন n. quivering of eyelids. ̃রহিত, ̃হীন a. motionless; not beating; still. স্পন্দিত a. beating, throbbing, pulsating, palpitating; throbbed, pulsated, quivering; shaking, quaking; quivered; shaken, quaked; vibrating; vibrated. স্পন্দিত হওয়া v. to beat, to throb, to pulsate, to palpitate; to quiver; to shake; to vibrate. 24)
(p. 980) sapasapa indicating thorough wetness; sound of eating quickly (with a lisping noise); repeated whanging noise (সপসপ করে চাবুক মারা). 21)
(p. 972) sañcarita moved; circulated; roamed; blown. সঞ্চরিত হওয়া v. same as সঞ্চরণ করা । 32)
(p. 999) sān̐ṭā to fix or attach esp. tightly; to hold firmly, to grip (সেঁটে ধরা); (facet.) to gormandize, to gorge oneself with. ̃নো v. to eat voraciously, to gorge oneself with, to eat greedily. 43)
(p. 999) sājānō to dress and embellish; to decorate; to dress and lay artistically (বাগান সাজানো); to dress (another) so as to give a false appearance, to disguise, to cause to pretend to be; to dress (an actor or actress); to cause to take up the role of; to equip; (of a ship etc.) to fit out; to cause to process (an intoxicant etc.) for inhaling or chewing or smoking (কলকে সাজানো); to place in order (মালপত্র সাজানো); (of an army etc.) to array; to fabricate, to concoct, to cook, to get up (মামলা সাজানো). a. dressed and embellished; decorated, disguised; artistically laid and dressed; fabricated, got-up; concocted. 71)
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